Size 16
1 Pr. No. 3 Steel Needles
Scale: 8 sts. to 1 inch; 10 rows to 1 inch
1 No. 2 Steel Crochet Hook
Nomad Brown No. 1825 … 12 Balls
Entire suit is made in the following pattern:
PATTERN—Multiple of 16 sts.
Row 1—Knit.
Row 2—K. 4, * P. 8, K. 8, repeat from * across row ending P. 8, K. 4.
Row 3—P. 3, * K. 2 tog., K. 3, pick up and twist thread between sts. and K. 2 sts. on this thread (increasing 2 sts.), K. 3, slip 1, K. 1, P.S.S.O., P. 6, repeat from * across row ending P. 3 instead of P. 6.
Row 4—K. 3, * P. 10, K. 6, repeat from * across row ending P. 10, K. 3.
Row 5—P. 2, * K. 2 tog., K. 3, pick up and twist a thread and K. 1 on the thread, K. 2, pick up and twist a thread and K. 1 on the thread, K. 3, slip 1, K. 1, P.S.S.O., P. 4, repeat from * across row ending P. 2 instead of P. 4.
Row 6—K. 2, * P. 12, K. 4, repeat from * across row ending P. 12, K. 2.
Row 7—P. 1, * K. 2 tog., K. 3, K. 1 in next thread (as before), K. 4, K. 1 in next thread, K. 3, slip 1, K. 1, P.S.S.O., P. 2, repeat from * across row ending P. 1 instead of P. 2.
Row 8—K. 1, * P. 14, K. 2, repeat from * across row ending P. 14, K. 1.
Row 9—* K. 2 tog., K. 3, K. 1 on next thread, K. 6, K. 1 on next thread, K. 3, slip 1, K. 1, P.S. S.O., repeat from * across row.
Row 10—Purl.
Repeat these 10 rows for pattern.
BLOUSE: Back—Cast on 112 sts. Work even for 5½ inches, then increase 1 st. each side. Increase 1 st. each side every ½ inch 11 more times, work 2 inches even (work measures 13 inches from start).
Bind off 8 sts. at the beginning of each of the next 2 rows, then decrease 1 st. each side every other row 10 times.
When work measures 4 inches straight up from the bound off sts. at underarm, work over 50 sts. and place them on a st. holder. On the remaining 50 sts. work even until work measures 7 inches straight up from the bound off sts. at underarm. Bind off, from armhole side, 6 sts. every other row 3 times, then 7 sts. every other row from same edge, twice. Bind off remaining 18 sts. for back of neck.
Pick up sts. from st. holder and work to correspond.
Front—Cast on 128 sts. Work even for 3 inches then decrease 1 st. each side. Decrease 1 st. each side every ½ inch 3 more times. Work even for 2 inches, then increase 1 st. each side. Increase 1 st. each side every ½ inch 11 more times, work 2 inches even (work measures 14 inches from start).
Bind off 8 sts. at the beginning of each of the next 2 rows, then decrease 1 st. each side every other row 14 times.
When work measures 5½ inches straight up from the bound off sts. at underarm, work over 42 sts. (left front) and place on a st. holder, bind off 16 sts., and work across remaining 42 sts. (right front). Working on these 42 sts., decrease 1 st. at neck edge every other row 10 times. At the same time, when work measures 7 inches straight up from the bound off sts. at underarm, bind off from armhole edge, 6 sts. every other row 3 times, then 7 sts. every other row 2 times. All sts. have been worked off.
Pick up sts. from st. holder and work to correspond.
Sleeves—Cast on 64 sts. Work even for 2 inches and increase 1 st. each side. Increase 1 st. each side every inch 15 more times, work 1 inch even (work measures 18 inches from start).
Bind off 8 sts. at the beginning of each of the next 2 rows, then decrease 1 st. each side every other row 18 times, then every row 14 times. Bind off remaining 16 sts.
Sew shoulder seams, sew sleeves in place, sew underarm and sleeve seams.
Cuffs—Cast on 64 sts. Work even in pattern for 2 inches, bind off. Sew in place.
Collar—Entire collar is made in the Moss St.
Cast on 39 sts. Cast on 9 sts. at the end of each of the next 6 rows, then cast on 5 sts. at the end of each of the following 4 rows. Next row * work 12 sts., work 2 tog., work 2 tog., repeat from * across row (99 sts. on needle).
Cast on 56 sts. at the end of each of the next 2 rows. Work even for 1½ inches. Next row work across 57 sts. Working back and forth on these 57 sts., bind off 24 sts. at inside edge once, then on the same edge bind off 11 sts. every other row 3 times. All sts. have been worked off.
Work across next 97 sts. Working back and forth on these 97 sts., decrease 1 st. each side every row 16 times. When work measures 4 inches from start, work over 32 sts. and place on a st. holder. Bind off 1 st., work even on the remaining 32 sts. for 3 inches, bind off. Pick up sts. from st. holder and work in same manner.
Work remaining 57 sts. to correspond to first 57 sts. worked.
Work 1 row S. C. around edges of collar. Sew collar in place as illustrated.
SKIRT: Front—Cast on 200 sts. Work even for 4 inches, then decrease 1 st. each side. Decrease 1 st. each side every inch 19 more times, then every ½ inch 10 times, then every ¼ inch 10 times. Work ½ inch even (skirt measures 31 inches). Bind off.
Back—Cast on 184 sts. Work decreases exactly the same as for the front of the skirt.
Sew side seams. Work 2 rows S. C. around bottom of skirt. Work beading at top for elastic.
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