1 to 2 Years
4 1-oz. Balls Blue or any color desired.
1 Pr. Bone Knitting Needles No. 1.
1 Bone Crochet Hook No. 2 or 3.
8 Buttons.
Gauge–8 sts = 1 inch. 12 rows = 1 inch.
BACK. Starting at crotch cast on 14 sts and work in stockinette st (K 1 row, P 1 row). Cast on 4 sts at the end of each row until there are 54 sts on needle. (The following 18 increases are knitted each row forming a band on each side of seam.) Cast on 2 sts at the end of each row until there are 90 sts on needle. Work 4 more rows knitting the first and last 18 sts in each row. Next row knit the first and last 17 sts and work 1 inch. Continue in this manner knitting 1 less st in the border on each side every inch until there are 12 knitted sts each side of leg seam. Continue until work measures 9 inches through the center (having 12 sts in border). Working very tightly, K 2, P 2 ribbing for 1½ inches. Work 1 inch in stockinette st having 10 sts each side in knitted border, 1 inch having 9 sts in border, and then work ¾ inch having 8 sts in border. (2¾ inches altogether.) The remainder of back is made without a border.
Next 2 Rows–Bind off 6 sts at the beginning of each row for armholes.
Next Row–Work across 39 sts, turn and continue on these sts for 3¾ inches, bind off and work other side to correspond.
FRONT. Cast on 14 sts and work same as back to one row beyond underarm decreases ending with K row.
Next Row–Start yoke pattern. * P 2, K 2, repeat from * 5 times, P 30, * K 2, P 2, repeat from * 5 times. Next row K across row. Repeat these 2 rows for yoke pattern. Work even until armhole measures 2 inches from the 1st decreasing point ending with Purl row.
Next Row–Shape neck. Work across 35 sts, bind off the next 8 sts and continue work on remaining sts. Work even at armhole and decrease 1 st at neck edge every row 10 times. Continue even until armhole measures 3¾ inches, bind off and work other side to correspond. Sew shoulder seams.
SLEEVES. With right side toward you pick up 64 sts along armhole edge and work in stockinette st for 2½ inches.
Next Row–Decrease 12 sts spacing the decreases evenly and work tightly in ribbing of K 2, P 2 for ¾ inch, bind off loosely.
Press garment lightly. Sew up side and sleeve seams.
LEG BANDS. With right side toward you starting at crotch, pick up 94 sts and K 2, P 2, ribbing for ⅝ inch.
Work 2 Rows of s c on each side of back opening working 4 loops for buttonholes on one side of opening in 2nd row. Work 3 rows of s c across each opening at crotch working 4 loops for buttonholes on front side of 3rd row.
COLLAR. With wrong side of work toward you pick up and K 42 sts to center of neck front, turn and purl back.
Next Row–K 2, P 2, turn.
Next Row–P across row.
Repeat the last 2 rows 7 times, bind off and work other half of collar to correspond.
Surplice Sweater Pattern
Creeper Pattern
Soakers Pattern
Soakers Pattern
House Coat Pattern
Lightweight Jacket and Cap Pattern
Baby's First Ensemble Pattern
Legging Suit Pattern
Knitting Cap Pattern
Girl's Outfit Set Pattern
Suspender Skirt Pattern
Boy's Outfit Set Pattern
Two Piece Suit Pattern
Girl's Coat Pattern
Boy's Coat Pattern
Snow Suit Set Pattern
Infant's Crocheted Set Pattern
Crocheted Bunting Pattern
Crocheted Dutch Cap Pattern
Crocheted Hood Pattern
Crocheted Dress Pattern
Bottle Cozy Pattern
Infant's Bib Pattern
Soft Ball Pattern
Humpty Dumpty Pattern
Crocheted Cap Pattern