Jack Frost BabyWintuk Fingering Yarn—4 1-oz. Balls
1 Pr. Standard No. 2 Needles
BACK: With No. 1 needles, cast on 81 sts work in ribbing of K 3, P 3 for 2 inches, then K 1 row, P 1 row for 7 inches.
UNDERARM: Bind off 4 sts each side then K 2 together each side every other row 4 times.
Work even until armhole measures 4½ inches.
Bind off 7 sts at the beginning of each row 3 times each side.
Bind off.
RIGHT FRONT: With No. 1 needles, cast on 49 sts. K 7, then K 3, P 3 across row, K 3, P 3, to last 7 sts. K 7, repeat these 2 rows twice. Buttonhole row.
K 2, bind off 3 sts, K 2, work across row, next row cast on 3 sts over the bound off sts. Work until piece measures 2 inches, then knit 1 row, purl one row, keeping the 7 border sts in garter stitch and make buttonhole every 2 inches.
Work to underarm the same as back.
Bind off 6 sts at armhole side, then K 2 tog. at armhole side every other row 4 times.
Work even until armhole measures 3½ inches.
Neck edge:
Bind off 12 sts then K 2 tog. at neck edge every other row 5 times.
Work even until armhole measures the same as back.
Bind off 7 sts from shoulder edge every other row 3 times.
Work other side the same, omit buttonholes.
SLEEVE: With No. 1 needles, cast on 41 sts. K 3, P 3 for 2 inches, increase to 45 sts across row, then K 1 row, purl 1 row, increasing 1 st each side every inch 7 times.
Work until sleeve measures 9 inches.
Bind off 4 sts each side, then K 2 tog. each side every other row until 23 sts are left.
Bind off.
Sew shoulder, sides and sleeve seams. Sew sleeves in place.
On right side, pick up 75 sts. K 3, P 3 for 10 rows.
Bind off loosely.