Size 34-36
Materials: Clark's O.N.T. Boucle, 24 balls of color 540 Autumn Glow. Milward's Casein knitting pins, 1 pair No. 4 (3½ mm. size). Milward's steel crochet hook No. 4. A leather belt and 2 snap fasteners.
Gauge: 6 sts equal 1 inch; 8 rows equal 1 inch before blocking.
Ts means: sl 1 st, k 1, pass sl st over k st.
Tts means: sl 1 st, k 2 together, pass sl st over the k 2 together.
Back. Beginning at bottom of dress, cast on 173 sts and work in ribbing, k 1, p 1, for 3 rows. 4th row: K 1, * ts, thread over, k 1, thread over, ts, k 9, decrease 1 st, thread over, k 1, thread over, decrease 1 st. Repeat from * to end of row, ending row with k 1. 5th row: K 1, p across, ending row with k 1. (The first and last st of every row is knitted.) 6th row: K 1, * ts, k 1, thread over, k 1, thread over, ts, k 7, decrease 1 st, thread over, k 1, thread over, k 1, decrease 1 st. Repeat from * to end of row, ending with k 1. 7th row: Same as 5th row. 8th row: K 1, * ts, k 2, thread over, k 1, thread over, ts, k 5, decrease 1 st, thread over, k 1, thread over, k 2, decrease 1 st. Repeat from * to end of row, ending with k 1. 9th row: Same as 5th row. 10th row: K 1, * ts, k 3, thread over, k 1, thread over, ts, k 3, decrease 1 st, thread over, k 1, thread over, k 3, decrease 1 st. Repeat from * to end of row, ending with k 1. 11th row: Same as 5th row. 12th row: K 1, * ts, k 4, thread over, k 1, thread over, ts, k 1, decrease 1 st, thread over, k 1, thread over, k 4, decrease 1 st. Repeat from * to end of row, ending with k 1. 13th row: Same as 5th row. 14th row: K 1, * ts, k 5, thread over, k 1, thread over, tts, thread over, k 1, thread over, k 5, decrease 1 st. Repeat from * to end of row ending with k 1. 15th row: Same as 5th row. These last 12 rows make 1 pyramid pattern. Repeat these last 12 rows for 10 more times. Then, decrease 1 st at beginning and end of every 6th row until work is 16 pyramid patterns deep (153 sts). Then decrease 1 st at beginning and end of every 4th row until work is 21 pyramid patterns deep (123 sts). At the beginning and end of next row k 2 together 4 times (115 sts). Work should now reach waistline. Work 5 more patterns (60 rows).
Armhole. Bind off 10 sts at beginning of each of next 2 rows, and work in pattern to end of row (95 sts). Decrease 1 st at beginning and end of every other row 9 times (77 sts). Work 3 more patterns (36 rows) without decreasing and then begin to shape shoulder. Bind off 6 sts at the beginning of each of next 2 rows. Bind off 4 sts at the beginning of each of next 2 rows. Bind off 6 sts at the beginning of each of the next 4 rows, work next 2 rows in pattern and bind off.
Front. Cast on 211 sts and work in pattern as for back for 7 patterns (84 rows). Work in pattern for 10 rows. On the 11th row work across 4½ patterns (85 sts) which will bring work to center of pyramid. Bind off next 38 sts (to press into an inverted pleat later) and continue work across in pattern. 12th row: P across row. Continue working pattern, as in back of skirt, to waistline. Then increase 1 st at beginning and end of every 11th row in each of the next 4 patterns (48 rows). Work one more pattern (12 rows).
Armhole. Decrease as in back till 83 sts remain. On next row of pattern work 43 sts, sl 42nd st over 43rd, and continue in pattern to end of row. On next row, p 41 sts (this is the center of neck). Continue pattern, decreasing 1 st on every other row at neck edge until 23 sts remain. Bind off for shoulder as in back. Work other shoulder to correspond.
Sleeves. Cast on 40 sts and work in ribbing of k 1, p 1 for 4 rows. Work 1 pattern (12 rows). From now on continue to work pattern, increasing 1 st at beginning and end of every 6th row until work measures 15¼ inches (11 patterns). Bind off 10 sts at beginning of each of next 2 rows and work in pattern to end of row. Decrease 1 st at beginning and end of every other row until 30 sts remain. Bind off 5 sts at the beginning of each of next 2 rows. Bind off remaining sts.
Collar. Cast on 48 sts (2½ patterns across). Work for 3 patterns (36 rows). Bind off 10 sts at beginning of the last p row of 3rd pattern. Work 1 row in pattern. Bind off 3 sts at beginning of next row. Decrease 1 st at neck edge every other row until 29 sts remain. Work 7 more rows. Increase 1 st every other row at neck edge until there are 35 sts. Increase 1 st at neck edge every 4th row, 3 times (38 sts). Increase every other row at neck edge 15 times (53 sts). Bind off 10 sts at outside edge (43 sts left). Increase 1 st every other row at neck edge and decrease 1 st every row at outside edge until 38 sts remain. Increase 1 st at neck edge, and decrease 1 st at outside edge every row and work in pattern until outside edge measures 9 inches from first 10 sts bound off. From now on work neck edge with no increases. At outside edge, bind off 5 sts and work in pattern to end of row. Work 1 more row in pattern. Repeat last 2 rows until all sts are off the needle. With crochet hook, work 1 row of s c around collar. Work other side of collar to correspond, taking care to have ½ pattern in center back and decreases at neck edge. After blocking, sew up side and shoulder seams; sew sleeve seams and sew sleeves into armholes. Place collar on dress as in illustration, and sew in place at side seams. Sew two snap fasteners to center back of dress and opposites to center back of collar, in order to fasten collar to dress. Fasten collar with 2 crocheted buttons.