Here is a snug little cardigan with matching pullover which can be knitted for a tiny boy or girl. Do be careful to use Beehive Baby Wool Patonised for knitting from these instructions so that you will be sure of obtaining the correct tension and measurements as given below. You will require:—4 ozs. for the Set. If made separately, the Cardigan requires 2 ozs. Pullover 2 ozs. If you wish to knit the knickers as shown on the cover allow 2 ozs. Two No. 11 Queen Bee Knitting Needles. Two Stitch Holders. One Medium Crochet Hook. 7 Buttons.
MEASUREMENTS: Cardigan—To fit 19-inch Chest. Length from top of shoulder 10 ins. Sleeve seam 6 ins. Pullover—Same as Cardigan, but ins. from top of shoulder.
Tension: 8½ sts. and 10 rows = 1 inch.
Check tension—see patternbook page.
For Washing Instructions—see patternbook page.
PATTERN: 1st row: K1. *P5. K3. Repeat from * to last 6 sts. P5. K1.
2nd row: K6. *P3. K5. Repeat from * to last st. K1.
3rd row: K6. *Wl.fwd. Sl.1. K2tog. p.s.s.o. Wl.fwd. K5. Repeat from * to last st. K1.
4th row: K1. Purl to last st. K1. These 4 rows complete one pattern.
The Cardigan is worked in one piece to armholes.
Cast on 151 sts.
Before proceeding, please read "Important Information" on patternbook page.
Work 2 complete patterns, then 1st. and 2nd rows of next pattern.
Next row: (buttonhole). For Girl's Cardigan, K3. (Wl.fwd. K2tog. for buttonhole). K1. Repeat from * 3rd pattern row to last st. K1.
For Boy's Cardigan, work 3rd pattern row to last 5 sts. (K2tog. Wl.fwd. for buttonhole). K3.
Next row: K1. Purl to last st. K1.
Work 2 more complete patterns, then 1st. 2nd and 3rd rows of next pattern. (23 rows in all).
Next row: K1. P14. *Inc. 1.st. in next st. purlways. P11. Repeat from * to last 4 sts. P3. K1. (162 sts. on needle). Proceed:—
1st row: K1. P5. Knit to last 6 sts. P5. K1.
2nd row: K6. Purl to last 6 sts. K6.
3rd row: K6. Wl.fwd. Sl.1. K2tog. p.s.s.o. Wl.fwd. Knit to last 9 sts. Wl.fwd. Sl.1. K2tog. p.s.s.o. Wl.fwd. K6.
4th row: K1. Purl to last st. K1.
Continue in this pattern, working a buttonhole on 3rd and every following 20th row until 4th buttonhole has been worked. Work now measures ins. from beginning when knitted to correct tension.
Next row: (wrong side of work facing). K1. P36. Cast off 10 sts. for underarm. P68. Cast off 10 sts. for underarm. P36. K1. Working on last 37 sts. proceed:—
To make Right Front: K1. P5. K3. K2tog. thus starting neck shaping. Knit to last 2 sts. K2tog. (armhole edge). Keeping border at front edge as before, continue in Stocking st. dec. 1.st. at armhole edge every alternate row, at same time dec. 1.st. inside border at front edge every 4th row to 31 sts. on needle. Keeping armhole edge even, continue decreasing inside border at front edge as before to 25 sts. on needle.
Continue even until armhole measures 3 ¾ ins. from first shaping.
To shape shoulder: Keeping continuity of pattern, at armhole edge cast off 6 sts. every alternate row 3 times. Work 20 rows even in pattern on remaining 7 sts. to be sewn across one half of back of neck. Cast off.
To make Back: With right side of work facing, join wool to next 68 sts.
Continue in Stocking st. dec. 1.st. each end of needle on next and every alternate row to 60 sts. on needle.
Continue even in Stocking st. until armhole measures 3¾ ins. from first shaping.
To shape shoulders: Cast off 6 sts. beginning next 6 rows. Cast off remaining sts.
To make Left Front: With right side of work facing, join wool to remaining 37 sts. K2tog. Knit to last 11 sts. Sl.1. K1. p.s.s.o. thus starting neck shaping. K3. P5. K1.
Continue to correspond to Right Front, being careful to have all shapings for opposite side.
SLEEVES: Cast on 31 sts.
Work 3 complete patterns, then 1st. 2nd and 3rd rows of next pattern.
Next row: K1. *Inc. 1.st. in next st. purlways. P2. Repeat from * to last 3 sts. Inc. 1.st. in next st. purlways. P1. K1. (41 sts. on needle).
Continue in Stocking st. inc. 1.st. each end of needle on 3rd and every following 6th row to 55 sts. on needle. Continue even in Stocking st. until sleeve measures 6 ins. from beginning ending with purl row.
To shape cap: Cast off 2 sts. beginning next 2 rows. Dec. 1.st. each end of needle on next 3 rows. Purl 1 row even. Repeat last 4 rows to 21 sts. on needle. Cast off.
TO MAKE UP: Press pieces carefully. Sew shoulder and sleeve seams. Sew in sleeves. Sew cast-off edges of neck borders together and sew across back of neck. Sew buttons to correspond to buttonholes.
FRONT: Cast on 71 sts.
Before proceeding, please read "Important Information" on patternbook page.
Work 5 complete patterns then 1st. 2nd and 3rd rows of next pattern.
Next row: K1. P11. Inc. 1.st. in next st. purlways. P15. (Inc. 1.st. in next st. P7) twice. Inc. 1.st. in next st. PI5. Inc. 1.st. in next st. P9. K1. (76 sts. on needle). Proceed:—
1st row: K18. P5. K30. P5. K18.
2nd row: K1. P17. K5. P30. K5. P17. K1.
3rd row: K15. Wl.fwd. Sl.1. K2tog. p.s.s.o. Wl.fwd. K5. Wl.fwd. Sl.1. K2tog. p.s.s.o. Wl.fwd. K24. Wl.fwd. Sl.1. K2tog. p.s.s.o. Wl.fwd. K5. Wl.fwd. Sl.1. K2tog. p.s.s.o. Wl.fwd. K15.
4th row: K1. Purl to last st. K1.
Repeat these 4 rows until work measures 6 ins. from beginning ending with 4th pattern row.
To shape armholes: Keeping continuity of pattern, cast off 5 sts. beginning next 2 rows. Dec. 1.st. each end of needle every alternate row to 58 sts. on needle.
Continue even in pattern until armhole measures 2¼ ins. from first shaping, ending with 4th pattern row. With right side of work facing, proceed:—
To shape neck: Work 22 sts. in pattern. Turn. Leave remaining sts. on spare needle.
Working on these 22 sts. and keeping continuity of pattern, dec. 1.st. at neck edge on next and every following row to 18 sts. on needle.
Continue even in pattern until armhole measures 3½ ins. from first shaping.
To shape shoulder: Keeping continuity of pattern, at armhole edge cast off 6 sts. every alternate row 3 times. Leaving next 14 sts. on st. holder, with right side of work facing, join wool to remaining sts. and work other side to correspond.
BACK: Cast on 71 sts. and work exactly as given for Front until armhole measures 3 ins. from first shaping instead of 2¼ ins. With right side of work facing, shape neck and shoulders as given for Front.
NECKBAND: Sew left shoulder seam. With right side of work facing, pick up and knit 9 sts. along right side of back of neck. Knit the 14 sts. from st. holder at back of neck. Pick up and knit 20 sts. along left side of neck. Knit the 14 sts. from st. holder at front of neck. Pick up and knit 11 sts. along other side of neck. (68 sts. on needle). Work 5 rows (K1. P1) ribbing. Cast off loosely in ribbing.
SLEEVES: Cast on 31 sts.
Work 3 complete patterns, then 1st. 2nd and 3rd rows of next pattern.
Next row: K1. *Inc. 1.st. in next st. purlways. P2. Repeat from * to last 3 sts. Inc. 1.st. in next st. purlways. P1. K1. (41 sts. on needle).
Continue in Stocking st. inc. 1.st. each end of needle on 7th and every following 6th row to 53 sts. on needle.
Continue even in Stocking st. until sleeve measures 6 ins. from beginning ending with purl row.
To shape cap: Cast off 2 sts. beginning next 2 rows. Dec. 1.st. each end of needle on next 3 rows. Purl 1 row even. Repeat last 4 rows to 19 sts. on needle. Cast off.
TO MAKE UP: Press pieces carefully. Sew side and sleeve seams. Sew right shoulder for ½ inch from armhole edge. Sew in sleeves. Along front of right shoulder, crochet in s.c. working 3 Ch. 3 loops for buttonholes and along back of right shoulder work evenly in d.c. Sew buttons to correspond to buttonholes.
Mitts, Carriage Bells & Slippers Pattern
Soaker for 3 to 6 Months Pattern
Toy Horse Pattern
Coverlet Pattern
Knitted Eyelet Set for 3 Months Pattern
Knitted Lace Wardrobe for 3 Months Pattern
Shoulderette for 6 Months Pattern
Knitted Set for 6 Months Pattern
Cardigan and Pullover for 6 Months Pattern
Cardigan and Knickers for 9 to 12 Months Pattern
Knitted Dress for 9 to 12 Months Pattern
Carriage Set for 9 to 12 Months Pattern
Heel-less Socks Pattern