Size 36-38
Materials: Clark's O.N.T. Boucle, 32 balls of color 582 Maroon, and 7 balls of 721 White Ivory. Milward's Casein knitting pins, l pair No. 1 (2½ mm. size) and 1 pair No. 4 (3½ mm. size). Milward's steel crochet hook No. 4. 30 inches of elastic. 6 buttons, 1 inch in diameter. 3 snaps.
Gauge: About 10 rows to 1 inch. About 8 sts to 1 inch, before blocking.
Skirt (Maroon). With No. 1 needles, cast on loosely 168 sts. Work in garter st 10 rows. 1st row: * K 5, p 3, repeat from * across. 2nd row: K 2, * p 5, k 3; repeat from *, ending with k 1 (instead of k 3). 3rd row: P 2, * k 5, p 3, repeat from *, ending with p 1 (instead of p 3). 4th row: * P 5, k 3, repeat from *. 5th row: K 1, * p 3, k 5, repeat from *, ending k 4 (instead of k 5). 6th row: P 3, * k 3, p 5, repeat from *, ending p 2 (instead of p 5). 7th row: K 3, * p 3, k 5, repeat from *, ending with k 2 (instead of k 5). 8th row: P 1, * k 3, p 5, repeat from *, ending with p 4 (instead of p 5). These 8 rows form pattern. Work in pattern, decreasing 1 st at both ends of next row and every 10th row (every inch) until piece is 22 inches long and about 18 inches wide. Decrease every 5th row (every ½ inch) for 8 inches. Bind off. Work another piece the same. The side of work that has the wide knit stripes and the narrow purl stripes is the right side of work.
After blocking, join and work beading around inside of waistline as follows: With crochet hook, s c around top edge of skirt, and without breaking, ch 6, sl st on wrong side of skirt in 6th row below top and 2 sts to left of last st on edge of skirt, * ch 6, sl st on edge in 4th st from last st on edge, ch 4, sl st on wrong side of skirt in 4th st to left of last sl st in 6th row from top; repeat from * around. Run elastic through beading.
Jacket (Maroon) Back. With No. 1 needles, cast on 120 sts, knit in garter st for 10 rows, work 1 inch in pattern (like skirt). Decrease 1 st at both ends of next row and every 2 inches twice more. Work even until piece measures 10 inches. Increase 1 st at both ends of next row and every 2 inches twice more. Work even until piece measures 15 inches. Armhole. Bind off 10 sts at beginning of each of next 2 rows. Decrease 1 st at beginning of each of next 6 rows. Work even until piece measures 6 inches from armhole. Bind off 6 sts at beginning of each of next 10 rows, bind off remaining 34 sts for neck. Left Front. Cast on 88 sts, knit in garter st for 10 rows, work 1 inch in pattern. Decrease 1 st at beginning of next row (right side of work), and every 2 inches twice more, working center front even. Work even until piece measures 10 inches. On seam side, increase 1 st at beginning of next row and every 2 inches twice more. Work even until piece measures 15 inches. Armhole. On seam side, bind off 10 sts. Decrease 1 st at beginning of next 3 rows of armhole. Work 4½ inches even. Bind off 22 sts from center front. Decrease 1 st on every row of neck edge, with armhole side even until there are 40 sts. Bind off 6 sts for shoulder for 5 times, continuing neck edge decreases. Right Front. Work to correspond with left front, making the decreases at beginning of rows on wrong side, not to have two pieces alike. From right side of work, on center front, pick up and work 160 sts in garter st for 9 rows. Bind off on wrong side of work. Sleeve. Cast on 64 sts and work in pattern for 6 inches. Increase 1 st at beginning and end of next row and every 2 inches twice more. Increase at both ends every inch until piece measures 16 inches (72 sts). Bind off 10 sts at beginning of next 2 rows, decrease 1 st at beginning of next 6 rows. Decrease 1 st at beginning and end of every 4th row until 38 sts are left. Decrease at beginning of every row until there are 28 sts. Bind off, taking 2 sts at a time. Cuff. Cast on 56 sts. Work in pattern even for 16 rows. Increase 1 st at beginning of every row for 16 rows. Work 10 rows in garter st continuing the increases. Bind off. From right side of work on short side, pick up and knit 26 sts in garter st for 9 rows, increasing 1 st every other row at corner. Bind off on wrong side of work. Finish other short side the same. Collar. Cast on 80 sts. Work in pattern, increasing 1 st at beginning of every row until there are 116 sts. Work in garter st for 9 rows, continuing the increases, bind off on wrong side. From right side of work, pick up 28 sts on short side, and work 9 rows in garter st, increasing 1 st at beginning of every corner row. Bind off. Finish other short side the same.
After blocking, attach collar to the center fronts, about 1 inch from corners, then join around neck. On wrong side of right front edge, 4 inches up from lower edge, make a loop at center ridge by ch 10, skip 10 sts, s c in next, turn, sl st over 10-ch, fasten off. Make 2 more loops, 3 inches apart. Place buttons as illustrated. Sew snaps to hold left front edge in place under right front.
Blouse (White Ivory) Back. With No. 1 needles, loosely cast on 94 sts. Work in ribbing of k 1, p 1 for 3 inches. Reduce to 90 sts, using No. 4 needles, then start pattern. 1st row: K 3, * thread over, k 2 together, k 1; repeat from * across. Repeat this row for 8½ inches. Armhole. Bind off 6 sts at beginning of each of next 2 rows. Work 6 decrease rows as follows: 1st row: K 1, k 2 together, * over, k 2 together, k 1; repeat from * across, ending with over, k 3 together. 2nd row: K 2, * over, k 2 together, k 1 repeat from * across, ending with over, k 2 together. 3rd row: K 2 together, * over, k 2 together, k 1, repeat from *, ending with over, k 2 together, k 1, k 2 together (this omits the over before last k 2 together). 4th row: K 1, * over, k 2 together, k 1, repeat from * across, ending with over, k 2 together, k the last 2 sts. 5th row: K 2 together, k 2, * over, k 2 together, k 1, repeat from * across, ending with over, k 2 together, k last 2 sts together. 6th row: K 3, * over, k 2 together, k 1, repeat from * across. Work even until piece is 5½ inches from armhole.
Shoulders. Bind off 6 sts at beginning of each of next 8 rows. Bind off remaining sts for neck.
Front. Same as back, until piece measures 2 inches above armhole. Work even first 36 sts for 2½ inches. For neck edge bind off 6 sts, continue to bind off at neck 3 sts at a time until 24 sts are left. Working even at neck, bind off 6 sts for 4 times for shoulder. Work other side to correspond.
Sleeves. With No. 1 needles, loosely cast on 54 sts. Work in ribbing of k 1, p 1 for 11 rows. Change to No. 4 needles. Work in pattern until piece is 3½ inches in all. Bind off 6 sts at beginning of next 2 rows. Work * 6 decrease rows, 2 rows even, continue from * until there are 16 sts (after 2nd decrease row). Bind off tightly.
Collar. With No. 1 needles, work on 8 sts in garter st for 28 inches.
After blocking, sew up side and shoulder seams. Sew up sleeve seams and sew into armholes. Pin center of collar to center of neck and sew around neckedge, leaving the two ends to tie into a bow at the front.