Materials: Clark's O.N.T. "Brilliant", 4 balls of White. 1 pair of steel knitting needles No. 13. Milward's steel crochet hook No. 6.
Collar. Starting at neck edge, cast on 143 sts. 1st row: P across. 2nd row: K 2, * k 2 together, thread over twice, sl 1, k 1, pass sl st over k st, k 1, repeat from * across, ending row with k 2. 3rd row: P 3, * k the 1st over, then p the 2nd over, p 3, repeat from * across. Work 2nd and 3rd rows alternately until 21 rows have been made. Then work in leaf pattern as follows: 1st row: K 1, * thread over, k 1, thread over, sl 1, k 1, pass sl st over k st, k 2, thread over, k 1, thread over, k 2, k 2 together. Repeat from * across, ending row with thread over, k 1, thread over, k 1 (173 sts). 2nd and all even rows: P across. 3rd row: K 1, * thread over, k 3, thread over, sl 1, k 1, pass sl st over k st, k 1, thread over, k 3, thread over, k 1, k 2 together. Repeat from * across, ending row with thread over, k 3, thread over, k 1. 5th row: K 1, * thread over, k 5, thread over, sl 1, k 1, pass sl st over k st, thread over, sl 1, k 1, pass sl st over k st, k 1, k 2 together, thread over, k 2 together. Repeat from * across, ending row with thread over, k 5, thread over, k 1. 7th row: K 1, * thread over, k 7, thread over, sl 1, k 1, pass sl st over k st, thread over, sl 1, k 2 together, pass sl st over k-2-together, thread over, k 2 together. Repeat from * across, ending row with thread over, k 7, thread over, k 1. 9th row: K 5, * thread over, k 1, thread over, k 4, sl 1, k 1, pass sl st over k st, k 1, k 2 together, k 4. Repeat from * across, ending row with k 1. 11th row: K 5, * thread over, k 3, thread over, k 5, k 2 together, k 4. Repeat from * across, ending row with k 1. 13th row: * Sl 1, k 1, pass sl st over k st, k 3, thread over, k 5, thread over, k 3, k 2 together. Repeat from * across. 15th row: * Sl 1, k 1, pass sl st over k st, k 2, thread over, k 7, thread over, k 2, k 2 together. Repeat from * across. 17th row: * Sl 1, k 1, pass sl st over k st, k 5, thread over, k 1, thread over, k 5, k 2 together. Repeat from * across. 19th row: * Sl 1, k 1, pass sl st over k st, k 4, thread over, k 3, thread over, k 4, k 2 together. Repeat from * across. 21st row: * Sl 1, k 1, pass sl st over k st, k 3, thread over, k 5, thread over, k 3, k 2 together. Repeat from * across. 23rd row: * Sl 1, k 1, pass sl st over k st, k 2, thread over, k 7, thread over, k 2, k 2 together. Repeat from * across. 25th row: Sl 1, k 1, pass sl st over k st, k 3, k 2 together, thread over, k 1, thread over, sl 1, k 1, pass sl st over k st, k 3, k 2 together. This brings work to the end of 1st petal. As each petal is finished separately, turn and p back on all the even rows, until petal is brought to a point. 27th row: Sl 1, k 1, pass sl st over k st, k 1, k 2 together, thread over, k 3, thread over, sl 1, k 1, pass sl st over k st, k 1, k 2 together. 29th row: Sl 1, k 1, pass sl st over k st, k 7, k 2 together. 31st row: Sl 1, k 1, pass sl st over k st, k 5, k 2 together. 33rd row: Sl 1, k 1, pass sl st over k st, k 3, k 2 together. 35th row: Sl 1, k 1, pass sl st over k st, k 1, k 2 together. 37th row: Sl 1, k 2 together, pass sl st over k-2-together. Fasten and break off. Repeat from the 25th row until all petals are brought to a point. With crochet hook work a row of s c around neck edge, making a ch-5 buttonloop at one end of collar. Sew button on opposite side to correspond with buttonloop.
Cuffs. To begin, cast on 53 sts and work as for collar. Sew up the two ends, leaving them open at the bottom for about 2 inches. Make a ch-5 buttonloop on each cuff, and sew buttons on opposite side to correspond with buttonloops.
Boucle Scarf Pattern
Knitted Triangle Pattern
Modern Lace Collar and Cuffs Pattern
Gilet Pattern
Tailored Softness Collar Pattern
Simplicity Collar and Cuffs Pattern
Simplicity Jr Collar and Cuffs Pattern
Pom Pom Nosegay Pattern
Daisy Nosegay Pattern
Antique Lace Collar and Cuffs Pattern
Boucle Collar Pattern
Juliet Collar Pattern
Ripple Reef Collar Pattern
Plastron Collar Pattern
Patricia Collar Pattern
Circular Collar Pattern
Tucked Vestee Pattern
Ensemble Collar & Belt Pattern
Fishnet Frills Collar Pattern
Neckband Jabot Pattern
Rick Rack Collar Pattern
French Collar Pattern