Refer to the patternbook page for Material-Needle-Gauge-Size Information.
BACK: Work in same manner as back of Crew Neck Pullover until (28-30-32-34-36) (26-28-30-32-34) sts remain, ending with a K row. On the next row P (13-14- 15-16-17) (12-13-14-15-16) sts, P 2 tog, P to end of row. Sl remaining (27-29-31-33-35) (25-27-29-31-33) sts onto a holder.
FRONT: Work in same manner as back until piece measures 13 inches, ending with a P row — (102-108-114-120-126) (86-90-96-100-106) sts. SHAPE V-NECK: On the next row K (49-52-55-58-61) (41-43-46-48-51) sts, K 2 tog (neck dec) and sl these (50-53-56-59-62) (42-44-47-49-52) sts onto a holder for left front. RIGHT FRONT: K 2 tog (neck dec), K to end of row. Continue to dec 1 st at neck edge every 4th row (11-12-13-14-15) (10-11-12-13-14) times more, and AT THE SAME TIME, when piece measures 14 inches, ending with a K row, SHAPE FULL-FASHIONED RAGLAN ARMHOLE: Row 1: At arm edge bind off (7-8-9-10-11) (4-4-5-5-6) sts, P to end of row. Row 2: K to last 4 sts, sl 1, K 1, psso, K 2. Row 3: Purl. Repeat the last 2 rows (29-30-31-32-33) (25-26-27-28-29) times more. Sl remaining 2 sts onto a holder. LEFT FRONT: Sl (50-53-56-59-62) (42-44-47-49-52) sts from holder onto larger needle, join yarn at neck edge and finish to correspond to right front, reversing all shaping. TO DEC AT ARM EDGE: K 2, K 2 tog, K to end of row.
SLEEVES: Work in same manner as sleeves for Crew Neck Pullover.
FINISHING: Sew sleeves to back and front armholes. Sew underarm seams. NECKBAND: Using d p needles, with right side facing you and starting at center front pick up (58-60-62-64-66) (52-54-56-58-60) sts along right front neck edge, including sts from holders; on 2nd needle pick up (27-29-31-33-35) (25-27-29-31-33) sts from back holder; on 3rd needle pick up (58-60-62-64-66) (52-54-56-58-60) sts along left front neck edge, including sts from holders. Work back and forth as follows: Row 1: P 1, * K 1, P 1, repeat from * across row. Row 2: K 2 tog, work in ribbing as established to last 2 sts on 3rd needle, K 2 tog. Row 3: Work n ribbing as established. Repeat the last 2 rows until piece measures 1 inch, ending with Row 3. Then work as follows: Row 1: Inc 1 st, work in ribbing to last st on 3rd needle, inc 1 st in last st. Row 2: Work in ribbing as established. Repeat the last 2 rows until entire piece measures 2 inches. Bind off loosely in ribbing. Sew center front of band and fold in half. Hem. Steam seams.