Size 34-36
Materials: Clark's O.N.T. Boucle, 16 balls of color 204 Yellow. Milward's Casein knitting pins, 1 pair No. 2 (2¾ mm. size). One circular steel needle No. 2. Milward's steel crochet hook No. 4. 1 yd. brown grosgrain ribbon, 1 inch wide. A brown leather belt.
Gauge. 7 sts equal 1 inch; 9 rows equal 1 inch, before blocking.
Skirt. Starting at bottom, cast on 336 sts on circular needle, and work four gore sections, and changing plain ribs with pattern as follows: Mark first st of pattern as each pattern row must be started accordingly. 1st rnd: ** K 1, * thread over, k 3 together, thread over, k 1, k 14, repeat from * twice more, then thread over, k 3 together, thread over k 28, repeat from ** around. 2nd rnd: K around. 3rd rnd: ** K 2 together (taking the k 1 of row below and the last st of the 28-st group), * thread over, k 3, thread over, k 2 together, k 10, k 2 together, repeat from * twice more, then thread over, k 3, thread over, k 2 together, k 26 and repeat from ** around. 4th rnd: K around. 5th rnd: ** K 2 together (taking first k 2 together of row below and the 26th st of row below of gore section), then * thread over, k 5, thread over, k 2 together, k 8, k 2 together, repeat from * twice more, then thread over, k 5, thread over, k 2 together, k 24, repeat from ** around. 6th rnd: K around. These 6 rows constitute pattern. Repeat these 6 rows for skirt, but decrease 1 st each side in all of four gores on every 16th row until 14 sts have been decreased in each gore. When work measures 12½ inches and there are 14 sts instead of 28 as first row reads, work 1 inch keeping pattern even, then decrease 1 st in center of every plain rib and every gore around row; the following rows will read, k 13 in the gores (264 sts). Work even until work measures 18 inches, then decrease same as above, and after decreasing, k 12. Work in pattern, decreasing 1 st in each plain rib and each gore every 2 inches for 5 times (after 5th time there will be k 7 in gores). Now decrease 1 st each side of gore making 160 sts. Then open row at center of plain rib that was a gore, turn, and work back and forth on rows making a purl row (instead of a knit row, as in skirt) between pattern rows. Work thus for 2 inches, ending with a k row. This brings work to waistline. From here on, the back and the front are made separately. Do not break thread, but continue for back.
Back. With Milward's knitting pins, work first 80 sts of purl row in pattern, leaving remaining 80 sts on circular needle for front to be worked later. Increase 1 st at each end every 6th row 11 times (102 sts). As sts are increased, pattern will have to be altered at both ends, and start new patterns when necessary. Work should now measure 8 inches from circular needle. If not, continue in pattern without increasing until it measures 8 inches.
Armhole. Cast off 6 sts at beginning of each of next 2 rows, then decrease 1 st at each end of every purl row 5 times (80 sts). Work edges even until armhole measures 6 inches straight from where the first 6 sts were bound off. Cast off first 6 sts on every row until 32 sts remain. Bind off these sts at once. This completes Back.
Front. Transfer the 80 sts for front from circular needle to knitting pins and work as follows: Increase 1 st each end every 3rd row for 20 times (120 sts). Work should now measure 8 inches from where work was transferred from circular needle to straight needles. If not, continue in pattern without increasing until it measures 8 inches.
Armhole. Cast off first 8 sts on this row. Cast off first 8 sts on next row. Decrease 1 st each end every purl row 8 times. Work edges even until armhole measures 5 inches from first row of armhole. Cast off center 40 sts for neck. Work each side separately keeping edges even until 2 inches from neck. Cast off first 6 sts on every row at armhole until 24 sts have been taken off. Work other shoulder the same.
Sleeves. Cast on 66 sts. Work in pattern starting k 1, thread over, k 3 together, thread over, k 7, ending with k 2. Increase 1 st each end every 4th row for 6 times (78 sts). When sleeve measures 3 inches, cast off first 5 sts on this row and first 5 sts on next row, then decrease 1 st each end every purl row for 20 times. Cast off remaining 28 sts. Make other sleeve the same.
After pieces have been blocked, with sewing needle and thread sew underarm seam of blouse together at short opening, leave 4 inches open at base of long opening for placket. Sew remainder of seam together. Sew shoulder seams. Sew sleeves into armholes and sew seams of sleeves together. With crochet hook, work 2 rows of s c around neck and bottom of sleeve, and 3 rows of s c at bottom of skirt. Work 3 rows of s c on underside of placket and two rows on top side (at left side of dress). Sew snaps on to placket. Attach ribbon bows at neck, as in illustration.