Make this versatile Helmet either without ear slits and flaps for general duty, or with them for the communications detail. Add a pair of warm mittens and you know he'll be comfortable.
4 double-pointed bone knitting needles No. 3 (3 mm. size), and 4 double-pointed bone knitting needles No. 5 (4 mm. size).
GAUGE: 5½ sts make 1 inch; 7 rnds make 1 inch.
Using only two of the No. 5 needles, cast on 72 sts. Work in rows of garter stitch (k each row) for 1 inch. Now, always working first and last 7 sts in garter stitch and remainder of sts in stockinette stitch (k 1 row, p 1 row), work straight until piece measures 6 inches in all. Next row: Work over the first 14 sts, bind off 44 sts loosely (neck edge), work over remaining 14 sts. Following row: Cast on 44 sts loosely to replace the bound-off sts of previous row. When piece measures 11 inches in all, work all sts in garter stitch for 1 more inch. Bind off loosely. Place a marker at one end of neck opening to indicate beginning of rnd. With right side facing and No. 3 needles, pick up 96 sts around neck edge (32 sts on each of 3 needles). Work in rnds of ribbing of k 2, p 2 for 3 inches. Now, with No. 5 needles, k 5 sts from 1st needle, slip these 5 sts onto end of 3rd needle, place next 22 sts onto a stitch holder (for face opening), slip remaining 5 sts onto beginning of 2nd needle.
To make helmet WITHOUT ear slits and flaps, see last paragraph.
TO MAKE HELMET WITH EAR SLITS AND FLAPS … Work back and forth over these 74 sts in rows of stockinette stitch for ½ inch, ending with a p row. Next row: K first 8 sts. Work back and forth over these 8 sts for 2½ inches, ending with a k row. Slip these 8 sts onto a stitch holder. Attach yarn and k 58 sts. Work back and forth over these 58 sts for 2½ inches, ending with a k row. Slip these 58 sts onto a stitch holder. Attach yarn and k across last 8 sts. Work back and forth over these 8 sts for 2½ inches, ending with a k row. Turn, p across 8 sts, p across 58 sts from stitch holder, p across 8 sts from stitch holder (the resulting slits are ear openings). Continue to work over these 74 sts in stockinette stitch for 3½ inches more, ending on a p row.
To Shape Top … Next row: K across 48 sts, sl 1, k 1, p.s.s.o., turn, * p across 23 sts, p 2 tog., turn; k 23 sts, sl 1, k 1, p.s.s.o., turn. Repeat from * until there are 24 sts remaining. Slip these sts onto a stitch holder.
With right side facing and No. 3 needles, work in ribbing across the 22 sts held on stitch holder, pick up 37 sts along right side of face opening, k the 24 sts from stitch holder, pick up 37 sts along left side of face opening (120 sts). Join and work in rnds of ribbing of k 2, p 2 for 1½ inches. Bind off loosely in ribbing.
EAR FLAPS … With right side facing and No. 5 needles, pick up 14 sts at front edge of ear opening and work in stockinette stitch for 2½ inches. Bind off loosely. If desired, work a row of single crochet along edges of each flap.
Press with damp cloth through hot iron.
TO MAKE HELMET WITHOUT EAR SLITS AND FLAPS … Work back and forth over the remaining 74 sts in rows of stockinette stitch for 6½ inches, ending on a purl row. Now follow directions for "To Shape Top."
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Helmet Pattern
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