Size 14
1 Pr. Standard No. 2 Needles—14 in.
1 Pr. Standard No. 5 Needles—14 in.
Jack Frost Duveen—4 2-oz. Skeins
BACK: With No. 2 Needles cast on 98 sts. K. 1, P. 1, for 3 in. Change to No. 5 Needles and K. 1 row, P. 1 row, then work in Pat. as follows: (A multiple of 10 plus 8)
Row 1—* Y. O., slip 1, K. 1, P. S. S. O., repeat from * across row.
Row 2—Purl.
Row 3—* K. 8, Y. O., slip 1, K. 1, P. S. S. O., repeat from * across row, ending K. 8.
Row 4—Purl.
Repeat rows 3 and 4, 3 more times.
Above 10 rows form Pat. Repeat Pat. for 7½ in., or desired length to underarm. Bind off 10 sts. at the beginning of the next 2 rows, then continue to work in Pat. until armhole measures 6½ in. from 1st bound off sts. at underarm. Discontinue Pat., and work in garter st. for ½ in., or desired length to back of neck. Bind off.
FRONT: Work to correspond with back. Sew shoulder seams.
SLEEVES: With No. 5 Needles, on right side of garment, pick up 28 sts. across top of shoulder. Work back, increasing to 60 sts. Pick up 5 sts. at end of row. Work back and forth in Pat. as described for blouse, picking up 5 sts. at end of each row until 118 sts. are on the needle, and sleeve has been picked up from end to end or armhole. Work even for 5 in. Change to No. 2 Needles, decreasing to 62 sts. at even intervals across the row. K. 1, P. 1, for 2 in. Bind off.
Sew underarm and sleeve seams.
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