These directions are for size 1. Changes for sizes 2 and 3 are in parentheses.
COLUMBIA-MINERVA Nylon and Wool Quick-Knit Baby Yarn (1 oz. pull skeins)-4(5-5)
1 pair each straight knitting needles Nos. 5 and 6
1 steel crochet hook No. 4
6 buttons
1 ½ yds. ½ inch satin ribbon
GAUGE: 5 sts = 1 inch 7 rows = 1 inch
NOTE: Sweater may be worn with buttons in front or back.
BACK: With No. 5 needles, cast on 51(53-55) sts. K 6 rows (3 ridges) in garter st. Change to No. 6 needles and work as follows: Row 1: K 9(10-11), P 2, K 1, P 2, K 1, P 2, K 17, P 2, K 1, P 2, K 1, P 2, K 9(10-11). Row 2: P 9(10-11), K 2, P 1, K 2, P 1, K 2, P 17, K 2, P 1, K 2, P 1, K 2, P 9(10-11). Repeat these 2 rows for pattern st until piece measures 7(7 ½-8) inches. SHAPE ARMHOLES: At the beg of each of the next 2 rows bind off 3 sts. Work even on 45(47-49) sts until armholes measure 1 ½ inches. Discontinue pattern and work all sts in stockinette st until armholes measure 3 ½(3 ¾-4) inches. SHAPE NECK: Work across 16(16-18) sts; put center 13(15-13) sts on a holder; join another ball of yarn and work last 16(16-18) sts. Working on both sides at once, at each neck edge dec 1 st every other row twice. Work even on 14(14-16) sts of each side until armholes measure 4 ¼(4 ½-4 ¾) inches. SHAPE SHOULDERS: At each arm edge bind off 7(7-8) sts twice.
LEFT FRONT: With No. 5 needles, cast on 30 (32-34) sts. K 6 rows (3 ridges) in garter st. Change to No. 6 needles. Row 1: K 9(10-11), P 2, K 1, P 2, K 1, P 2, K 13(14-15) - front edge. Row 2: P 13(14-15) K 2, P 1, K 2, P 1, K 2, P 9(10-11). Repeat these 2 rows for pattern st until piece measures 7(7 ½-8) inches. SHAPE ARMHOLE: At arm edge bind off 3 sts. Work even on 27(29-31) sts until armhole measures 1 ½ inches. Discontinue pattern and work even in stockinette st until armhole measures 3 ½ (3 ¾-4) inches, ending at arm edge. SHAPE NECK: Work across 16(16-18) sts; put last 11(13-13) sts on a holder. At neck edge dec 1 st every other row twice. Work even on 14(14-16) sts until armhole measures 4 ¼(4 ½-4 ¾) inches. SHAPE SHOULDER: At arm edge bind off 7(7-8) sts twice. With pins, mark position of 6 buttons, evenly spaced-the first ½ inch above lower edge and the last ½ inch below start of neck.
RIGHT FRONT: Work to correspond to left front, reversing all shaping and pattern and forming buttonholes opposite pins on left front. BUTTONHOLE: Starting at front edge, work 2 sts, y o, work 2 sts tog, work to end of row.
SLEEVES: With No. 5 needles, cast on 30(32-34) sts. K 6 rows (3 ridges) in garter st. K 1, P 1 in ribbing for 8 rows. Change to No. 6 needles and work in stockinette st, inc 1 st each end of needle every ¾ inch 5 times. Work even on 40(42-44) sts until piece measures 7 ½(8 ½-9 ½) inches. SHAPE CAP: At the beg of each of the next 2 rows bind off 3 sts. Dec 1 st each end of needle every other row 7(8-9) times. At the beg of each of the next 4 rows bind off 2 sts. Bind off remaining sts.
FINISHING: Block pieces. Sew shoulder seams. Sew in sleeves. Sew side and sleeve seams. NECKBAND: With No. 5 needles and right side facing you, pick up and K 56(62-62) sts around neck edge, including sts from holders. K 2 rows. BEADING: K 2, * y o, K 2 tog, K 1, repeat from * to end of row. K 3 rows. Bind off. Work 1 row s c on each front edge. Using contrasting color 6-strand embroidery floss, smock as shown in photograph. Steam lightly. If desired, face front edges with grosgrain ribbon. Finish button holes. Sew on buttons. Run 1 yd. of ribbon through neck beading. With remaining ribbon tie a small bow at center back of beading.
Other great patterns from Quick Knit Baby Book, Columbia Minerva Volume 728:
Knitting Patterns
Knitted Hood Sacque
Knitted Classic Cardigan
Knitted Surplice Sacque
Knitted Dressmaker Cardigan
Knitted Raglan Cardigan
Knitted Layette Set
Knitted Convertible Cardigan
Knitted Surplice