This pullover was knitted with P & B Speedwell, Quick Knit Wool and carefully checked for tension and size. We found we needed 12 ozs. (10 and 12 yrs.—14 ozs.). We also made samples with Beehive Caressa and used 10 ozs. (10 and 12 yrs.—12 ozs.). By being careful to use either of these two wools, you can be sure you will be able to knit a satisfactory pullover. The needles you will require are: Two No. 5 and two No. 3 Beehive Knitting Needles.
MEASUREMENTS: | 8 yrs. |
10 yrs. |
12 yrs. |
Width all round at underarm | 26 ins. |
28 ins. |
30 ins. |
Length from top of shoulder | 16 ins. |
17 ins. |
18 ins. |
Length of sleeve underarm seam | 14 ins. |
15 ins. |
16 ins. |
Tension: 3½ sts. and 5 rows = 1 inch with No. 3 needles in Stocking st. Be sure to use only your choice of the specified wools.
The instructions are written for size 8 yrs. Any changes necessary for sizes 10 and 12 yrs. are written in brackets thus:—( ).
PATTERN: 1st row: K1. K2tog. *Wool to front of work, slip 1. st. purl ways. Leaving wool in front, K1. K2tog. Repeat from * to last st. K1. At the end of this row, you will find that you have 1. st. less on the needle than you had when you began the row. This missing st. is replaced on the next row.
2nd row: K1. *Wool to front of work, slip 1. st. purlways. Leaving wool in front, K1. K2tog. (The K2tog. is made up of the wool over needle and the slipped st. of the previous row). Repeat from * to last 2 sts. Wool to front of work, slip 1. st. purlways. Leaving wool in front, K1. You will now have the original number of sts. on the needle.
FRONT: With No. 5 needles cast on 44 sts. (10 yrs.—48 sts.) (12 yrs.—52 sts.).
Before proceeding with these instructions, please read the "Important Information" paragraph on patternbook page, regarding size of the garment you wish to knit.
Work 15 rows (10 yrs.—16 rows) (12 yrs.—17 rows) ribbing (K1. P1).
Next row: *P4. Inc. 1. st. in next st. purlways. Repeat from * to last 4 sts. P4. 52 sts. on needle.
(10 yrs.—*P5. Inc. 1. st. in next st. purlways. Repeat from * to end of row. 56 sts. on needle)
(12 yrs.—*P5. Inc. 1. st. in next st. purlways. Repeat from * to last 4 sts. P4. 60 sts. on needle).
Change to No. 3 needles and continue even in pattern until work from beginning measures 10 ins. (10 yrs.—10½ ins.) (12 yrs.—11 ins.) or desired length, ending with 2nd pattern row.
To shape armholes: Keeping continuity of pattern, cast off 4 sts. (10 and 12 yrs.—8 sts.) beginning next 2 rows. 44 sts. on needle. (10 yrs.—40 sts.) (12 yrs.—44 sts.).
Note:—Although the width across shoulders for 10 and 12 yrs. would appear narrow compared to that for 8 yrs. at this point, the amount allowed for cap of sleeve is more for these sizes and will make up the necessary amount to fill in this deep square armhole.
Continue even in pattern until armhole from first shaping measures 5 ins. (10 yrs—5 ins.) (12 yrs.—6 ins.) ending with 2nd pattern row.
To shape neck and shoulders: Work 12 sts. in pattern, (all sizes). Cast off 20 sts. (10 yrs.—16 sts.) (12 yrs—20 sts.). Work 12 sts. in pattern, (all sizes).
Working on last group of sts. for one shoulder, continue even in pattern until armhole from first shaping measures 6 ins. (10 yrs.—6½ ins.) (12 yrs.—7 ins.) ending with 2nd pattern row. Cast off firmly. Join wool at neck edge to other group of sts. and work other shoulder to correspond.
BACK: Work exactly as given for Front.
NECKBAND OR COLLAR: Sew left shoulder seam. With No. 5 needles pick up and knit 48 sts. (10 yrs.—52 sts.) (12 yrs.—56 sts.) evenly around neck.
Work in ribbing (K1. P1) for 8 rows (all sizes) for neckband or for 16 rows (all sizes) for a half turtle collar. When desired amount has been ribbed, cast off loosely in ribbing.
SLEEVES: With No. 5 needles cast on 24 sts. (10 yrs.—26 sts.) (12 yrs.—28 sts.).
Work 15 rows (10 yrs.—16 rows) (12 yrs.—17 rows) ribbing (K1. P1).
Next row: *P2. Inc. 1. st. in next st. purlways. Repeat from * to end of row. 32 sts. on needle.
(10 yrs.—*P1. Inc. 1. st. in next st. purlways. P2. Inc. 1. st. in next st. purlways. Repeat from * to last st. P1. 36 sts. on needle)
(12 yrs.—*(P1. Inc. 1. st. in next st. purlways) twice. P2. Inc. 1. st. in next st. purlways. Repeat from * to end of row. 40 sts. on needle).
Change to No. 3 needles. Work 10 rows even in pattern, (all sizes).
**Next row: Inc. 1. st. in 1st. st. K2tog. Repeat from * 1st. pattern row to last st. Inc. 1. st. in last st.
Having K2 at beginning and end of each row instead of K1, and beginning with 2nd pattern row, work 5 rows (10 yrs.—7 rows) (12 yrs.—9 rows) even in pattern.
Next row: Inc. 1. st. in 1st. st. K1. K2tog. Repeat from * 1st. pattern row to last 2 sts. K1. Inc. 1. st. in last st.
Having K3 at beginning and end of each row instead of K1, and beginning with 2nd pattern row, work 5 rows (10 yrs.—7 rows) (12 yrs.—9 rows) even in pattern.
Next row: Inc. 1. st. in 1st. st. K2. K2tog. Repeat from * 1st. pattern row to last 3 sts. K2. Inc. 1. st. in last st.
Having K4 at beginning and end of each row instead of K1, and beginning with 2nd pattern row, work 5 rows (10 yrs.—7 rows) (12 yrs.—9 rows) even in pattern.
Next row: Inc. 1. st. in 1st. st. K3. K2tog. Repeat from * 1st. pattern row to last 4 sts. K3. Inc. 1. st. in last st.
Next row: K1. *Wool to front of work, slip 1. st. purlways. Leaving wool in front, K1. K2tog. Repeat from * to last 2 sts. Wool to front of work, slip 1. st. purlways. Leaving wool in front, K1.** 40 sts. on needle. (10 yrs.—44 sts.) (12 yrs.—48 sts.).
Repeat 1st. and 2nd pattern rows twice. (10 yrs.—3 times) (12 yrs.—4 times) then repeat from ** to ** once. 48 sts. on needle. (10 yrs.—52 sts.) (12 yrs.—56 sts.).
Repeat 1st. and 2nd pattern rows until sleeve from beginning measures 14 ins. (10 yrs.—15 ins.) (12 yrs.—16 ins.) or desired length, ending with 2nd pattern row.
Tie a white thread at each end of work to mark beginning of cap of sleeve.
Work 1 inch (10 and 12 yrs.—2 ins.) more in pattern ending with 2nd pattern row. Cast off loosely.
TO MAKE UP: Press very lightly. Sew side, shoulder and collar seams. Sew sleeves from cuff to the threads marking beginning of cap shaping. Sew the side edge of each sleeve to the cast-off edges of armholes of body and then sew remaining cast-off edge of sleeve in position along armhole.
Plain Cardigan Pattern
Bubble Blouses Pattern
Girl's Zippered Cardigan Pattern
Girl's Double Breasted Jacket Pattern
Girl's Knife Pleated Skirt Pattern
Girl's Mushroom Beret Pattern
Girl's Bolero with Kimona Sleeves Pattern
Girl's Bulky Pullover Pattern
Girl's Angora Shrug Pattern
Beanie Pattern
Boy's Sleeveless Pullover Pattern
Boy's Sleeveless Cardigan Pattern
Boy's Blazer & Pants Pattern
Boy's Cable Pullover Pattern
Boy's Cowboy Jacket Pattern
Boy's Brioche Rib Pullover Pattern
Boy's Zippered Cardigan Pattern
Mitts in a Hurry Pattern
Girl's Stocking Cap Pattern
Boy's Toque Pattern
Boy's or Girl's Helmet Pattern
Scarf for Girl's or Boy's Pattern