A new lacey stitch which knits up so quickly and easily with Beehive Baby Wool Patonised, is the pure wool with which the test model as illustrated was made. For satisfaction, when knitting from these instructions, Beehive Baby Wool Patonised is the wool to use. You will require:—4 ozs. for the Set (3 pieces). If made separately, the Jacket requires 3 ozs. Bonnet 1 oz. Bootees 1 oz. Two No. 12 Queen Bee Knitting Needles. One No. 1 Beehive Knitting Needle. One Medium Crochet Hook for picot trim, if desired. One Stitch Holder. ¾ yd. Ribbon, ½ inch wide, ⅔ yd. Ribbon ¼ inch wide. 3 Buttons.
MEASUREMENTS: Jacket—To fit 19-inch Chest. Length from top of shoulder 11 ins. Sleeve seam 6 ins. Bonnet—Width all round at face edge (excluding the 2-inch neck frill) 13 ins. Depth 6½ ins.
Tension: 15 sts. in width and 20 rows in depth, make a 2-inch square in lace pattern as given below.
For Washing Instructions—see patternbook page.
LACE PATTERN: Note: The stitches on the needle make the length of each piece and the pattern rows make the width.
1st row: With No. 1 needle, knit. On this and 6th pattern row, be sure sts. move easily on the No. 1 needle, as these rows make the open stripe.
2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th rows: With No. 12 needles, purl firmly.
6th row: With No. 1 needle, purl.
7th, 8th, 9th and 10th rows: With No. 12 needles, knit firmly.
These 10 rows complete one pattern.
Be sure the tension of your knitting is correct, see Tension, above. The right side of work has 2 ridges in each Garter st. stripe and the wrong side has 3 ridges. It will be seen that when every row is knitted or when every row is purled, Garter st. ridges are obtained.
Beginning at left front edge, with No. 12 needles cast on 60 sts.
Before proceeding, please read "Important Information" on patternbook page.
Knit 3 rows plain knitting.
Work 5 complete patterns, then 1st. 2nd and 3rd rows of next pattern. There are 11 open stripes in all and work measures 6 ins. from beginning and 8 ins. from side to side, which is the length, when knitted to correct tension. Be sure you have this measurement before you proceed in order to complete a satisfactory garment.
**To make sleeve: With No. 12 needles, P12. Leave remaining 48 sts. on st. holder. Cast on 38 sts. for sleeve. Work 5th to 10th pattern rows inclusive on these 50 sts., 5 more complete patterns, then 1st. and 2nd rows of next pattern. There are 12 open stripes in all in sleeve.
Next row: Cast off 38 sts. of sleeve, purlways loosely. Purl to end of row. (yoke edge).
Next row: With No. 12 needles, P12. Purl across the 48 sts. from st. holder.**
Work 5th to 10th pattern rows inclusive on these 60 sts., 9 more complete patterns, then 1st. 2nd and 3rd rows of next pattern. There are 31 open stripes in all in body.
Work from ** to ** for other sleeve.
Work 5th to 10th pattern rows inclusive on these 60 sts. then 5 more complete patterns. There are 42 open stripes in all in body. Cast off loosely (right front edge). Do not break wool and keep last st. on No. 12 needle.
To make yoke: Having 1.st. on No. 12 needle, with this needle and right side of work facing, along yoke edge, pick up and knit 1.st. in each ridge and 1.st. in each open stripe. (200 sts. on needle). With No. 12 needles, proceed:—
1st row: Knit to last 4 sts. Cast off 2 sts. for buttonhole. K2.
2nd row: K2. Cast on 2 sts. Knit to end of row. Knit 3 rows.
6th row: K9. *K2tog. K10. Repeat from * to last 11 sts. K2tog. K9. Knit 5 rows.
12th row: K9. *K2tog. K9. Repeat from * to last 10 sts. K2tog. K8. Knit 5 rows.
18th row: K8. *K2tog. K8. Repeat from * to end of row. Knit 4 rows.
23rd row: As 1st. row.
24th row: K2. Cast on 2 sts. K4. *K2tog. K7. Repeat from * to end of row. Knit 5 rows.
30th row: K7. *K2tog. K6. Repeat from * to last 9 sts. K2tog. K7. Knit 5 rows.
36th row: K7. *K2tog. K5. Repeat from * to last 8 sts. K2tog. K6. Knit 5 rows.
42nd row: K6. *K2tog. K4. Repeat from * to last 8 sts. K2tog. K6. Knit 2 rows.
45th row: As 1st. row.
46th row: K2. Cast on 2 sts. K2. *K2tog. K3. Repeat from * to last 7 sts. K2tog. K5. Knit 1 row. Cast off loosely but do not break wool.
To crochet picot edge: With right side of work facing, and working along left front edge, *Ch. 3. 1.s.c. in 1st. Ch. for picot. Miss 1 ridge (or st.). 1.s.c. in each of next 2 ridges (or sts.). Repeat from * around entire jacket. Fasten off.
To make cuffs: With No. 12 needles and right side of work facing, along cuff edge of sleeve, pick up and knit 1.st. in each ridge and 1.st. in each open stripe. (36 sts. on needle).
Knit 10 rows plain knitting. Cast off loosely but do not break wool.
With right side of work facing, crochet the picot edge along cast-off edge. Fasten off. Sew sleeve seams. Sew buttons to correspond to buttonholes. Press lightly.
Beginning at face edge, with No. 12 needles cast on 108 sts. Knit 9 rows plain knitting.
10th row: K15. *Inc. 1.st. in next st. K6. Repeat from * to last 16 sts. Inc. 1.st. in next st. K15. (120 sts. on needle).
11th row: Knit.
Work 5 complete patterns, then 1st. 2nd and 3rd rows of next pattern. There are 11 open stripes in all and work measures 6½ ins. from beginning when knitted to correct tension. Cast off purlways loosely. Fold in half and sew back seam. With right side of work facing, crochet the picot edge as given for Jacket, around entire bonnet. Thread the ½-inch ribbon, 2 ins. up from lower edge, in and out the open stripes. Adjust to desired size, and leaving streamers, tack in position on wrong side at face edge.
To make leg and top of foot: Beginning at back of leg, with No. 12 needles cast on 18 sts. Knit 1 row.
Work 1 complete pattern then 1st. to 8th rows inclusive of next pattern.
Cast on 12 sts. beginning 9th pattern row for top of foot. Work 10th pattern row on these 30 sts. then 1st. to 8th rows inclusive of next pattern.
Cast off 12 sts. loosely beginning 9th pattern row. Work 10th pattern row on these 18 sts., 1 more complete pattern, then 1st. to 8th rows inclusive of next pattern. Cast off loosely. There are 10 open stripes in leg in all.
Sew back seam. With right side of work facing, crochet the picot edge as given for Jacket, around top edge, (the straight edge).
To make foot: With No. 12 needles cast on 74 sts. Knit 18 rows plain knitting.
Next row: K2tog. Knit to 4 center sts. (K2tog.)twice. Knit to last 2 sts. K2tog. Knit 1 row.
Repeat last 2 rows 3 times. Cast off. Fold in half and sew the cast-off edges together and back seam.
With wrong sides facing, place the seam of the foot to the seam of the leg and join with s.c. through both parts to make the ridge effect. Thread ¼-inch ribbon around ankle, in and out the open stripes. Make another bootee to correspond.
Mitts, Carriage Bells & Slippers Pattern
Soaker for 3 to 6 Months Pattern
Toy Horse Pattern
Coverlet Pattern
Knitted Eyelet Set for 3 Months Pattern
Knitted Lace Wardrobe for 3 Months Pattern
Shoulderette for 6 Months Pattern
Knitted Set for 6 Months Pattern
Cardigan and Pullover for 6 Months Pattern
Cardigan and Knickers for 9 to 12 Months Pattern
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Carriage Set for 9 to 12 Months Pattern
Heel-less Socks Pattern