Infant Size 1 (Chest = 20 inches)
MATERIALS: Chadwick's Red Heart Baby Wool, 3 balls (¾ oz. balls) make the set ... J. & P. Coats or Clark's O.N.T. Six Strand Embroidery Floss, 1 skein each of Pink, Blue and Green … Clark's O.N.T. Plastic or Aluminum Knitting Pins, 1 pair No. 2 (2¾ mm. size) … 2¾ yards of ribbon.
GAUGE: 8 sts make 1 inch; 11 rows make 1 inch.
BLOCKING MEASUREMENTS: Width around back and fronts at underarm—20 inches. Length from shoulder to lower edge—9 inches. Length of sleeve seam—6 inches.
BACK … Starting at lower edge, cast on 81 sts. 1st to 6th rows incl: K 1, * p 1, k 1. Repeat from * across (this forms moss st). Now work in stockinette st (k 1 row, p 1 row) for 10 rows. Then work in moss st as before until piece measures 6 inches in all.
To Shape Armholes: Bind off 3 sts at beginning of next 2 rows. Then dec 1 st at both ends of every other row 3 times in all (69 sts remain). Continue in moss st without decreasing until piece measures 1 inch from first row of armhole shaping.
With wrong side facing, work across 61 sts as before. Place the last 53 sts just worked onto a stitch holder to be worked later for yoke. Then work across remaining 8 sts in moss st for 4½ inches, ending at inner edge.
RIGHT FRONT … Cast on 33 sts loosely (41 sts—this edge is center front edge). Keep the 12 sts at center front edge in stockinette st and work the remaining 29 sts in moss st for 4 rows.
To Shape Armhole: Inc 1 st at armhole edge on next row and every other row 3 times in all. Then cast on 3 sts at armhole edge once (47 sts). Keeping the 12 sts at front edge in stockinette st and the other 35 sts in moss st, work without increasing until piece measures same as side edge of Back to stockinette section. Work 10 rows of stockinette st and 6 rows of moss st, keeping the border sts as before. Bind off loosely.
LEFT FRONT … Attach yarn to 8 sts of Back and work other side to correspond.
YOKE … With right side facing, pick up and k 33 sts over the 33 sts cast on for Right Front, place a marker; pick up and k 36 sts along the 4½-inch length of moss st, place another marker; k across the 53 sts of Back stitch holder, place another marker; pick up and k 36 sts along the other 4½-inch length of moss st, place a marker; pick up and k 33 sts over the 33 sts cast on for Left Front (191 sts on needle). 1st row: P across, transferring markers. 2nd row: * K across to 3 sts from marker, sl 1, k 1, p.s.s.o., k 1, transfer marker, k 1, k 2 tog. Repeat from * 3 more times; then k to end of row (8 sts decreased on row). Repeat the last 2 rows alternately until 95 sts remain, ending with a k row.
On next p row dec 8 sts evenly across, removing markers (87 sts remain). Keeping the 12 sts at both ends in stockinette st, work the center 63 sts in moss st for 2 rows. Next row: * K 2 tog, O. Repeat from * across, ending with k 1 (this forms beading for ribbon). Keeping the 12 sts at both ends in stockinette st, work the center sts in moss st as before for 3 more rows. Bind off.
SLEEVES … With right side facing, pick up and k 57 sts all around armhole edge. Work in moss st, decreasing 1 st at both ends of every 10th row 5 times in all. Then work in stockinette st for 10 rows. Now work 6 more rows of moss st. Bind off. Sew underarm and sleeve seams. Fold front bands in half lengthwise and hem in place. Embroider rosebuds and forget-me-nots as in illustration. Draw ribbon through beading at neck, leaving ends long enough for ties. Sew a piece of ribbon at bottom of Yoke on each side. Tie ends in a bow.
CENTER BACK … Starting at lower edge, cast on 17 sts. Work in moss st, increasing 1 st at both ends of every 8th row 5 times in all (27 sts). Work without increasing until piece measures 4 inches in all. Bind off 3 sts at beginning of each row until all sts are worked off.
SIDE … Attach yarn at side edge, pick up and k 35 sts along side edge, place a marker; pick up and k 27 sts around curved edge of top, place another marker; pick up and k 35 sts along other side (97 sts). 1st row: P across, transferring markers. 2nd row: * K across to 3 sts from marker, sl 1, k 1, p.s.s.o., k 1, transfer marker, k 1, k 2 tog. Repeat from * once more; k to end of row. 3rd row: P across. 4th row: K across. Repeat the last 4 rows until 81 sts remain. Continue in stockinette st, removing markers and without decreasing until piece measures 4 inches from picked-up sts. Then work 6 rows of moss st and bind off. Pick up and k 77 sts across entire lower edge and work in moss st for 6 rows. Bind off. Embroider to correspond with Sacque. Make a bow for each side of Cap and sew on ribbon for ties.
Starting at wrist, cast on 45 sts. Work 6 rows of moss st. Now work 10 rows of stockinette st, decreasing 10 sts evenly on last row (35 sts). Work 2 more rows of moss st. Next row: K 1, * O, k 2 tog. Repeat from * across (this is beading). Continue in moss st for 1½ more inches, decreasing 1 st on last row. Next row: K 1, sl 1, k 1, p.s.s.o., k 11, k 2 tog, k 1, place a marker; k 1, sl 1, k 1, p.s.s.o., k to last 3 sts, k 2 tog, k 1. Following row: P across. Next row: K 1, sl 1, k 1, p.s.s.o., k to 3 sts from marker, k 2 tog, k 1, transfer marker; k 1, sl 1, k 1, p.s.s.o., k to last 3 sts, then k 2 tog, k 1. Repeat the last 2 rows alternately until 10 sts remain. Break off, leaving an 8-inch length of yarn. Thread a needle with this yarn and draw through remaining sts, draw up tightly and darn end in securely. Sew up side seam. Run ribbon through beading and tie ends in a bow. Embroider as shown.
Starting at top, cast on 37 sts and work 6 rows of moss st, 10 rows of stockinette st, then 3 more rows of moss st. Next row: K 1, * O, k 2 tog. Repeat from * across (beading). Work 2 more rows in moss st. Next row: Work in moss st across first 24 sts; turn.
INSTEP … Following row: P across first 11 sts; turn. Work over these 11 sts only in stockinette st for 14 more rows. Then dec 1 st at both ends of every other row twice (7 sts). Break off yarn. Attach yarn to the 13th st preceding the piece just worked for instep. Pick up and k 12 sts along one side of instep, k across 4 sts, mark the last st with a colored thread (this is center front), k 3, then pick up and k 12 sts along other side of instep. Work in moss st over remaining 13 sts (57 sts). Work 10 more rows in moss st. Then work in stockinette st, decreasing 1 st at both ends and 1 st on each side of center front every other row 4 times in all (41 sts). Bind off. Sew up sole and back seam. Run ribbon through beading and tie ends. Embroider as shown.

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