Designed for knitting with Beehive Baby Wool Patonised, this dainty set features easy-fitting raglan sleeves in the jacket and pretty eyelet hems on each piece. To be sure of complete satisfaction with your knitting, use the wool specified in these instructions. You will need:—3 ozs. for the Set (3 pieces). If made separately, the Jacket requires 2 ozs. Bonnet 1 oz. Bootees 1 oz. Two No. 10 Queen Bee Knitting Needles. One Medium Crochet Hook. 4 yds. Ribbon. Five Safety Pins. There is a Jacket and Bonnet of similar design in Beehive Book No. 50A and a 3 piece Set in Beehive Book No. 65.
MEASUREMENTS: Jacket—Width all round at underarm 18 ins. Length from top of shoulder ins. Sleeve seam 5 ins. Bonnet—Width all round at face edge 11½ ins. Depth 6 ins.
Tension: 8 sts. and 10 rows = l inch.
Check tension—see patternbook page.
For Washing Instructions—see patternbook page.
BORDER PATTERN: 1st row: K1. * Wl.fwd. K2tog. Repeat from * to end of row.
2nd and alternate rows: K1. Purl to last st. K1.
3rd row: Knit.
5th row: K1. *Wl.fwd. K2tog. K3. Sl.1. K1. p.s.s.o. Wl.fwd. K1. Repeat from * to end of row.
7th row: K2. *Wl.fwd. K2tog. K1. Sl.1. K1. p.s.s.o. Wl.fwd. K3. Repeat from * to last 7 sts. Wl.fwd. K2tog. K1. Sl.1. K1. p.s.s.o. Wl.fwd. K2.
9th row: K3. *Wl.fwd. K3tog. Wl.fwd. K5. Repeat from * to last 6 sts. Wl.fwd. K3tog. Wl.fwd. K3.
11th row: K2. *Sl.1. K1. p.s.s.o. Wl.fwd. K1. Wl.fwd. K2tog. K3. Repeat from * to last 7 sts. Sl.1. K1. p.s.s.o. Wl.fwd. K1. Wl.fwd. K2tog. K2.
13th row: K1. *Sl.1. K1. p.s.s.o. Wl.fwd. K3. Wl.fwd. K2tog. K1. Repeat from * to end of row.
15th row: K2tog. * Wl.fwd. K5. Wl.fwd. K3tog. Repeat from * to last 7 sts. Wl.fwd. K5. Wl.fwd. K2tog.
17th row: Knit.
19th row: K1. * Wl.fwd. K2tog. Repeat from * to end of row.
20th row: K1. Purl to last st. K1. These 20 rows complete the border pattern.
The Jacket is worked in one piece to armholes.
Cast on 145 sts.
Before proceeding, please read "Important Information" on page 8.
1st row: Knit.
2nd row: Inc. 1. st. in 1st. st. Purl to last 2 sts. Inc. 1. st. in next st. K1.
Repeat 1st. and 2nd rows twice more. (151 sts. on needle).
7th row: K1. *Wl.fwd. K2tog. Repeat from * to end of row.
8th row: K2tog. Purl to last 2 sts. K2tog.
9th row: Knit. Repeat 8th and 9th rows twice.
14th row: K1. Purl to last st. K1. (145 sts. on needle). These 14 rows complete the hem which is turned under on the 7th row to make the picot edge.
Work Border Pattern once.
Continue even in Stocking st. until work measures 6½ ins. from cast-on edge ending with purl row.
To make Right Front: K35. K2tog. for armhole. Turn. Leave remaining sts. on spare needle.
Working on these 36 sts. dec. 1. st. at armhole edge every row to 22 sts. on needle, then every alternate row to 9 sts. on needle ending with knit row. Break wool. Leave these 9 sts. on a safety pin.
To make Back: With right side of work facing, join wool to sts. on spare needle. K2tog. K67. K2tog. Leave remaining sts. on spare needle.
Working on these 69 sts. dec. 1. st. each end of needle every row to 41 sts. on needle, then every alternate row to 15 sts. on needle ending with knit row. Break wool. Leave these 15 sts. on a safety pin.
To make Left Front: With right side of work facing, join wool to sts. on spare needle. K2tog. K35. Working on these 36 sts. continue to correspond to Right Front being careful to have armhole shaping for opposite side.
RIGHT SLEEVE: Cast on 43 sts.
**Work 6 rows Stocking st. ending with purl row.
7th row: K1. *Wl.fwd. K2tog. Repeat from * to end of row. Beginning with purl row, work 7 rows Stocking st. thus making hem.**
15th row: K1. *Inc. 1.st. in next st. K6. Repeat from * to end of row. (49 sts. on needle).
16th row: K1. Purl to last st. K1.
17th row: K1. *Wl.fwd. K2tog. Repeat from * to end of row.
18th row: K1. Purl to last st. K1.
19th row: K1. *Inc. 1.st. in next st. K5. Repeat from * to end of row. (57 sts. on needle).
20th row: K1. Purl to last st. K1.
Work 5th to 15th rows inclusive of Border Pattern.
Next row: Inc. 1.st. in 1st. st. Purl to last 2 sts. Inc. 1.st. in next st. K1. (59 sts. on needle).
Work 17th to 20th rows inclusive of Border Pattern.
Continue even in Stocking st. until sleeve measures 5½ ins. from cast-on edge ending with purl row.
Dec. 1.st. each end of needle on next and every alternate row to 17 sts. on needle ending with knit row.
Next row: K1. P8. Turn. K9. Break wool. Leave these 17 sts. on a safety pin.
LEFT SLEEVE: Work exactly as given for Right Sleeve to 17 sts. on needle but ending with purl row.
Next row: K9. Turn. P8. K1. Break wool. Leave these 17 sts. on a safety pin.
NECKBAND: With right side of work facing, join wool at Right Front edge. Knit the 9 sts. of Right Front, 17 sts. of Right Sleeve, 15 sts. of Back, 17 sts. of Left Sleeve, 9 sts. of Left Front. (67 sts. on needle). Proceed:—
1st row: K1. Purl to last st. K1.
2nd row: (eyelets for ribbon). K2. *Wl.fwd. K2tog. Repeat from * to last st. K1.
3rd row: K1. Purl to last st. K1.
4th row: Knit.
***5th row: Inc. 1.st. in 1st. st. Purl to last 2 sts. Inc. 1.st. in next st. K1.
6th row: Knit. Repeat 5th and 6th rows once then 5th row once.
10th row: K1. *Wl.fwd. K2tog. Repeat from * to end of row.
11th row: K2tog. Purl to last 2 sts. K2tog.
12th row: Knit. Repeat 11th and 12th rows once, then 11th row once. Cast off.***
HEM FOR RIGHT FRONT: With right side of work facing, join wool in 13th row from cast-on edge. Pick up and knit 61 sts. along Right Front edge ending at 4th row of Neckband. Work from *** to *** as given for Neckband.
Beginning at 4th row of Neckband, work hem for Left Front to correspond.
TO MAKE UP: Press pieces carefully. Sew sleeve seams and sew in sleeves. Sew shaped corners of hems together to form miters. Fold hems under at eyelet row and sew in position. Thread ribbon through eyelets at neck.
Beginning with brim, cast on 81 sts.
Work from ** to ** as given for Right Sleeve of Jacket.
Work Border Pattern once.
Work 6 rows Stocking st. ending with purl row.
Next row: K1. *Wl.fwd. K2tog. Repeat from * to last 2 sts.
K2tog. (80 sts. on needle and the brim is turned over on this row).
Work 10 rows (K1. P1) ribbing.
With wrong side of work facing, K3. *Inc. 1.st. in next st. K6. Repeat from * to end of row. (91 sts. on needle). Proceed:—
1st row: K3. Purl to last 3 sts. K3.
2nd row: Knit. Repeat these 2 rows until work measures 8½ ins. from cast-on edge ending with purl row.
To shape crown: 1st row: *K8. K2tog. Repeat from * to last st. K1.
2nd and alternate rows: Knit.
3rd row: *K7. K2tog. Repeat from * to last st. K1.
5th row: *K6. K2tog. Repeat from * to last st. K1. Continue decreasing 9 sts. across row in this manner, every alternate row to 10 sts. on needle. Break wool. Thread end through remaining sts. Draw up and fasten securely.
TO MAKE UP: Press carefully. Fold hem under at 1st. eyelet row and sew in position. Sew up back seam for 3 ins. from base of crown. Make ribbon rosettes and sew to bonnet as illustrated.
Cast on 33 sts.
Work from ** to ** as given for Right Sleeve of Jacket.
Work Border Pattern once.
Work 7 rows Stocking st. ending with knit row.
Next row: (eyelets for ribbon). K1. *w.r.n. P2tog. Repeat from * to end of row.
To make foot: K22. Turn. K1. P9. K1. Turn.
Working on center 11 sts. work 21 rows Stocking st. ending with knit row.
Next row: With right side of work facing, pick up and knit 14 sts. along side of toe flap. Knit remaining 11 sts.
Next row: K36. Pick up and knit 14 sts. along other side of toe flap. Knit remaining 11 sts. (61 sts. on needle). Work 14 rows Garter st. (plain knitting every row). Cast off.
To make sole: Cast on 10 sts. Knit 1 row.
Continue in Garter st., inc. 1.st. each end of needle on next and following alternate row. (14 sts. on needle). Knit 30 rows even. Dec. 1.st. each end of needle on next and following alternate row. (10 sts. on needle). Cast off.
TO MAKE UP: Darn in ends. Press lightly. Fold hem at 1st. eyelet row and sew in position on wrong side. Sew back seam. Place points of sole to toe and heel of foot and join with s.c. through both parts to make the ridge effect, then work 1.s.c. in each s.c. of joining round. Fasten off. Thread ribbon through eyelets at ankle. Make another bootee to correspond.
Mitts, Carriage Bells & Slippers Pattern
Soaker for 3 to 6 Months Pattern
Toy Horse Pattern
Coverlet Pattern
Knitted Eyelet Set for 3 Months Pattern
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Heel-less Socks Pattern