The smooth tailored look of this little blazer was attained when we knitted our samples with P & B Superior Double Knitting, Patonised. Do be sure to use this wool, so that you will be able to make an exact copy. You will need: 6 ozs. Main Colour (B). (4 yrs.—8 ozs.). Approx. 1 oz. Contrasting Colour (A). (both sizes). Two No. 9 and two No. 8 Queen Bee Knitting Needles. 4 Buttons.
MEASUREMENTS: | 2 yrs. |
4 yrs. |
Chest measurement of child | 21 ins. |
23 ins. |
Chest measurement of cardigan | 23 ins. |
25 ins. |
Length from top of shoulder | 14 ins. |
15 ins. |
Length of sleeve underarm seam | 9 ins. |
11 ins. |
Tension: 5 sts. = 1 inch and 15 rows = 2 ins. with No. 8 needles and the wool specified.
The instructions are written for size 2 yrs. Any changes necessary for size 4 yrs. are written in brackets thus:—( ).
BACK: With (A) wool and No. 9 needles cast on 56 sts. (4 yrs—62 sts.).
Before proceeding with these instructions, please read the "Important Information" paragraph on patternbook page, regarding size of the garment you wish to knit.
Knit 5 rows Garter st. Break (A) wool and join (B) wool.
Change to No. 8 needles and beginning with knit row continue even in Stocking st. until work from beginning measures 9½ ins. (4 yrs.—10 ins.) or desired length, ending with purl row.
To shape armholes: Cast off 3 sts. (4 yrs.—4 sts.) beginning next 2 rows, then dec. 1. st. each end of needle on next and every following alternate row to 44 sts. on needle. (4 yrs.—46 sts.).
Continue even until armhole from first shaping measures 4½ ins. (4 yrs.—5 ins.) ending with purl row.
To shape shoulders: Cast off 6 sts. (4 yrs.—7 sts.) beginning next 2 rows, then 7 sts. (both sizes) beginning following 2 rows. Cast off remaining sts.
LEFT FRONT: With (B) wool and No. 8 needles cast on 27 sts. (4 yrs.—30 sts.).
1st row: Knit to last 2 sts. Inc. 1. st. in next st. K1. (front edge).
2nd row: Purl each st. in row.
Repeat these 2 rows twice. 30 sts. on needle. (4 yrs.—33 sts.).
Continue even in Stocking st. until work from beginning measures same as Back from where (B) wool was joined, to armhole, ending with purl row.
To shape armhole and neck: 1st row: Cast off 3 sts. (4 yrs.—4 sts.). Knit to last 2 sts. K2tog. (neck edge).
Continue in Stocking st. dec. 1. st. each end of needle every alternate row to 20 sts. on needle, (both sizes).
Keeping armhole edge even, continue in Stocking st. dec. 1. st. at neck edge every alternate row to 13 sts. on needle. (4 yrs.—14 sts.).
Continue even in Stocking st. until armhole from first shaping measures 4½ ins. (4 yrs.—5 ins.) ending with purl row.
To shape shoulder: At armhole edge cast off 6 sts. (4 yrs.—7 sts.) once, then 7 sts. (both sizes) on following alternate row.
RIGHT FRONT: With (B) wool and No. 8 needles cast on 27 sts. (4 yrs.—30 sts.).
1st row: (front edge). Inc. 1. st. in 1st. st. Knit to end of row.
2nd row: Purl each st. in row.
Repeat these 2 rows twice. 30 sts. on needle. (4 yrs.—33 sts.).
Continue to correspond to Left Front, being careful to have all shapings for opposite side.
SLEEVES: With (A) wool and No. 9 needles cast on 30 sts. (4 yrs—32 sts.).
Knit 5 rows Garter st. Break (A) wool and join (B) wool.
Change to No. 8 needles and beginning with knit row, continue in Stocking st. inc. 1. st. each end of needle on 9th and every following 8th row to 44 sts. on needle. (4 yrs.—48 sts.).
Continue even in Stocking st. until sleeve from beginning measures 9 ins. (4 yrs.—11 ins.) or desired length, ending with purl row.
To shape cap: *Cast off 2 sts. beginning next 2 rows, then 1. st. beginning following 2 rows.* Repeat from * to * to 14 sts. on needle. (4 yrs.—12 sts.). Cast off remaining sts.
POCKETS: (both sizes). With (A) wool and No. 9 needles cast on 17 sts.
Knit 3 rows Garter st. Break (A) wool and join (B) wool.
Change to No. 8 needles and beginning with a knit row, continue even in Stocking st. until work from beginning measures 2¾ ins. ending with purl row. Proceed:—
1st row: K2tog. Knit to last 2 sts. Sl.1. K1. p.s.s.o.
2nd row: Purl each st. in row.
3rd row: As 1st. row. Cast off purlways.
Make another pocket exactly the same.
TO MAKE FRONT BORDERS: Sew shoulder seams. With right side of work facing, (A) wool and No. 9 needles, and beginning at lower side edge of Right Front, pick up and knit 1. st. in each of the 27 sts. (4 yrs.—30 sts.) of the cast-on edge. Pick up and knit 34 sts. (4 yrs.—37 sts.) along front edge to 1st. decreasing at neck, then 21 sts. (4 yrs.—24 sts.) along neck to shoulder, 18 sts. (both sizes) along back of neck, 21 sts. (4 yrs.—24 sts.) along neck of Left Front to 1st. decreasing, 34 sts. (4 yrs.—37 sts.) along front edge and 27 sts. (4 yrs.—30 sts.) along remaining cast-on sts. 182 sts. on needle. (4 yrs.—200 sts.).
Knit 1 row.
Next row: (buttonholes). K123. (Wl.fwd. K2tog. K6) 3 times. Wl.fwd. K2tog. K33.
(4 yrs.—K135. (Wl.fwd. K2tog. K7) 3 times. Wl.fwd. K2tog. K36). Knit 2 rows Garter st. Cast off loosely.
TO MAKE UP: Press pieces carefully. Sew all seams. Sew in sleeves. Sew pockets in position as illustrated. Sew buttons to correspond to buttonholes.
In order to be sure of satisfactory results when you knit these really well-fitting pants, be careful to use P & B Superior Double Knitting, Patonised which was the wool we chose for our original model and to test the instructions. You will need: 4 ozs. (4 yrs.—6 ozs.). Two No 8 Queen Bee Knitting Needles. One Medium Crochet Hook. Length of Elastic.
MEASUREMENTS: | 2 yrs. |
4 yrs. |
Waist | 20 ins. |
21 ins. |
Length from waist to lower edge at front | 9¼ ins. |
10¼ ins. |
Length of leg seam | 1½ ins. |
2 ins. |
Tension: 5 sts. = 1 inch and 15 rows = 2 ins.
The instructions are written for size 2 yrs. Any changes necessary for size 4 yrs. are written in brackets thus:—( ).
LEFT LEG: Cast on 78 sts. (4 yrs.—86 sts.).
Before proceeding with these instructions, please read the "Important Information" paragraph on patternbook page, regarding size of the garment you wish to knit.
1st row: K21. Keeping wool at back of work, slip next st. purlways. K37. Sl.1. K18.
(4 yrs.—K23. Keeping wool at back of work, slip next st. purlways. K41. Sl.1. K20).
2nd row: Purl each st. in row. Repeat these 2 rows 4 times. (4 yrs:—6 times). The creases for front and back have now been established by the slipped sts. on every knit row. Be sure to keep these slipped sts. on all knit rows, one above the other throughout.
Cast off 2 sts. beginning next 3 rows, then dec. 1. st. each end of needle every row twice. 68 sts. on needle. (4 yrs.—76 sts.). Dec. 1. st. each end of needle every 6th row to 58 sts. on needle. (4 yrs.—64 sts.).
Continue even until work from beginning measures 8¾ ins. (4 yrs.—9¾ ins.) ending with purl row.
To shape Back: 1st row: K45 (4 yrs.—K48). Turn.
2nd, 4th and 6th rows: Having wool at front of work, slip 1st. st. off right hand needle onto left hand needle. Take wool to back of work and slip the slipped st. back onto right hand needle. When turning always slip the 1st. st. from right hand needle in this manner to prevent a hole. Purl to end of row.
3rd row: K30. (4 yrs.—K32). Turn.
5th row: K15. (4 yrs.—K16). Turn.
7th row: Knit to end of row.
Beginning with purl row, and omitting the slipped sts. work 1 inch even in Stocking st. Cast off.
RIGHT LEG: Cast on 78 sts. (4 yrs.—86 sts.).
1st row: K18. Sl.1. K37. Sl.1. K21.
(4 yrs.—K20. Sl.1. K41. Sl.1. K23).
2nd row: Purl each st. in row. Repeat these 2 rows 3 times. (4 yrs.—5 times), then 1st. row once.
Cast off 2 sts. beginning next 3 rows, then dec. 1. st. each end of needle every row twice. 68 sts. on needle. (4 yrs.—76 sts.).
Dec. 1. st. each end of needle every 6th row to 58 sts. on needle. (4 yrs.—64 sts.).
Continue even until work from beginning measures 8¾ ins. (4 yrs.—9¾ ins.) ending with knit row.
Shape Back as given for Left Leg, substituting purl rows for knit rows and knit rows for purl rows, then work 1 inch Stocking st. Cast off.
TO MAKE UP: Press carefully. Sew all seams. Fold the 1 inch of Stocking st. at waist edge in half to form casing for elastic and sew in position. Insert elastic. Work 1 row s.c. around each leg. Press creases in position.
Plain Cardigan Pattern
Bubble Blouses Pattern
Girl's Zippered Cardigan Pattern
Girl's Double Breasted Jacket Pattern
Girl's Knife Pleated Skirt Pattern
Girl's Mushroom Beret Pattern
Girl's Bolero with Kimona Sleeves Pattern
Girl's Bulky Pullover Pattern
Girl's Angora Shrug Pattern
Beanie Pattern
Boy's Sleeveless Pullover Pattern
Boy's Sleeveless Cardigan Pattern
Boy's Blazer & Pants Pattern
Boy's Cable Pullover Pattern
Boy's Cowboy Jacket Pattern
Boy's Brioche Rib Pullover Pattern
Boy's Zippered Cardigan Pattern
Mitts in a Hurry Pattern
Girl's Stocking Cap Pattern
Boy's Toque Pattern
Boy's or Girl's Helmet Pattern
Scarf for Girl's or Boy's Pattern