3-1 oz. Balls of Lt. Rosewood.
1-1 oz. Ball of Blue.
1 Pr. Bone Knitting Needles No. 3.
1 Bone Crochet Hook No. 2.
4 Snaps for Belt.
Gauge: 7 sts = 1 inch.
Directions are given for size 12. Size 14 and 16 are given in parenthesis.
Back. With Lt. Rosewood cast on 112 sts (118 sts, 124 sts) and K 1 row, P 1 row until back measures 7¼ inches (7¼ inches, 7¾ inches).
Next 2 Rows. Bind off 9 sts (9 sts, 10 sts) at the beginning of each row then decrease 1 st each side every other row 3 times (3 times, 4 times). Work even until armhole measures 7¼ inches (7½ inches, 7¾ inches) from the 1st decreasing point.
Next 8 Rows. Bind off 7 sts (6 sts, 6 sts) at the beginning of each row and bind off loosely the remaining sts for back of neck.
Left Front. With Lt. Rosewood, cast on 72 sts (76 sts, 80 sts) and K 1 row, P 1 row, decrease 1 st at front edge ½ inch until front measures 6¾ inches (7 inches, 7¼ inches). Continue decreasing 1 st every ½ inch at front edge and at armhole edge bind off 12 sts (12 sts, 13 sts) then decrease 1 st at armhole edge every other row 3 times (3 times, 4 times). Work even at armhole edge and continue decreasing at front edge every ½ inch until 28 sts (30 sts, 30 sts) remain. Work even until armhole measures 7¼ inches (7½ inches, 7¾ inches) from the first decreasing point. At armhole edge bind off 7 sts (6 sts, 6 sts) 4 times, (5 times, 5 times).
Right Front. Work in Blue to correspond reversing the shaping.
Across shoulder edges work 5 rows of s c in matching color.
Overcast shoulder seams together and sew side seams.
With matching color work 5 rows of s c all around front and neck edges, then with matching color, work 2 rows of s c around armholes.
Belt. With Rosewood, ch 21 and work 20 s c on ch, ch 1, turn.
2nd Row. Work 1 s c in each s c, ch 1, turn. Repeat 2nd row until belt is length desired.
Sew belt to bottom of jerkin easing in fullness. Fasten with snappers.
Buttons. Cover button mold with s c. Sew buttons in position.
Knit Square Pattern
Cable Stitch Square Pattern
Knit Square Pattern
Basket Weave Square Pattern
Lace Stitch Square Pattern
Knit Square Pattern
Seed Stitch Square Pattern
Pine Cone Square Pattern
Knit Square Pattern
Knit Square Pattern
Woman's Cardigan Pattern
Cable Stitch Mittens Pattern
Man's Sleeveless Slip On Pattern
Two Toned Jerkin Pattern
Crocheted Cord Pattern
Covered Button Pattern
Fancy Button Pattern
Crocheted Cap Fringe Pattern
Crocheted Ball Fringe Pattern
Irish Crochet Background
Irish Crochet Background
Irish Crochet Background
Irish Crochet Rose Pattern
Doily Pattern
Square Collar Pattern
Children's Slippers Pattern
Belt Pattern
Sunbonnet Pot Holder Pattern
Crocheted Scarf Pattern
Crocheted Vest Pattern
Crocheted Wool Gloves Pattern
Crocheted Shoulder Bag and Beanie Set Pattern
Crocheted Baby Afghan Pattern
Tatted Collar Pattern
Tatted Towel Edging Pattern
Tatted Towel Edging Pattern
Tatted Edge for Collar Pattern
Tatted Handkerchief Edging Pattern
Twisted Cord Pattern
Tassels Pattern
Pom Poms Pattern
Irish Crochet Motif Pattern
Crocheted Handbag Pattern
Single Fringe Pattern
Double Knot Fringe Pattern
Knot Fringe Pattern
Hairpin Lace Edging Pattern
Hairpin Lace Edging Pattern
Hairpin Lace Edging Pattern
Hairpin Lace Insertion Pattern
Hairpin Lace Edging Pattern