Refer to the patternbook page for Material-Needle-Gauge-Size Information.
BACK: Using smaller straight needles, cast on (102-108-114-120-126) (86-90-96-100-106) sts. K 1, P 1 in ribbing for 2 inches. Change to larger needles and work even in stockinette st until piece measures 14 inches, ending with a P row. SHAPE FULL-FASHIONED RAGLAN ARMHOLES: At the beg of each of the next 2 rows bind off (7-8-9-10-11) (4-4-5-5-6) sts. Row 3: K2, K 2 tog, K to last 4 sts, sl 1, K 1, psso, K 2. Row 4: Purl. Repeat the last 2 rows (29-30-31-32-33) (25-26-27-28-29) times more. Sl remaining (28-30-32-34-36) (26-28-30-32-34) sts onto a holder.
FRONT: Work to correspond to back until there are (44-46-48-50-52) (42-44-46-48-50) sts on needle, ending with a K row. SHAPE NECK: P 13, sl center (18-20- 22-24-26) (16-18-20-22-24) sts onto a holder, join another ball of yarn and P last 13 sts. Working on both sides at once, continue to dec 1 st at each arm edge in same manner as before every other row 8 times more, and AT THE SAME TIME, at each neck edge dec 1 st every other row 3 times. Sl remaining 2 sts of each side onto a holder.
SLEEVES: Using smaller straight needles, cast on (42- 44-46-48-50) (40-42-44-44-46) sts. K 1, P 1 in ribbing for 2½ inches. Change to larger needles and work in stockinette st, inc 1 st each end of needle every (¾-¾-¾-½-½) (1) inch (18-19-20-21-22) (12-12-13-14-15) times. Work even on (78-82-86-90-94) (64-66-70-72- 76) sts until piece measures 18 inches, ending with a P row. SHAPE FULL-FASHIONED RAGLAN CAP: At the beg of each of the next 2 rows bind off (7-8-9-10-11) (4-4-5-5-6) sts. Dec in same manner as on back. Sl remaining 4 sts onto a holder.
FINISHING: Sew sleeves to back and front armholes. Sew underarm seams. NECKBAND: Using d p needles, with right side facing you pick up (90-94-98-102-106) (86-92-96-100-104) sts around neck including sts from holders. K 1, P 1 in ribbing for 1 inch for Crew Neck and for 5 inches for Turtle Neck. Bind off in ribbing. Steam seams.