Size 34-36
Materials: Clark's O.N.T. Boucle, 8 balls of color 204 Yellow (for blouse) and 23 balls of 780 Wood Brown (for jacket and skirt). Milward's Casein knitting pins No. 1 (2½ mm. size) and 1 pair No. 3 (3 mm. size). 1 circular needle No. 1 (2½ mm. size). Milward's steel crochet hook No. 3. 4 large buttons for jacket and 2 small buttons for blouse. Black elastic 30 inches long.
Gauge: 7 sts equal 1 inch; 12 rows equal 1 inch, before blocking.
Jacket Pattern. Sl 1 st as if to p, without putting thread back k 2 crossed sts together, * bring thread forward, sl 1 st as if to p, k 2 crossed sts together, repeat from * to end of row. This row is repeated throughout, always taking care when increasing and decreasing to keep to pattern.
Back. (Back is worked in two halves.) With No. 3 needles, cast on 33 sts. 1st row: Sl 1 st as if to p, without putting thread back of needle k 2 sts together, * bring thread forward, sl 1 st as if to p, k 2 sts together, repeat from * to end of row, k last 3 sts. 2nd row: K 3, work in pattern to end of row. 3rd row: Increase 1 st, work in pattern to last 3 sts, k 3. 4th row: Same as 2nd row. 5th row: K 1, then work in pattern to last 3 sts, k 3. 6th row: Same as 2nd row, increasing 1 st at end of row. 7th row: K 2, then work in pattern to last 3 sts, k 3. 8th row: Same as 2nd row. Repeat from beginning of the 3rd row for 7 more times (49 sts on needle). Hereafter the edge with the increases will be referred to as the underarm, and the opposite edge as the center back. Increase 1 st at underarm, work in pattern decreasing 1 st at center back. Work 2 rows evenly. Repeat the last 3 rows until underarm measures 8 inches.
Armhole. Work in pattern decreasing 1 st at center back. Work 5 rows in pattern (without increasing or decreasing). Repeat last 6 rows 9 more times (39 sts). Work 1 row, increasing 1 st at armhole edge and decreasing 1 st at center back. Work 2 rows in pattern. Work 1 row increasing 1 st at armhole edge. Work 2 rows in pattern. Repeat last 6 rows 5 more times (45 sts).
Shoulder Shaping. Bind off 7 sts at armhole edge 4 times straight. Bind off. Make the other half same as this.
Right Front. Cast on 51 sts and work in pattern increasing 1 st every 3rd row, having all the increases come on same edge (this edge to be referred to as underarm) keeping the other edge straight (this edge to be the front edge) until there are 64 sts on needle. Work 2 rows in pattern. Work 1 row in pattern, increasing 1 st at underarm. Work 12 rows increasing 1 st every 3rd row at underarm. Work 2 rows in pattern. Work in pattern, increasing 1 st every 3rd row at underarm until underarm measures 8 inches (28 sts).
Armhole. Bind off 4 sts at underarm, work in pattern decreasing 1 st at underarm every row for 9 rows. Work in pattern (without decreasing) until front edge measures 14 inches in all. Then starting at front edge, bind off 30 sts, work across. Work 1 row in pattern increasing 1 st at armhole edge and bind off 3 sts at neck edge. Work 2 rows straight. Repeat the last 3 rows until 31 sts are left. Then bind off 3 sts at neck. Work 4 rows straight. Then shape shoulder same as for back.
Left Front. Same as right front.
Sleeves. Beginning at wrist, cast on 72 sts and work in pattern for 3 inches. Next row: Work pattern for 12 sts, bind off 3 sts (for buttonhole), work pattern across. Following row: Work pattern across, casting on 3 sts where 3 sts were cast off on previous row. Work pattern 1 row. Decrease 1 st at both ends of next row. Work 2 rows evenly. Repeat the last 3 rows until 62 sts remain on needle. Work pattern evenly for 3 inches. Increase 1 st at both ends every 10th row until there are 90 sts on needle. Work straight until sleeve measures 17 inches in all. Now bind off 4 sts at beginning of each of next 2 rows. Decrease 1 st at both ends of each row until 20 sts remain. Bind off. Make another sleeve the same way. After blocking, sew the two pieces of back with over and over stitches, leaving bottom at the k 3 band to form waistcoat shape. Join fronts to back at underarm and sew up shoulder seams. Sew up sleeve seams down as far as buttonhole (a 3-inch opening) and sew sleeves into jacket. With crochet hook, work a row of s c around edge at wrist. Work a row of s c around neck edge easing in fullness at back—back of neck to measure not more than 5 inches. Sew buttons on jacket to correspond with buttonholes, as in illustration. Work blanket stitch around buttonholes.
Skirt. Beginning at bottom of skirt, with circular needle cast on 380 sts and k plain for 12 inches. Next row: Bind off 50 sts (for an inverted pleat), k 140 sts, bind off 50 sts (for another inverted pleat), k 140 sts. K plain for 6 inches. Work every 13th and 14th sts together for 1 row. K 2½ inches plain. K every 12th and 13th sts together for 1 row. K 2 inches plain. K every 11th and 12th sts together for 1 row. K 1 row plain. K every 10th and 11th sts together for 1 row. K 2 inches plain. K every 18th and 19th sts together for 1 row. K 2 inches plain. K every 16th and 17th sts together for 1 row. K 2 inches plain. Bind off sts loosely, but do not break off. (29½ inches—length before blocking.) Beading. With crochet hook, work a row of s c around top of skirt, * ch 5, sl st in 8th row on wrong side and 4 sts to left. Ch 5, sl st in 8th st from last st at top edge, repeat from *. After blocking, run elastic through beading. Press inverted pleats in place and sew across top of pleats, thus fastening to skirt.
Back. With No. 1 straight needles, cast on 99 sts and work in ribbing of k 1, p 1, for 3 inches. Change to No. 3 needles. 1st row: Sl 1 st as if to p, without putting thread back of needle k 2 sts together, * bring thread forward, sl 1 st as if to p, k 2 sts together, repeat from * to end of row. 2nd row: Sl 1 st as if to p, without putting thread back k 2 crossed sts together, * bring thread forward, sl 1 st as if to p, k 2 crossed sts together, repeat from * to end of row. Repeat 2nd row for 9 inches. Repeat 2nd row throughout, always taking care when increasing and decreasing to keep to pattern.
Armhole. Bind off 5 sts at beginning of each of next 2 rows. Decrease 1 st at beginning of each of next 10 rows. Then work in. stockinette (k 1 row, p 1 row) for 5 inches. Bind off loosely.
Front. With No. 1 needles, cast on 101 sts and work in ribbing of k 1, p 1, for 3 inches. Work 1 row of ribbing, increasing 13 sts across the row. Change to No. 3 needles and work in pattern for 9 inches.
Armhole. Bind off 5 sts at beginning of each of next 2 rows. Decrease 1 st at beginning of each of next 10 rows. Work in stockinette (k 1 row, p 1 row) for 3 inches. Then k 30, bind off 34 sts (to shape neckline), k 30 sts. Then work in stockinette on one shoulder only for 2 inches. Make other side to correspond.
Sleeves. With No. 1 needles, cast on 81 sts and work in ribbing of k 1, p 1 for 1½ inches. Change to No. 3 needles and work in pattern (as in jacket) for 4 inches. Then decrease 1 st at beginning of each row until 30 sts remain on needle. Bind off loosely. After blocking, sew up underarm seams and shoulder seams, leaving 2 inches open at neck. Sew on small buttons. Work 1 row of s c around neck and make ch loop for button fastening. Sew sleeve seams and sew into armholes.