Two-color edging—Suggest Light Steel Blue and Royal Blue.
Starting at one short end, with light Steel Blue cast on 13 sts. 1st row: K 2, O, k 2 tog., O, k 2 tog., k 1, O, k 2 tog., k 2, O, k 2 tog. 2nd and all even rows to 8th row incl: P across. 3rd row: K 2, O, k 2 tog., O, k 2 tog., k 2, O, k 2 tog., k 2, O, k 1. 5th row: K 2, O, k 2 tog., O, k 2 tog., k 3, O, k 2 tog., k 2, O, k 1. 7th row: K 2, O, k 2 tog., O, k 2 tog., k 4, O, k 2 tog., k 2, O, k 1. 9th row: K 2, O, k 2 tog., O, k 2 tog., k 5, O, k 2 tog., k 2, O, k 1. 10th and all even rows to 14th row incl: Bind off first st, p across. 11th row: K 2, O, k 2 tog., O, k 2 tog., k 4, O, k 2 tog., k 2, O, k 2 together. 13th row: K 2, O, k 2 tog., O, k 2 tog., k 3, O, k 2 tog., k 2, O, k 2 tog. 15th row: K 2, O, k 2 tog., O, k 2 tog., k 2, O, k 2 tog., k 2, O, k 2 tog. 16th row: Same as 2nd row. These 16 rows constitute the pattern. Work in pattern for desired length. With Royal Blue make a row of s c along scalloped edge.
Embroidery. With Royal Blue work over-and-over stitches along straight edge and on scalloped stockinette section, as well as on first and every other triangular stockinette section work groups of satin stitch, as in illustration.