Materials: Clark's O.N.T. Knitting & Crochet Cotton, 7 balls. (5 balls for skirt and 2 balls for blouse.) 1 steel circular knitting needle No. 2. 1 pair celluloid knitting needles No. 2. 1 pair celluloid knitting needles No. 1. Milward's steel crochet hook No. 3.
These instructions are for a size 16.
SKIRT. (7 sts to 1 inch.) With circular needle, cast on 368 sts for bottom of skirt. Knit plain (stockinette st) for 4 inches. 1st decreasing rnd: * K 21, k the next 2 sts together, repeat from * to end of rnd (16 decreases, 352 sts on needle). Mark with another color of thread each decreasing rnd to make the counting easier. Work 4 inches even. 2nd decreasing rnd: K 10, k 2 sts together, * k 20, k 2 sts together, repeat from * ending rnd with k 10 (336 sts left on needle). Work 4 inches even. 3rd decreasing rnd: * K 19, k 2 sts together, repeat from * to end of rnd (320 sts on needle). Work 4 inches even. 4th decreasing rnd: K 9, k 2 sts together, * k 18, k 2 sts together, repeat from * ending rnd with k 9 (304 sts on needle). Work 4 inches even. 5th decreasing rnd: * K 17, k 2 sts together, repeat from * to end of rnd (288 sts on needle). Work 2 inches even. Piece should measure about 22 inches in length. 6th decreasing rnd: K 8, k 2 sts together, * k 16, k 2 sts together, repeat from * ending rnd with k 8 (272 sts on needle). Work 1½ inches even. 7th decreasing rnd: * K 15, k 2 sts together, repeat from * to end of rnd (256 sts on needle). Work 1½ inches even. 8th decreasing rnd: K 7, k 2 sts together, * K 14, k 2 sts together, repeat from * to end of rnd (240 sts on needle). Work 1½ inches even. 9th decreasing rnd: * K 13, k 2 sts together, repeat from * to end of rnd (224 sts on needle). Work 1½ inches even. 10th decreasing rnd: K 6, k 2 sts together, * k 12, k 2 sts together, repeat from * to end of rnd (208 sts on needle). Work 2 inches even and bind off, which makes the skirt about 30 inches long.
Make a crocheted beading for elastic around top of skirt as follows: Attach thread, ch 6, 1 tr in 3rd st, * ch 2, skip 2 sts, 1 tr in next. Repeat from * around and fasten off. Run elastic through band to fit waistline.
Work a row of s c around lower edge of skirt, skipping a st here and there, if necessary, just enough to make the edge of skirt lie flat. Work a second row of s c in each st, then work 2 more rows, and fasten off.
BLOUSE. Back. With No. 1 knitting needles, cast on 112 sts. Knit 1 st, purl 1 st across row, and repeat until ribbing is 3½ inches, adding 1 st on end of last row (113 sts). Change to No. 2 knitting needles. Begin pattern. 1st row: K 1, * thread over, k 2 sts together, k 5, repeat from * to end of row. 2nd and all even rows: Purl. 3rd row: K 2, repeat from * of 1st row, end with k 4 instead of k 5 sts. 5th row: K 3, repeat from * of 1st row, end with k 3 sts instead of 4 sts. 7th row: K 4, repeat from *, end with k 2 sts. 9th row: K 5, repeat from *, end with k 1 st. 11th row: K 6, repeat from *, ending with thread over, knit 2 sts together. 13th row: K 7, repeat from *, end with k 6 sts. 14th row: Purl. Repeat these 14 rows, continuing to work open st over in diagonal stripe until 9½ inches from ribbing. On purl row, bind off 7 sts each side for the underarms. Work the next knit row of pattern as usual. On purl row decrease 1 st each end, and next knit row will begin as for last knit row. Repeat decreases each end every purl row 6 times. Continue the 85 sts in pattern until 6 inches from the underarm. Then bind off 7 sts on beginning of every row 8 times (28 sts for each shoulder). Knit first 2 sts together, and work remaining 28 sts of neck in k 1, p 1, for 5 rows, bind off.
Front. With No. 1 knitting needles, cast on 126 sts. Purl 1 st, knit 1 st across row and work ribbing as for back, increasing 1 st at end. Change to No. 2 knitting needles. With 127 sts, work as for back up to underarm. Bind off 7 sts each side, and make the 7 single decreases as in back. Left Front: Work the first 34 sts in pattern, turn, purl the 2nd and 3rd sts together at neck edge. Continue working in pattern, making 5 more decreases at neck edge. Then work the remaining 28 sts even, until armhole measures 6½ inches. Bind 7 sts for 4 times. Right Front: Work to correspond left front, leaving center front sts on needle unworked. Neck edge: Pick up 30 sts on each side front, and k 1, p 1 from shoulder to shoulder for 5 rows, bind off.
SLEEVES. Beginning at cuff, with No. 1 knitting needles cast on 84 sts. Work ribbed band for 2 inches, increasing 1 st on last row. Change to No. 2 knitting needles. With 85 sts, work diagonal pattern for 3 inches. Bind off 4 sts at beginning of every row, being careful to carry out pattern. Work thus until 21 sts remain, bind off. Sew seams up to the first bound off row. Sew sleeve to armhole with seams matching, and center top of sleeve at center top of armhole. Sew up shoulders of blouse and side seams.
Note: The work may appear crooked, but it will be perfectly straight if sewed up evenly, matching the rows of back and front, and stretched out when pressed. Take the following precautions in pressing: Lay blouse wrong side out on padded table large enough to spread out entire garment. Pin shoulders and back of neck to the pad, stretch blouse in shape, and pin edges. Press over a damp cloth, but do not press ribbing. Allow to dry before removing.
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