Size 3-4
3 1-oz. Balls Dk. Blue or Main Color.
1 1-oz. Ball each of Cardinal and Amber.
1 Pr. Bone Knitting Needles No. 2.
1 Pr. Bone Knitting Needles No. 4.
Chest 22 inches.
Length from lower edge of back to neckband. 13 inches.
Length of sleeve at underarm. 10 inches.
Gauge–13 sts = 2 inches. 9 rows = 1 inch.
FRONT. On fine needles with Main color, cast on 76 sts and work in ribbing of K 2, P 2 for 2½ inches. Change to large needles and work remainder of sweater in stockinette st in the following color scheme. 8 rows Dk. Blue, 1 row Cardinal, 1 row Dk. Blue, 1 row Amber, 1 row Dk. Blue, 1 row Cardinal, repeat from beginning. Work even for 6½ inches or length desired.
Next 2 Rows–Bind off 4 sts at the beginning of each row then decrease 1 st at each end every other row 3 times. Work even for 16 rows ending with a K row.
Next Row–Start neck shaping. Purl the first 22 sts, slip the next 18 sts on a thread, hold remaining sts on needle for other side, turn, * K the 1st 2 sts together and K to armhole, turn and purl back. Repeat from * 3 times. K 1 row, P 1 row. Change to fine needles and work 6 rows, slip these sts on a pin or st holder.
Beginning at neck edge work other side to correspond, ending at armhole edge. Change to large needles, work to neck edge. Cast on 26 sts back of neck, slip the other shoulder sts to a free needle and K them on same needle. Work 27 rows even. Increase 1 st each side every other row 3 times. Next 2 rows cast on 4 sts at the beginning of each row. Finish back same as front.
SLEEVES. Work entire sleeve in Dk. Blue. On fine needles cast on 44 sts and work in ribbing of K 2, P 2 for 2½ inches. Change to large needles and continue in stockinette st. Work 6 rows even. Next row increase 1 st each side then increase 1 st each side every 5th row until there are 8 increases on each side. Work even until sleeve measures 10 inches or is length desired at underarm.
Bind off 3 sts at the beginning of each row until 24 sts remain. Bind off.
NECKBAND. With Dk. Blue using fine needles, and working on the right side, pick up and K the 26 sts on the 26 cast on sts, and 1 extra st each side, work in ribbing of K 2, P 2 for 8 rows, bind off. Beginning at left shoulder, pick up and K 3 sts on shoulder ridges, 12 more sts on left front, sl the 18 front sts to a free needle and K them on same needle, pick up 15 sts on other side and work in ribbing for 8 rows, bind off and sew bands together. Sew seams and sew sleeves in position.
SKIRT 2015
3-4 Years
3 1-oz. Balls Dk. Blue.
1 1-oz. Ball each of Cardinal and Amber.
Circular Needle size 3 and 1 Pr. Steel Needles No. 1.
Gauge–7 sts = 1 inch. 9 rows = 1 inch.
Around Waist 18 inches.
Length 12 inches.
COLOR PATTERN. 8 rows Dk. Blue, 1 row Cardinal, 1 row Dk. Blue, 1 row Amber, 1 row Dk. Blue, 1 row Cardinal, repeat from beginning.
Cast on 273 sts, K 1 row, P 1 row. Next row start pattern. * K 20, P 1, repeat from * 12 times (13 Patterns). Continue pattern decreasing 1 st in each pattern every inch until 9 decreases of 13 sts have been made (158 sts). Repeat color pattern 5 times then continue in Dk. Blue. After 9 decreases have been made work even until skirt measures 12 inches or is length desired.
Work 2 rows of s c around top. Next row work a beading for elastic.
BEADING. Ch 5, skip 2 s c, d c in next s c, * d c in next s c, ch 2, skip 2 s c, d c in next s c, repeat from * all around and finish with 2 rows of s c.
2 1-oz. Balls Dark Blue, 1 1-oz. Ball each of Cardinal and Amber.
5 Double Pointed Knitting Needles No. 2.
On 4 needles with Dark Blue, cast on 80 sts (20 on each needle) join taking care not to twist the stitches.
1st Row–K 1, P 1, repeat all around.
2nd Row–Purl the K sts and K the Purl sts. Repeat 2nd row for 2½ inches. The remainder of work is done in plain knitting. Continue in Dark Blue until cap measures 7 inches. Repeat 3 stripes of pattern same as skirt and sweater decreasing 1 st at each end of each needle every ½ inch 7 times. Finish cap in Dark Blue. Work ½ inch, decrease, break yarn leaving an end. Pick up remaining sts on yarn, draw them together and fasten firmly.
TASSEL. Cut about 50 strands of yarn 30 inches long, double these and tie at top then tie tightly about 1¾ inches from the top. Fasten to top of cap.
Surplice Sweater Pattern
Creeper Pattern
Soakers Pattern
Soakers Pattern
House Coat Pattern
Lightweight Jacket and Cap Pattern
Baby's First Ensemble Pattern
Legging Suit Pattern
Knitting Cap Pattern
Girl's Outfit Set Pattern
Suspender Skirt Pattern
Boy's Outfit Set Pattern
Two Piece Suit Pattern
Girl's Coat Pattern
Boy's Coat Pattern
Snow Suit Set Pattern
Infant's Crocheted Set Pattern
Crocheted Bunting Pattern
Crocheted Dutch Cap Pattern
Crocheted Hood Pattern
Crocheted Dress Pattern
Bottle Cozy Pattern
Infant's Bib Pattern
Soft Ball Pattern
Humpty Dumpty Pattern
Crocheted Cap Pattern