Patterns Included:
Shell Tie Back, Mesh Lace Chair Set, Lamp Shade, Filet Tie Back with Tassel, Shell Stitch Oval Chair Set, Luncheon or Tea Cloth, Reticella Motif for Luncheon Set, California Rose Inset for Luncheon Set, Cocktail Napkin, Windmill Bedspread, Pillow Case Insertion, Shell Stitch Dresser Set, Reticella Motif for Towel, Monkeyface Lace Edging, Lattice Lace Edging, New Mile-a-Minute Edging, Chain and Shell Edging, Pointed Filet Edging, Shell Scallop Edging, Stool Cover, Bath Mat, Bone Ring Mat, Flower Filet Luncheon Set, Square Doily with Crochet Inset, Lace Doily, Doily with Two-Colored Mesh Edging, Linen Center with Crocheted Edge, Sunday Night Supper Set, Luncheon Set in Colored Linen, Pearl Point Tapestry, Bathroom Rug with Fringe.