SIZES: 12 (14 - 16)
6 ozs. (7 ozs. - 8 ozs.)
2 ozs. Blue
1 pair size 1 Aluminum knitting needles
1 pair size 2 Aluminum knitting needles
BACK: With size 1 needles cast on 136 (144-152) sts. Work in K1, P1 ribbing for 3 inches.
Change to No. 2 needles and work in stockinette st until piece measures 9 (9½-10) inches. Shape raglan armhole as follows: Row 1: Right side bind off 6 sts. Continue across row. Row 2: Bind off 6 sts. Continue across row. Row 3: K2, P1, continue across row until 3 sts from end, P1, K2. Row 4: P2, K1, slip 1, PSSO—continue across row until 4 sts from end, K2 together, P2. Repeat these last 2 rows until 36 (44-52) sts remain. Bind off remaining sts for back of neck.
LEFT FRONT: With size No. 1 needles cast on 64 (68-72) sts. K1, P1 in ribbing for 3 inches. Change to No. 2 needles and K 63 (67-71) sts. Drop white yarn. Join a ball of Blue and K1. Row 2: With Blue P2, with White P61 (65-69). Continue in this manner until there are 10 sts on needle in Blue, ending on wrong side. Next row: K 55 (57-61) with White. With Blue K9. Next row: P8 with Blue, 56 (58-62) with White. Repeat in this manner until there is 1 st of Blue in the work. Continue in this manner until work measures same as back to armhole ending on wrong side of work. Decrease in same manner as on back until 27 sts remain. At neck edge bind off 8 sts 3 times and continue to decrease at armhole until no sts remain.
RIGHT FRONT: Work to correspond to left front reversing all shaping.
SLEEVES: With No. 1 needles cast 72 (76-80) sts. K1, P1 in ribbing for 3 inches. Change to No. 2 needles and work in stockinette st, increasing 1 st each side every 6th row until there are 105 (109-113) sts. Continue on these sts until work measures 12 (12-12½) inches from beginning. Decrease in same manner as on back until 13 sts remain. Bind off.
FRONT BANDS: With size 2 needles and Blue yarn cast on 19 sts. Row 1: K9, slip 1, K9. Row 2: P across, continue these 2 rows and form first buttonhole when work measures ½ inch. K3, cast off 2, K4, slip 1, K4, cast off 2. K3.
On return row cast on 2 sts over the bound off sts.
Work next buttonhole when work measures 1½ inches and one thereafter in center of each diamond design. Make band long enough to fit front of sweater.
Work second band without buttonholes.
Sew sleeves to back and fronts. Pick up around neck edge 62 sts, K1, P1 in ribbing for 1¼ inches. Bind off.
Sew front bands to outside of sweater. Turn on the slipped st and sew other side of band to inside of sweater fronts. Sew on buttons. Block to size.