Jack Frost Wintuk Sports Yarn—5 2-oz. Pull Skeins
Jack Frost Wintuk Sports Yarn—2 2-oz. Pull Skeins
Jack Frost Wintuk Sports Yarn—1 2-oz. Pull Skein
1 Pr. Standard Knitting Needles No. 3
1 Pr. Standard Knitting Needles No. 1
1 Bone Crochet Hook Size 1
SHAWL: With No. 3 needles cast on 213 sts work in pattern as follows:
Row 1—K 3 * yarn over, K 2, slip 1, K 2 tog. pass slip st over, K 2, yarn over, K 1, repeat from * across row ending K 3.
Row 2—Purl across.
Row 3—K 4 * yarn over, K 1, slip 1, K 2 tog. pass slip st over, K 1, yarn over, K 3, repeat from * ending K 4.
Row 4—Purl across.
Row 5—K 5, * yarn over, slip 1, K 2 tog. pass slip st over, yarn over, K 5, repeat from * across row, ending K 5.
Row 6—Purl across.
Repeat these 6 rows for pattern until work measures 34 inches.
Bind off.
Crochet 1 row of single cr all around, put 3 inch fringe all around.
SACQUE-BACK: With No. 1 needle cast on 85 sts. Work in pattern as follows:
Row 1—K 3 * yarn over, K 2, slip 1, K 2 tog. pass slip st over, K 2, yarn over, K 1, repeat from * across row ending K 3.
Row 2—Purl across.
Row 3—K 4, * yarn over, K 1, slip 1, K 2 tog. pass slip st over, K 1, yarn over, K 3, repeat from * across row, ending K 4.
Row 4—Purl across.
Row 5—K 5 * yarn over, slip 1, K 2 tog. pass slip st over, yarn over, K 5, repeat from * across row.
Row 6—Purl across.
Repeat these 6 rows to underarm—7 inches.
YOKE: Just knit and bind off 5 sts each side, then K 2 tog. each side every other row 3 times.
Work until armhole measures 3½ inches, bind off 7 sts at the beginning of each row 3 times each side. Bind off.
FRONT: Cast on 53 sts work in pattern to underarm—7 inches.
YOKE: Just knit. Bind off 5 sts at armhole side, then K 2 tog. at armhole side every other row 3 times. Work until armhole measures 2½ inches. Bind off 20 sts at neck edge, then K 2 tog. at neck edge every other row 4 times. Work until armhole measures the same as back.
Bind off 7 sts from shoulder edge every other row 3 times.
Work other side the same.
SLEEVE: Cast on 53 sts. Work in pattern for 7 inches. Bind off 6 sts each side, then K 2 tog. each side every other row until 21 sts are left. Bind off.
Sew shoulders, sides and sleeves, sew sleeve in place.
Single crochet around neck fronts and sleeve.
BONNET: Cast on 85 sts. Work in pattern for 4½ inches.
Bind off 30 sts each side then knit center sts for 4 inches.
Bind off.
Sew sides to bound off sts neckband on right side.
Pick up 80 sts just knit for 6 rows, then K 4 * yarn over, K 2 tog., K 3, repeat from * across row.
Knit 6 rows.
Bind off.