The answer to any problem that would arise in regard to a skating costume. The very essence of smartness that may be used as a Spring, Fall or Winter ensemble. Jacket, by the way, closes with a Zipper, and the heart motif is repeated on cap, jacket and mitts.
Size 10 to 12 years
Needles—1 pair bone needles, size 3. 1 Circular needle size 3, 24-inch.
Material—Cashmere Sports Yarn.
Jacket—5 two ounce balls White. Skirt—4 two ounce balls Red. Cap—1 two ounce ball White.
Gauge—7½ sts to 1 inch.
Back—Cast on 92 sts (96 sts, size 12). K 1 row, P 1 row for ¾ inch. P 1 row on K side, to turn for hem. Continue to K 1 row, P 1 row, until work measures 1¾ inches from start. Dec 1 st on each side (90 sts). * Work 1 inch even, dec 1 st on each side, repeat from * once (86 sts). Work 2 inches even. Now inc 1 st on each side. * Work 1 inch even, inc 1 st on each side, repeat from * until piece measures 9¾ inches from start (96 sts). Work 1 inch even (2 inches, size 12). Bind off 3 sts on each side for underarm, then K 2 sts tog at beg of the next 8 rows (82 sts). Work even for 6 inches (6½, size 12) measuring straight up from where the 3 sts were bound off. Bind off 5 sts at beg of next 10 rows, bind off remaining 32 sts for back of neck.
Front—Cast on 3 sts, P back. Inc in each st, P back. Inc in first and last 2 sts in every K row, until you have 28 sts. Cast on 5 sts at beg of the next 2 rows (38 sts). On next K row, cast on 10 sts (place marker), this will be seam end. K 1 row, P 1 row for 1 inch. * Dec 1 st at seam end, work 1 inch even, repeat from * once. Work 2 inches even. * Now inc 1 st on seam end. Work 1 inch even, repeat from * until piece measures 9 inches from marker (50 sts). Work 1 inch even. Bind off 4 sts at seam end for underarm, then K 2 sts tog at beg of every row at underarm, 5 times (41 sts). Work even for 4 inches (4½, size 12). Bind off 6 sts at neck edge, then K 2 sts tog at beg of every row at neck edge, until 28 sts remain. Bind off 5 sts at beg of every row that begins at shoulder and continue to K 2 sts tog at neck edge, until all sts are bound off.
Sleeves—Cast on 56 sts, P 1 row, K 1 row for ¾ inches. P 1 row on K side (to turn for Hem), continue to K 1 row, P 1 row for 2 inches. * Inc 1 st at each end. Work 1 inch even, repeat from *, until sleeve measures 15¾ inches (86 sts), work ½ inch even or desired length to underarm. Bind off 3 sts at beg of the next 2 rows, then 2 sts at beg of the next 2 rows. K 2 sts tog at beg and end of every K row, until you have 44 sts, bind off. On fronts at bottom, pick up 48 sts on right side, P 1 row, K 1 row, decreasing 1 st on K rows at point, for 6 rows, bind off.
Collar—Holding wrong side toward you, pick up 72 sts, cast on 4 sts at beg of next 2 rows for hem. K 4, P across to within last 4 sts, K 4. K 1 row, P 1 row for 2 rows. * K 5, inc 1 st, repeat from * across row, work 3 rows even. * K 6, inc 1 st, repeat from * across row, work 3 rows even. * K 7, inc 1 st, repeat from * across row, work 3 rows even.
* K 8, inc 1 st, repeat from * across row. Work 6 rows even. Bind off 8 sts, P 1 row on K side. Bind off 8 sts at beg of next row, P 1 row, K 1 row for 4 more rows, bind off loosely.
Finishing—Sew up seams at underarm and sleeve seams, insert sleeves into armholes, having seams meet at underarm. Turn under hems and sew. Work 1 row of s c up each side at fronts.
Heart—With red yarn, cast on 2 sts, P back. K next row, increasing in each st. P back (when increasing, inc on 2nd st from ends). Inc at beg and end of every row until you have 20 sts. Inc at beg and end of K rows only until you have 24 sts. Work 4 rows even. Now dec 2 sts on every K row same as you increased, until you have 20 sts. P back. K over 10 sts, P back. Now K 2 tog every K row at beg and end until you have 4 sts, bind off. Work other 10 sts to correspond. Work 1 row of s c around heart, pin heart into shape desired, block and sew on jacket as shown on illustration.
With No. 3 circular needle, cast on 480 sts. Join being careful not to twist sts. K 1 row, P 1 row, for 6 rows for border (3 ribs). * P 2, K 78, repeat from * for 1 rnd. K next rnd. Repeat these 2 rnds for 1 inch. On next rnd, make a decreased row as follows: * P 2, K 2 sts, K 2 tog, K 70, K 2 tog, K 2, repeat from * for 1 rnd (468 sts). Work in pattern for 1 inch. Make another decreased rnd as follows: * P 2, K 2 sts, K 2 tog, K 33, K 2 tog, K 33, K 2 tog, K 2, repeat from * for 1 rnd (450 sts). Work in pattern for 1 inch. Continue to dec 18 sts (3 sts in each gore, 1 dec on each side of gore, on 3rd and 4th sts, 1 st in center of each gore), until skirt measures 17 inches, 180 sts, (26 waist). Work ½ inch even. Now dec 12 sts to the rnd, omitting center decreases 168 sts (24 waist). Work ½ inch even or desired length to waist line. P 1 row, K ½ inch even, bind off loosely. Insert elastic and turn for hem.
Side of Cap—With No. 3 needle, cast on 28 sts, * K 1 row. On next row, K 4, (border), P back, repeat from * for 1 inch. Now inc 1 st at end of next row and continue to K 4 on purled rows for border. Work 1 inch even. Inc 1 st every inch on same side, until you have 35 sts, 7 inches. Work 2 inches even. Now dec 1 st every inch same as you increased, 28 sts, work 1 inch even, bind off.
Back of Cap—Cast on 24 sts, * K 1 row, P 1 row for 3 rows, inc 1 st at beg and end of next row, repeat from * until you have 36 sts, 3 inches. Work ½ inch even, now dec 1 st on each end and dec 1 st on each end every 4th row, until you have 28 sts, P 1 row, K 1 row, bind off.
Fold front piece in half, mark center of cap at opposite edge from border. Place mark in center of bound off sts on back of cap. Sew center back to front piece having markers meet. Block seam lightly on right side of cap. With red work scallops around seam of cap, as follows: holding back of cap toward you, fasten yarn at bottom, ch 1, * skip a space, work (1 h d c, 3 d c, 1 h d c) in next st, skip a space, s c in next space, repeat from * around back of cap about 20 scallops.
Ties—Ch 70, work 1 s c around bottom of cap (continuing with same thread), skipping about 10 sts, ch 70 sts. Work 1 row of s c over chains and back of cap. Block lightly into shape.
Hearts—With red, cast on 2 sts, P 2 sts. K increasing in each st, P back. * On next row inc in first 2 sts and last 2 sts, P back, repeat from * once. K 1 row, P 1 row even for 4 rows. K 2 tog, K 4, turn, P 2 tog, P 3, K 2 tog, K 2 turn. P 2 tog, P 1, bind off 2 sts break thread. Work other 6 sts to correspond and work 1 row of s c around heart. Sew hearts on each side of cap as shown on illustration.
Size 10 to 12 years
Needles—1 Pair Bone size 1 and 3.
Material—4 one ounce balls Kashmir Fleece.
Gauge—8 sts to 1 inch—No. 3 needles.
Back—With No. 1 needles, cast on 104 sts (size 12, 108 sts), K 1, P 1 for 5 inches. Change to No. 3 needles, K 1 row, P 1 row, until piece measures 11 inches. Bind off 3 sts at beg of the next 2 rows for underarm, then K 2 tog at beg of the next 6 rows (92 sts). Work even until armhole measures 5½ inches, measuring straight up from where the 3 sts were bound off. On next K row, K 29, put remainder of sts on st holder. P back on 29 sts. On next row, bind off 5 sts at beg of every row at armhole edge, 5 times and P 2 tog at beg of every row at neck edge. Work other 29 sts to correspond.
Neck Band—With No. 1 needles, pick up 50 sts, K 1, P 1 ribbing for 1 inch, bind off, K 1, P 1.
Front—Cast on 104 (size 12, 108), K 1, P 1 for 5 inches. Change to No. 3 needles. On next row, K 26, K 1, P 1 for 52 sts, K 26. On next row P 27, P 1, K 1, for 50 sts, P 27. Next row, K 28, K 1, P 1, for 48 sts, K 28. Next row, P 29, P 1, K 1, for 46 sts, P 29. Continue in this manner having 2 sts less in pattern on every row, until all sts are K. P 1 row, K 1 row until piece measures same as for back. Bind off 3 sts at beg of the next 2 rows, then K 2 tog at beg of the next 8 rows (90 sts). Work even until armhole measures 2 inches (2½ inches, size 12). K 44, K 1, P 1, K 44. Next row, P 43, P 1, K 1, P 1, K 1, P 43. Next row, K 42 (K 1, P 1, 3 times), K 42. Next row, P 41 (P 1, K 1, 4 times), P 41. Continue in this manner having 2 more sts in pattern every row, until you have 28 sts in pattern. K 31, put remainder of sts on st holder. P back. P 2 tog at beg of every 4th row, at neck edge until 25 sts remain. Bind off 5 sts at beg of every row at armhole edge, 5 times, work even at neck edge. Work other side to correspond, (Put 28, K 1, P 1) on st holder. Band at neck, Pick up 23 sts, K 1, P 1 following pattern across front, pick up 23 sts on other side. K 1, P 1 for 1 inch, bind off K 1, P 1.
Sleeves—With No. 1 needles, cast on 66 sts. K 1, P 1 for 2½ inches. Change to No. 3 needles, K 20, K 1, P 1 for 26 sts, K 20. Next row, P 21, P 1, K 1, for 24 sts, P 21. K 22, K 1, P 1 for 22 sts, K 22. P 23, P 1, K 1 for 20 sts, P 23. Continue in this manner having 2 sts less in pattern every row, until all sts are K, inc 1 st on each end and continue to inc 1 st on each end every 4th row, until sleeve measures 4½ inches (72 sts). Bind off 3 sts at beg of the next 2 rows, then 2 sts at beg of the next 2 rows (62 sts). K 2 tog at beg and end of every 4th row until you have 40 sts, bind off.
Sew up shoulder seams, sew back and front together. Sew sleeve seams and insert into armhole.
Size 6 to 8, 10 to 12
Needles—1 set of bone, No. 5.
Material—2½ oz. knitting worsted.
Gauge—5 sts to 1 inch.
Cuff—Cast on 44 sts, 16 sts on each 2 needles, 12 on 3rd needle, * P 4 rnds. K 4 rnds, repeat from * 2 more times. K 2, P 2 around row for 3 inches (size 6 to 8), 4 inches (size 10 to 12). Put next 12 sts on st holder and cast on 4 sts. Continue to K 2, P 2 for 2½ inches (size 6 to 8), 3½ inches (size 10 to 12). On next rnd, K 2 tog, P 2 tog for 1 rnd. K 1, P 1 for 4 rnds. K 2 tog until you have 9 sts, draw through and sew.
Thumb—Pick up 12 sts from st holder, pick up 4 sts from hand. K 2, P 2 for 1½ inches, size 6 to 8 (1¾ inches, size 10 to 12), then P the 2 P sts tog for 1 rnd. Next rnd K the 2 K sts tog for 1 rnd (8 sts), draw through and sew.
With red sports yarn make 2 small hearts as follows: With No. 2 needles, cast on 2 sts, P 2 sts, K increasing in each st. P back. * Inc in first and last st, P back, repeat from * once. K 1 row, P 1 row. K 2 tog, K 2, turn, P back. K 1, K 2 tog, bind off. Work other 4 sts to correspond. Make another heart in same manner. Sew 2 pieces tog and fill with red yarn. Make 3 more hearts in same manner. With 2 strands of sports yarn, ch 52 sts, sew heart on each end, tie a bow and sew on mitts as shown on illustration. These can easily be removed when washing.
Needles—1 set No. 12 steel.
Material—Kashmer Sports—4 ounces.
Gauge—9 sts to 1 inch. Size 9.
Cast on 84 sts (30-30-24), K 1, P 1 for 1½ inches. K in pattern (K 4, P 2 for 1 rnd. K next rnd), until work measures 6½ inches from beg. K first 2 sts of first needle on 3rd needle. Dec 1 st at beg of first needle and 1 st at end of 3rd needle. Continue decreasing in this manner every ½ inch, 8 more times (66 sts). K even until work measures 11½ inches from beg or desired length.
Heel—K 15, slip last 15 sts of rnd on same needle (30 sts). Divide remaining sts evenly on 2 needles for instep. Work 2½ inches in stockinette st (K) on 30 heel sts, knitting the first and last st of every row, end with purled row.
To shape Heel—K 19, sl 1 st, K 1, p.s.s.o., turn, P 9, P 2 tog, turn. * K 9, sl 1 st, K 1, p.s.s.o., turn, P 9, P 2 tog, turn. Repeat from * until all sts are worked. K back 5 sts, this completes heel. Slip all instep sts on 1 needle. With another needle, K remaining 5 heel sts and pick up 16 sts along side of heel. With another needle, pick up 16 sts along other side of heel and K 5 remaining heel sts. Work 1 rnd even, keeping instep sts in pattern.
Instep—First needle: K to last 3 sts. K 2 tog, K 1. 2nd needle, work in pattern. 3rd needle, K 1, P 2 tog thru back of sts. K to end of needle. K 3 rnds even. Continue to dec in this manner every 4th rnd 3 more times (17 sts remaining on each of the first and 3rd needles). Continue to work even until foot measures 5½ inches from where sts were picked up at heel.
To shape Toe—First rnd: (K 8, K 2 tog) 7 times. K 2 rnds even. 4th rnd: (K 7, K 2 tog) 7 times; continue decreasing 7 sts every 3rd rnd in above manner, until there are 14 sts remaining, break thread, draw thru remaining sts, fasten securely. Weave elastic thread into wrong side of cuff with a tapestry needle.
Convalescing Jacket Ensemble Pattern
His Majesty Knitted Infant Set Pattern
Royal Highness Cape and Hood Pattern
Linda Coat and Bonnet Pattern
Bonnie Annie Laurie Plaid Coat and Bonnet Pattern
Sunny Slip-Over, Cardigan and Panties Pattern
Land of Nod Five Piece Ensemble with Carriage Robe Pattern
Tyrol Knitted Jacket and Hat Pattern
Goldilocks Little Princess Dress Pattern
Boy Blue Four Piece Boy's Ensemble Pattern
Majorette Knitted Jacket and Hat Pattern
Colleen Jerkin, Socks, and Beanie Pattern
Spiral Socks and Slip-Over Pattern
Queen of Hearts Six Piece Ensemble Pattern
Aloha Herringbone Coat and Hat Pattern
Baby's Three Piece Crocheted Set Pattern
Sailor's Sweetheart Crocheted Jacket Pattern
Swiss Shalet Crocheted Coat and Hat Pattern