Size 34-36
Materials: Clark's O.N.T. Boucle, 26 balls of color 438 Blossom Pink. Milward's Casein knitting pins, 1 pair of No. 1 (2½ mm. size). Milward's steel crochet hook No. 2. 1 snap fastener and 30-inch length of narrow elastic.
The interest in the design of the blouse is in the back.
Gauge: 9 sts equal 1 inch; 12 rows equal 1 inch before blocking.
Before starting dress, make a practice piece (cast on a number of sts divisible by 8, plus 1) to work out the pattern which is, as follows:
1st row: K 2, * k 2 together, thread over, k 1, thread over, k 2 together, k 3, repeat from * across, ending row with k 2 (instead of k 3). 2nd and all even rows: P across. 3rd row: K 1, * k 2 together, thread over, k 3, thread over, k 2 together, k 1, repeat from * across. 5th row: K 2 together, * thread over, k 5, thread over, k 3 together, repeat from * across, ending row with k 2 together (instead of k 3). 7th row: K 1, * thread over, k 2 together, k 3, k 2 together, thread over, k 1, repeat from * across. 9th row: K 2, * thread over, k 2 together, k 1, k 2 together, thread over, k 3, repeat from * across, ending row with k 2 (instead of k 3). 11th row: K 3, * thread over, k 3 together, thread over, k 5, repeat from * across, ending with k 3. 12th row: P across. Repeat these 12 rows throughout, always taking care when increasing and decreasing to keep to pattern.
Front. Cast on 113 sts and work in pattern, decreasing 1 st at both ends of every 6th row for 10 times (93 sts remain). Work 2 inches straight. Increase 1 st at both ends of every 3rd row for 16 times (125 sts on needle). Work 2 rows straight.
Armhole. Bind off 7 sts at beginning of each of next 2 rows. Decrease 1 st at both ends of every knit row for 7 times. Work 4 rows straight. Increase 1 st at both ends of every 4th row for 11 times (119 sts remain).
Shoulder. Bind off 2 sts at beginning of each of next 15 rows. (30 sts decreased at each side.) Bind off remaining sts at once.
Back. (Made in two sides.) Left Back. Cast on 73 sts and work in pattern as for front, decreasing 1 st at beginning of every 6th row (underarm edge) for 10 times, keeping the other edge straight (center back edge). Work in pattern straight for 2 inches. * On center back edge, decrease 1 st every other row for 15 times (thereafter work this edge straight), and, at the same time, on underarm edge increase 1 st every 6th row for 8 times (56 sts). Work pattern evenly for 2 rows.
Armhole. Bind off 7 sts on underarm edge, and work in pattern across. At armhole edge decrease 1 st at each row for 7 times. Work 4 rows straight. Increase 1 st at armhole edge every 4th row for 9 times (51 sts).
Shoulder. Bind off 4 sts every other row at armhole edge until 30 sts are decreased. Bind off remaining sts at once. This completes left back.
Right Back. Work as for left side of back, decreasing 1 st at end of every 6th row (underarm edge) for 10 times, keeping the other edge straight (center back edge). Work in pattern from center back edge across 5 inches on that row (thus starting a vertical slit for belt to pass through), then work over this 5-inch piece back and forth in pattern for 2 inches, keeping both edges straight. Break off. Attach thread to other section of back and work in pattern for 2 inches keeping both edges straight. Then work across entire row, joining the slit. To complete right back, repeat from * of left back.
Sleeves. Cast on 81 sts and work in pattern straight for 6 inches. Bind off 3 sts at beginning of each of next 2 rows. Decrease 1 st at both ends every other row, until 25 sts remain. Bind off at once. Attach thread at one end of foundation ch and (with crochet hook), work a row of s c into the foundation ch, easing in sleeve to attain proper arm size. Then work 7 rows of s c, making s c in each s c of previous row. Break off.
Belt. Cast on 3 sts, and work in stockinette throughout (k 1 row, p 1 row) increasing 1 st at one end every row (all increases to come on same edge) until there are 16 sts on needle. Hereafter work straight for 12 inches. Make another belt same as this, making this 9 inches longer.
After all pieces have been blocked, sew up side seams. Sew shoulder seams, easing in fullness to have shoulder measure not more than 4½ inches. (If necessary, sew a piece of tape underneath to prevent stretching.) Sew up sleeve seams and sew into armholes. Work a row of s c all around each belt. Sew short belt to right back (as in illustration) and long belt to left back to correspond. Work a row of s c around lower edge of blouse, up center back, around neck and down center back. Fasten neck at back with a snap fastener.
(Made in two pieces then joined at sides.)
Back. Starting at bottom, cast on 185 sts and work in pattern (as in blouse) decreasing 1 st at both ends of 1 row every 1½ inches (18 rows) for 15 times. Work should now measure 23 inches. Then work in pattern decreasing 1 st at both ends every 5th row for 16 times. Bind off.
Front. Same as back.
After pieces have been blocked, sew the side seams together.
Beading. Work a row of s c around top edge of skirt, * ch 5, sl st in 8th row on wrong side and 4 sts to left. Ch 5, sl st in 8th st from last st at top edge, repeat from * around. Run elastic through beading.