Small Ball, size 20: 2 balls.
Double-pointed Steel Needles, 1 set No. 11 and 1 set No. 13.
Using the No. 13 needles and starting at the center, cast on 8 sts on 1 needle. Divide the sts on 3 needles and join, being careful not to twist sts. 1st and 2nd rnds: Knit around. 3rd rnd: (O, k 1) 8 times (16 sts). 4th and all even rnds: Knit around. 5th rnd: (O, k 2) 8 times (24 sts). 7th rnd: (O, k 3) 8 times (32 sts). 9th rnd: * O, k 1, O, sl 1, k 1, p.s.s.o., k 1. Repeat from * around (40 sts). 11th rnd: * O, k 1, O, sl 1, k 1, p.s.s.o., k 2. Repeat from * around (48 sts). 13th rnd: * O, k 1, O, sl 1, k 1, p.s.s.o., k 3. Repeat from * around (56 sts). 15th rnd: * O, k 1, (O, sl 1, k 1, p.s.s.o.) twice; k 2. Repeat from * around (64 sts). 17th rnd: * O, k 1, (O, sl 1, k 1, p.s.s.o.) twice; k 3. Repeat from * around (72 sts). 19th rnd: * O, k 1, (O, sl 1, k 1, p.s.s.o.) 3 times; k 2. Repeat from * around (80 sts). 21st rnd: * O, k 1, (O, sl 1, k 1, p.s.s.o.) 3 times; k 3. Repeat from * around (88 sts). 23rd rnd: * O, k 1, (O, sl 1, k 1, p.s.s.o.) 3 times; k 4. Repeat from * around (96 sts). 25th rnd: * O, k 1, (O, sl 1, k 1, p.s.s.o.) 3 times; k 5. Repeat from * around (104 sts). 27th rnd: * O, k 1, (O, sl 1, k 1, p.s.s.o.) 3 times; k 6. Repeat from * around (112 sts).
Change to No. 11 Needles. 29th rnd: * O, k 1, (O, sl 1, k 1, p.s.s.o.) 3 times; k 7. Repeat from * around (120 sts). 31st rnd: * O, k 1, (O, sl 1, k 1, p.s.s.o.) 3 times; k 1, sl 1, k 1, p.s.s.o., thread over twice, sl 1, k 1, p.s.s.o., k 3. Repeat from * around (128 sts). Note: On each rnd following "thread over twice," always knit the 1st and purl the 2nd of these two O's. 33rd rnd: * O, k 1, (O, sl 1, k 1, p.s.s.o.) 3 times; k 2, sl 1, k 1, p.s.s.o., thread over twice, sl 1, k 1, p.s.s.o., k 3. Repeat from * around (136 sts). 35th rnd: * O, k 1, (O, sl 1, k 1, p.s.s.o.) 3 times; k 1, sl 1, k 1, p.s.s.o., O, k 3, sl 1, k 1, p.s.s.o., O, k 2. Repeat from * around (144 sts). 37th rnd: * O, k 1, (O, sl 1, k 1, p.s.s.o.) 3 times; then sl 1, k 1, p.s.s.o., thread over twice, sl 1, k 1, p.s.s.o., k 4, thread over twice, sl 1, k 1, p.s.s.o., k 1. Repeat from * around (160 sts). 39th rnd: * O, k 1, (O, sl 1, k 1, p.s.s.o.) 3 times; k 3, thread over twice, k 3 tog, k 1, k 3 tog, thread over twice, sl 1, k 1, p.s.s.o., k 1. Repeat from * around. 41st rnd: * O, k 1, (O, sl 1, k 1, p.s.s.o.) 3 times; k 3, sl 1, k 1, p.s.s.o., thread over 3 times (each of these 3 O's is used to make 1 st by working knit, purl and knit on following row), k 5 tog, thread over 3 times, sl 1, k 1, p.s.s.o., k 1. Repeat from * around (168 sts). 43rd rnd: * O, k 1, (O, sl 1, k 1, p.s.s.o.) 3 times; k 3, thread over twice, k 4, sl 1, k 1, p.s.s.o., thread over twice, k 5. Repeat from * around (200 sts). 45th rnd: * O, k 1, (O, sl 1, k 1, p.s.s.o.) 3 times; k 5, thread over twice, k 3 tog, k 1, k 3 tog, thread over twice, sl 1, k 1, p.s.s.o., k 4. Repeat from * around. 47th rnd: * O, k 1, (O, sl 1, k 1, p.s.s.o.) 3 times; k 4, k 3 tog, thread over 3 times, k 5 tog, thread over 3 times, k 3 tog, k 3. Repeat from * around (192 sts).
49th rnd: * O, k 1, (O, sl 1, k 1, p.s.s.o.) 3 times; k 2, sl 1, k 1, p.s.s.o., thread over twice, k 4, sl 1, k 1, p.s.s.o., thread over twice, k 3, sl 1, k 1, p.s.s.o., k 2. Repeat from * around (208 sts). 51st rnd: * O, k 1, (O, sl 1, k 1, p.s.s.o.) 3 times; k 5, (thread over twice, k 3 tog, k 1, k 3 tog) twice. Repeat from * around (184 sts). 53rd rnd: * O, k 1, (O, sl 1, k 1, p.s.s.o.) 3 times; k 5, sl 1, k 1, p.s.s.o., thread over 3 times, k 5 tog, thread over 3 times, sl 1, k 1, p.s.s.o., k 2. Repeat from * around (192 sts). 55th and 56th rnds: Knit around. Note that hereafter directions for each rnd are given. 57th rnd: * K 7, O, k 1, O. Repeat from * around (240 sts). 58th rnd: * Sl 1, k 1, p.s.s.o., k 3, k 2 tog, O, k 3, O. Repeat from * around. 59th rnd: * Sl 1, k 1, p.s.s.o., k 1, k 2 tog, O, k 5, O. Repeat from * around. 60th rnd: * K 3 tog, O, k 3, O, sl 1, k 1, p.s.s.o., k 2, O. Repeat from * around. 61st rnd: * K 1, O, sl 1, k 1, p.s.s.o., k 5, k 2 tog, O. Repeat from * around. 62nd rnd: K 2, * O, sl 1, k 1, p.s.s.o., k 3, k 2 tog, O, k 3. Repeat from * around, ending with k 1. 63rd rnd: K 3, * O, sl 1, k 1, p.s.s.o., k 1, k 2 tog, O, k 5. Repeat from * around, ending with k 2. 64th rnd: Knit around. 65th rnd: K 3, slip these 3 sts onto end of previous needle, k 1, * sl 1, k 2 tog, p.s.s.o., k 7, turn, sl 1, p 2, work 7 sts in next st—to work 7 sts in 1, (k 1, p 1) 3 times in the same st, then k in the same st once more, p 4, sl 1, turn, bind off 14 sts (1 st remains on right-hand needle). Repeat from * around. Fasten off.
Starch, pin out into shape and press.
Knitted Edging Pattern #3-32
Knitted Edging Pattern #3-33
Knitted Edging Pattern #3-34
Knitted Edging Pattern #3-35
Treasure Piece Doily Pattern
Handkerchief Edging Pattern #3-20
Handkerchief Edging Pattern #3-21
Handkerchief Edging Pattern #3-41
Edging Pattern #3-1
Edging Pattern #3-2
Edging Pattern #3-3
Edging Pattern #3-10
Edging Pattern #3-11
Edging Pattern #3-12
Edging Pattern #3-15
Edging Pattern #3-16
Edging Pattern #3-17
Edging Pattern #3-18
Edging Pattern #3-19
Edging Pattern #3-22
Edging Pattern #3-23
Edging Pattern #3-29
Edging Pattern #3-30
Edging Pattern #3-36
Edging Pattern #3-37
Edging Pattern #3-38
Edging Pattern #3-40
Edging and Insertion Pattern #3-4
Edging and Insertion Pattern #3-13
Edging and Insertion Pattern #3-14
Edging and Insertion Pattern #3-31
Edging and Insertion Pattern #3-39
Towel Edging Pattern #3-24
Towel Edging Pattern #3-25
Towel Edging Pattern #3-26
Towel Edging Pattern #3-27
Towel Edging Pattern #3-28
Two-Color Edging Pattern #3-5
Two-Color Edging Pattern #3-6
Two-Color Edging Pattern #3-7
Two-Color Edging Pattern #3-8
Two-Color Edging Pattern #3-9
Filet Doily Pattern #3-46
Filet Doily Pattern #3-54
Shadow Show Doily Pattern
Heirloom Doily Pattern
Corner Charm Doily Pattern
Useful Square Doily Pattern
Round Doily Pattern
Faithfully Yours Doily Pattern
Two Tone Runner Pattern
Irish Morn Doily Pattern
Tudor Rose Elegance Doily Pattern
Imagination Tickler Motif Pattern
Tiny Squares Motif Pattern
Small Beginning Motif Pattern
Shuffle Three or Seven Together Motif Pattern
Ruffled Charmer Doily Pattern
Beruffled Bread Tray Doily Pattern