Materials Required:
5 ozs. Scarlet, 2 ozs. White and 4 yds. Golf Green for trim.
“STAR” Blend Yarn, Article 75
4 skeins Red, 1 skein each White and Dk. Green.
1 set double pointed needles No. 5.
Gauge: 5 sts = 1 inch. 7 rounds = 1 inch.
CUFF: With White cast on 80 sts, divide sts on 3 needles (27 sts on 2 needles, 26 sts on 3rd needle), join. Place a marker at beginning of round. K 1 round. P 1 round. Following the chart work as follows:
Next Round. With White K 1, attach Scarlet or Red, K 1, * pick up White (when changing colors always pick up new color from underneath color which is dropped thus twisting yarn to avoid a hole), K 1, drop White, pick up Scarlet or Red K 1, repeat from * all around. Work 25 rounds more. With White, K 1 round. P 2 rounds. Turn work inside out (wrong side of cuff is right side of stocking). P 1 round, decreasing 2 sts evenly spaced (78 sts), cut White. Attach Scarlet or Red and work in stockinette st (K each round) for 3 inches.
Next Round. Beginning at center back, K 1, K 2 tog, K to within 3 sts of end of round, K 2 tog, K 1. Continue in stockinette st until stocking measures 12 inches from the cuff.
Next Round. K 1, K 2 tog, K to within 3 sts of end of round, K 2 tog, K 1. K 5 rounds even.
Repeat last 6 rounds until there are 68 sts on needle. Continue in stockinette st until stocking measures 15½ inches from cuff.
HEEL: Divide sts as follows: place the 17 sts before center back on one needle and on same needle K the 17 sts after center back, leaving remaining sts on 2 needles for instep, cut yarn. Attach White and on 34 heel sts, P 1 row, K 1 row for 3 inches ending with a P row.
Turn Heel: 1st Row. Slip 1, K 18, K 2 tog, K 1, turn.
2nd Row. Slip 1, P 5, P 2 tog, P 1, turn.
3rd Row. Slip 1, K 6, K 2 tog, K 1, turn.
4th Row. Slip 1, P 7, P 2 tog, P 1, turn.
Continue in the above manner having 1 st more before decreases on each row, until 20 sts remain ending with a P row, cut yarn. Attach Scarlet or Red, K and divide these sts on 2 needles. With 10 sts on needle pick up and K 15 sts on right side of heel (1st needle), K across 34 sts of instep (2nd needle), pick up and K 15 sts on left side of heel, add remaining sts of heel on 3rd needle. Work 1 round even. Then decrease every other round as follows: 1st needle: K to within 3 sts of end of needle, K 2 tog, K 1. 2nd needle: K across. 3rd needle: K 1, slip 1, K 1, pass slip st over K st, K to end of round. Decrease in same manner until there are 68 sts on needles (34 sts on instep needle and 17 sts on each back needle). Work even until foot measures 10 inches from center back of heel, cut yarn. Attach White, work 1 round even. Decrease for toe: 1st needle: K to within 3 sts of end of needle, K 2 tog, K 1. 2nd needle: K 1, slip 1, K 1, pass slip st over K st, work to within 3 sts of end of same needle, K 2 tog, K 1. 3rd needle: K 1, slip 1, K 1, pass slip st over K st and K to end of round. K 1 round even. Repeat last 2 rounds until 20 sts remain (10 sts on instep needle and 5 sts on each back needle).
Weave sts together as follows: * pass needle through 1st st of front needle as if knitting and slip st off needle, pass through 2nd st as if purling and leave st on needle, pass through 1st st of back needle as if purling and slip st off needle, pass through 2nd st as if knitting and leave st on needle, repeat from * until all sts are worked off. Fasten yarn at side of toe.
NOEL: With basting thread trace greetings on stocking. With a double strand of White, crochet a chain long enough to cover each letter. Sew over tracing.
With Green, work a running st through 2nd and 25th row of pattern, working over 1 st and under the next. On 14th row of pattern (waist line), work a running st over 1st st of girl doll, under next st and over next st. On boy doll work a running st over center st only.

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