5 1-oz. Balls 3-ply Baby Yarn for No. 2004-A
3 1-oz. Balls 3-ply Baby Yarn for No. 2004-B
1 Pr. Size 5 Standard Knitting Needles
1 Pr. Size 2 Standard Knitting Needles
1 Double Pointed Needle
Size 2 White Crochet Hook
Gauge: Rib Pattern—7 sts to 1 in.
Note: All changes in instructions for No. 2004-B will be given in parenthesis.
With size 5 needles cast on 107 sts. Work in rib pattern as follows:
Row 1—(wrong side)—K 3, * P 1, K 3; repeat from * across row.
Row 2—P 3, * K 1, P 3; repeat from * across row. Repeat above 2 rows until piece measures 17 in. (6½ in.) from lower edge, ending on wrong side. Bind off 4 sts at beginning of each of next 2 rows for underarms; decrease 1 st in each rib of P 3 on next row as follows: P 1, P 2 tog., *K 1, P 1, P 2 tog.; repeat from * across row (74 sts).
Work 5 rows of rib pattern as follows: Rows 1, 3 and 5—K 2, * P 1, K 2; repeat from * across row. Rows 2 and 4—P 2, * K 1, P 2; repeat from * across row; then start smocked st pattern as follows:
Row 1 (right side)—* P 2, slip next 3 sts on double pointed needle, hold in back of work, K next st, then bring the 3 slipped sts forward and work them in rib of P 2, K 1; repeat from * ending P 2.
Rows 2 and 4—K 2, * P 1, K 2; repeat from * across row.
Row 3—P 2, * K 1, P 2; repeat from * across row.
Row 5—P 2, K 1, * P 2, slip next 3 sts onto double pointed needle, hold in back of work, K 1, then bring the 3 slipped sts forward and work them in rib of P 2, K 1; repeat from * ending P 2, K 1, P 2. Repeat rows 2, 3 and 4 once.
The above 8 rows form pattern; repeat them until piece measures 3½ in. from underarm, ending on wrong side. Work over 24 sts for shoulder. Place on st-holder. Bind off next 26 sts for back of neck. On remaining 24 sts, continuing pattern, work 2 rows even. Keeping armhole edge even, cast on 3 sts at neck edge every other row 4 times. Work even until yoke measures same as back, measuring from shoulder, ending on right side. Work 4 rows of K 2, P 1, then increase 1 st in each rib of K 2, as follows: * K 1, K 2 sts in next st, P 1; repeat from * across row.
Work 1 row in ribbing of P 3, K 1, then cast on 4 sts at underarm edge once. Work even until piece measures 17 in. (6½ in.) from underarm. Bind off.
Work other side to correspond.
Sleeves: With size 5 Needles on right side of garment, pick up 59 sts from end to end of armhole. Work in rib pattern as on back, until piece measures 6 in., ending on wrong side. Change to size 2 needles. Work 1 row decreasing 1 st in each rib of P 3 as given for yoke. Work 1 row in ribbing of K 2, P 1; 9 rows of smocked st pattern; then 6 rows of ribbing. Bind off. Sew sleeve and underarm seams.
Edging: Join yarn at lower edge of right front. Work 85 s c (44 s c) up right front edge to neck edge, 3 s c in corner st, 53 s c around neck edge, 3 s c in corner st, and 85 s c (44 s c) down left front edge. Fasten off.
Work 1 row of beading around neck edge. Join yarn at lower edge of right front and work 1 row of picot sts around entire opening.
Basket Weave Set Pattern
Raglan Sleeve Sacque Pattern
Long and Short Baby Sacque Pattern
Cardigan 1 Pattern
Cardigan 2 Pattern
Pullover Pattern
Cardigan 3 Pattern
Infant's Five Piece Set Pattern
Panties Pattern
Infant's Star Stitch Set Pattern
Thumbless Mittens Pattern
Angora Bonnet Pattern
Agda Set Pattern
Lacey Set Pattern
Shell Stitch Set Pattern
Crib Cover Pattern