This stocking is knit spirally and regardless which way you pull on the stocking you automatically get a heel and toe—so you see—mothers, this is a boon to leisure moments when you ordinarily would be darning. You will notice that the spiral stitch is repeated diagonally in the sweater and is very smart—especially for the young fellows who want to make That Impression.
Size 10
Needles—1 Pair American Standard No. 2 and No. 3.
Material—Kashmir Sports—4 two ounce balls.
Gauge—7½ sts to 1 inch—Waist 24 inches—Chest 26 inches.
Back—With No. 2 needles, cast on 84 sts, K 2, P 2 ribbing for 3 inches. Change to No. 3 needles. Row 1—K 1 (K 4, P 4, 5 times), K 2 (P 4, K 4, 5 times), P 1.
Row 2—K 1 (P 4, K 4, 5 times), P 2, (K 4, P 4, 5 times), K 1.
Row 3—Same as Row 1.
Row 4—Same as Row 2.
Row 5—(K 4, P 4, 5 times), K 4 (P 4, K 4, 5 times).
Row 6—(P 4, K 4, 5 times), P 4 (K 4, P 4, 5 times).
Row 7—Same as Row 5.
Row 8—Same as Row 6.
Row 9—K 3, P 4 (K 4, P 4, 4 times), K 6 (P 4, K 4, 4 times), P 4, K 3.
Row 10—P 3, K 4 (P 4, K 4, 4 times), P 6 (K 4, P 4, 4 times), K 4, P 3.
Row 11—Same as Row 9; increasing in first and last st.
Row 12—(P 4, K 4, 5 times), P 6 (K 4, P 4, 5 times).
Row 13—K 3, P 4 (K 4, P 4, 4 times), K 8, (P 4, K 4, 4 times), P 4, K 3.
Row 14—P 3, K 4 (P 4, K 4, 4 times), P 8, (K 4, P 4, 4 times), K 4, P 3.
Row 15—Same as Row 13.
Row 16—Same as Row 14.
Row 17—K 2, P 4 (K 4, P 4, 4 times), K 10 (P 4, K 4, 4 times), P 4, K 2.
Row 18—P 2, K 4 (P 4, K 4, 4 times), P 10 (K 4, P 4, 4 times), K 4, P 2.
Row 19—Same as Row 17.
Row 20—Same as Row 18.
Row 21—Inc first st (P 4, K 4, 5 times), P 1, K 2, P 1 (K 4, P 4, 5 times), inc last st.
Row 22—P 2 (K 4, P 4, 5 times), K 1, P 2, K 1 (P 4, K 4, 5 times), P 2.
Row 23—K 2 (P 4, K 4, 5 times), P 1, K 2, P 1 (K 4, P 4, 5 times), K 2.
Row 24—Same as Row 22.
Row 25—K 1 (P 4, K 4, 5 times), P 2, K 2, P 2 (K 4, P 4, 5 times), K 1.
Row 26—P 1 (K 4, P 4, 5 times), K 2, P 2, K 2 (P 4, K 4, 5 times), P 1.
Row 27—Same as Row 25.
Row 28—Same as Row 26.
Row 29—(P 4, K 4, 5 times), P 3, K 2, P 3 (K 4, P 4, 5 times).
Row 30—(K 4, P 4, 5 times), K 3, P 2, K 3 (P 4, K 4, 5 times).
Row 31—Same as Row 29.
Row 32—Same as Row 30.
Continue moving pattern over 1 st every 4 rows in above manner always working 2 stockinette sts in center of piece and increasing 1 st at each end every inch until you have 92 sts. Continue even until work measures 10½ inches from beginning. Bind off 5 sts at beg of the next 2 rows. Dec 1 st at beg of the next 8 rows, (74 sts). Work even until armhole measures 7 inches measuring straight up from where the 5 sts were bound off. Work in pattern for 21 sts, bind off 32 sts, work remaining 21 sts. Bind off 7 sts at beg of shoulder edge, 3 times. Work other shoulder to correspond, joining yarn at inside of neck.
Front—Work same as for back until piece measures 13½ inches from beginning (3 inches above armhole). Work 32 sts in pattern. Bind off 10 sts for neck. Work 32 sts, K 2 sts tog at beg of every row at neck edge, until 21 sts remain. Work even until armhole measures 7 inches, measuring from 5 bound off sts. Bind off 7 sts at beg of shoulder, 3 times. Work other shoulder to correspond.
Sleeves—With No. 2 needles, cast on 60 sts, K 2, P 2 for 3 inches. Change to No. 3 needles and work in pattern, working first row as follows: K 1, P 4 (K 4, P 4, 3 times), K 2 (P 4, K 4, 3 times), P 4, K 1. Continue in pattern increasing 1 st on each end every ¾ inches until piece measures 15 inches, 90 sts or desired length to underarm. Bind off 3 sts at beg of next 2 rows. Bind off 2 sts at beg of next 2 rows. Now dec 1 st at beg of every row until 40 sts remain, bind off.
Band at neck—Front—With No. 2 needles, holding right side toward you, pick up 76 sts across front, K 2, P 2 for 1 inch. Bind off loosely in K 2, P 2.
Band at back—Pick up 40 sts K 2, P 2 for 1 inch. Sew shoulder seams and band at neck. Sew seams at underarm. Insert sleeves into armholes, having seams meet.
Spiral ribbed socks, without heels.
No. 815
Needles—1 set No. 12 steel.
Material—Heather sports yarn—4 ounces. Red, Yellow and Royal blue ⅛ ounce each.
spool elastic thread.
Gauge—9 sts to 1 inch.
With heather cast on 72 sts (24 sts on each of 3 needles). Work in ribbing (K 2, P 2) for 8 rnds. Attach yellow yarn and K 1 rnd, K 2, P 2 for 1 rnd. With heather, K 1 rnd, K 2, P 2 for 2 rnds. With red, K 1 rnd, K 2, P 2 for 2 rnds. With heather, K 1 rnd, K 2, P 2 for 2 rnds. With royal blue, K 1 rnd, K 2, P 2 for 5 rnds. With heather, K 1 rnd, K 2, P 2 for 2 rnds. With red, K 1 rnd, K 2, P 2 for 2 rnds. With heather, K 1 rnd, K 2, P 2, for 2 rnds. With yellow, K 1 rnd, K 2, P 2 for 1 rnd. With heather, K 1 rnd, K 2, P 2 for 13 rnds. Join elastic thread, K 1 rnd; * K 4, P 4 for 3 rnds. 4th rnd, K 4, P 4 to last st. Put this st on next needle. 5th rnd (first needle) K 4, P 4 to last st. Put this st on next needle. (2nd needle), same as first needle. (3rd needle), K 4, P 4 to end. This moves pattern over forming a spiral. Repeat from *, until work measures 22 inches from beginning, or desired length; after 2 patterns have been completed with elastic thread, continue with yarn for 2 patterns, then work 2 more patterns with elastic. Join yarn and complete.
Toe—P 7, P 2 tog for 1 rnd. P 2 rnds even. P 6, P 2 tog for 1 rnd. P 2 rnds even. Continue decreasing in this manner, purling 2 rnds even after every decrease rnd, 5 times more. Break thread and run through remaining sts. Fasten off.
Convalescing Jacket Ensemble Pattern
His Majesty Knitted Infant Set Pattern
Royal Highness Cape and Hood Pattern
Linda Coat and Bonnet Pattern
Bonnie Annie Laurie Plaid Coat and Bonnet Pattern
Sunny Slip-Over, Cardigan and Panties Pattern
Land of Nod Five Piece Ensemble with Carriage Robe Pattern
Tyrol Knitted Jacket and Hat Pattern
Goldilocks Little Princess Dress Pattern
Boy Blue Four Piece Boy's Ensemble Pattern
Majorette Knitted Jacket and Hat Pattern
Colleen Jerkin, Socks, and Beanie Pattern
Spiral Socks and Slip-Over Pattern
Queen of Hearts Six Piece Ensemble Pattern
Aloha Herringbone Coat and Hat Pattern
Baby's Three Piece Crocheted Set Pattern
Sailor's Sweetheart Crocheted Jacket Pattern
Swiss Shalet Crocheted Coat and Hat Pattern