Size 1
CHADWICK'S RED HEART BABY WOOL, 5 balls (¾ oz. balls) for set. If made separately, Jacket takes 4 balls, Cap takes 1 ball, and Slippers take 1 ball.
Milward's Casein Knitting Pins, 1 pair No. 3 (3 mm. size).
5 small buttons (3 for Jacket, 2 for Slippers).
1 yd. ribbon ½ inch wide for ties on Cap.
2 ribbon bows.
GAUGE: 7½ sts make 1 inch; 10 rows make 1 inch.
BACK … Cast on 97 sts. Knit 6 rows for garter stitch border, then work insertion pattern as follows: 1st row: (Right side of work) Knit across. 2nd row: Purl across. 3rd, 4th and 5th rows: Knit across. 6th row: * K 2 tog, O. Repeat from * across, ending with k 1. 7th and 8th rows: Knit across. Repeat these 8 rows 2 more times. Work in stockinette st (k 1 row, p 1 row) until piece measures 6 inches in all ending with a purl row. (Right side of work) * K 1, k 2 tog. Repeat from * across ending with k 1 (65 sts). Now starting with 4th row of insertion pattern work the 4th to 8th rows incl, then repeat the 1st to 8th rows incl 2 more times. Work in stockinette st until piece measures 10½ inches in all. Bind off loosely.
LEFT FRONT … Cast on 55 sts. Knit 6 rows for border. Continue to work the front 5 sts in garter st for front border and the remaining sts in pattern as on Back, until piece measures 6 inches, ending with a purl row. Next row: * K 1, k 2 tog. Repeat from * across, ending with k 7 (39 sts). Continue to work border as before and work insertion pattern to correspond with Back. Then work in stockinette st, decreasing 1 st inside of border every other row until 26 sts remain. Work straight until piece measures 10½ inches in all, ending at side edge. Bind off 21 sts for shoulder. Then continue to work 5 sts in garter st for 3½ inches for back of neck. Bind off.
RIGHT FRONT … Work to correspond with Left Front, careful to reverse shaping and border. Work a buttonhole in line with each row of holes in insertion pattern at yoke. To make a buttonhole, k 1, k 2 tog, O, and finish row. When piece measures 10½ inches bind off all sts.
SLEEVES … Cast on 41 sts. Knit 6 rows, then work insertion pattern as on Back. Work in stockinette st, increasing 1 st at both ends of row every 1 inch 4 times (49 sts). Work straight until piece measures 7 inches in all. Bind off.
Press pieces lightly through damp cloth. Sew shoulder seams. Sew top of sleeves along armhole edges. Sew underarm and sleeves with one continuous seam. Press seams lightly. Sew on buttons.
Starting at front edge cast on 78 sts. Knit (garter st) for 11 rows. Next row: Knit, increasing 13 sts evenly across row (91 sts). Work the 8 rows of insertion pattern 6 times. Now work in stockinette st until piece measures 6 inches in all, decreasing 1 st at end of last row.
To Shape Cap: 1st row: * K 9, k 2 tog. Repeat from * across, ending with k 2. 2nd and all even rows: Purl. 3rd row: * K 8, k 2 tog. Repeat from * across, ending with k 2. 5th row: * K 7, k 2 tog. Repeat from * across, ending with k 2. Continue in this manner decreasing 8 sts every other row until 26 sts remain. Purl 1 row. Next row: K 2 tog across. Break yarn leaving a 10-inch strand. Thread this end into a sewing needle and run through the remaining 13 sts. Draw tight and fasten off. Sew edges of cap together from this point downward for 2¼ inches. Press cap lightly, rounding out crown.
CASING … With right side toward you, pick up 80 sts around lower edge. 1st and 2nd rows: K across. 3rd row: K 2, * O, k 2 tog. Repeat from * across ending with O, k 2. 4th and 5th rows: Knit across. Bind off. Run ribbon for ties through casing. Sew bows at sides.
SOLE … Cast on 24 sts. Work in garter stitch increasing 1 st at beginning of each row until there are 30 sts. Inc 1 st at beginning of next row (this is heel) and every other row hereafter at this end only until there are 34 sts. K 3 rows straight. Dec 1 st at beginning of next row (heel) and every other row at same end until 30 sts remain. Dec 1 st at beginning of each row until 24 sts remain. Bind off.
TOP … Cast on 14 sts, k across, cast on 11 sts (25 sts). 2nd and 3rd rows: K across. Cast on 11 sts (36 sts). 4th row: K across. 5th row: K 34 sts, inc 1 st in next st, k 1. 6th row: Inc in 1st st (toe), k across remainder of row. 7th row: K 36 sts, inc in next st, k 1 (39). K 6 rows straight. 14th row: P 14 sts, k remainder of row. 15th row: (Right side of work) Bind off 24 sts, k remainder of row. 16th and 17th rows: K across. 18th row: K 2, (O, k 2 tog) 6 times; k 1 (15 sts). 19th and 20th rows: Knit. 21st row: P 15 sts, cast on 24 sts (39 sts). K 6 rows straight. 28th row: K 36, k 2 tog, k 1. 29th row: K 1, k 2 tog, k 35. 30th row: K 34, k 2 tog, k 1. 31st row: Bind off 11 sts, k remainder of row. 32nd row: K across (25 sts). 33rd row: Bind off 11 sts, k remainder of row. 34th row: K across. Bind off.
STRAP … Cast on 41 sts. K 2 rows. Next row: K 1, k 2 tog, O, k remainder of row. K 3 more rows. Bind off. Press all pieces, sew top to sole. Sew on strap with buttonhole at side. Sew on button and small ribbon bow.
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