No. 2905
SIZES: 12 (14-16-18-20)
Instructions are for Size 12. Changes for Sizes 14, 16, 18 and 20 are in parentheses.
MATERIALS: SPINNERIN Moth-Proofed WHIRL-KNIT 15 (16-16-17-18) 2-oz. Skeins
1 Pr 14-in Knitting Needles No. 10
2 Hooks and Eyes
GAUGE: 4 sts = 1 in; 11 rows = 2 ins
Important: Accurate gauge is absolutely essential.
PATTERN: Stockinette and Seed St (SS) as described below.
BACK: Cast on 133 (139-145-151-157) sts and work in Seed St for 2 ins. Start Pattern: Row 1: K13 (16-17-18-21), *SS7, K18 (18-19-20-20); repeat from * ending with SS7, K13 (16-17-18-21). Row 2 (right side): P13 (16-17-18-21), *SS7, P18 (18-19-20-20); repeat from * ending with SS7, P13 (16-17-18-21). Repeat these 2 rows for pattern, dec 1 st at beg and end of needle every 6 rows 8 (8-8-8-9) times, (work all dec on knit side). At Same Time, dec 1 st in each of the remaining 4 knit panels (dec at beg of panel in one dec row and at end of same panel on following dec row) every 6 rows, 10 times (77 (83-89-95-99) sts). Work even until 13 (13-13-13½-14) ins from start or required length to armhole. Shape Armhole: Bind off 7 (7-8-8-8) sts at beg of next 2 rows, then dec 1 st each end of needle every other row 4 (5-5-6-6) times. At Same Time, continue to dec 1 st in each of the center 4 knit panels 2 times more (47 (51-55-59-63) sts). Work even until 3 (3-3-3½-3½) ins. Yoke: Change to stockinette st across all sts and work even until armhole is 7¾ (8-8-8¼-8½) ins above bound-off sts. Shape Shoulder: Bind off 5 (5-4-6-10) sts at beg of next 6 (6-8-6-4) rows. Bind off remaining 17 (21-23-23-23) sts for back of neck.
Both fronts may be worked at same time, using 2 balls of yarn.
LEFT FRONT: Cast on 49 (53-57-61-65) sts and work in Seed St for 2 ins. Start Pattern: Row 1: Starting at underarm edge, SS7, *K14 (16-18-20-22), SS7; repeat from * once (front edge). Work even to armhole. Shape Armhole: At beg of armhole edge, bind off 6 (7-7-8-8) sts once, 2 (2-3-3-3) sts twice, then dec 1 st every other row 3 (5-5-6-8) times (36 (37-39-41-43) sts). Work even to Yoke: Keeping 7 sts at front edge in SS, change to stockinette st and work even until armhole is 6¾ (7-7-7¼-7½) ins. Keeping armhole edge even, Shape Neck: At beg of neck edge, bind off 14 sts once, 4 (4-6-6-6) sts once, then dec 1 st every row 3 (4-3-3-3) times. Work even on 15 (15-16-18-20) sts until armhole is same as back. Shape Shoulder: At beg of armhole edge, bind off 5 (5-4-6-10) sts 3 (3-4-3-2) times.
SLEEVE: Cast on 59 (61-61-63-63) sts and work in Seed St for 2 ins. Start Pattern: Row 1 (right side); P26 (27-27-28-28), SS7, P26 (27-27-28-28). Work even in this pattern until 17 (17½-18-18-18) ins from start or required length to underarm. Bind off 4 sts at beg of next 2 rows, 2 sts at beg of next 2 rows, then dec 1 st each end of needle every 2 (2-2-3-3) rows until 33 sts remain on needle. Now, dec 1 st each end of needle every 4 rows 3 times, then dec 1 st each end of next 6 (6-6-4-4) rows. Bind off remaining 15 (15-15-19-19) sts.
COLLAR: Cast on 55 (59-59-61-61) sts and work entire collar in Seed St. Starting at neck edge, work 4 rows even. Inc 8 sts across next row as follows: Work 12 (14-14-15-15) sts, *inc 2 sts in next st (knit in front, in back and in front again), work 9 sts; repeat from * twice, inc 2 sts in next st, work 12 (14-14-15-15) sts. Work 5 rows even and repeat inc row having 1 st more at each end and 2 sts more between inc (71 (75-75-77-77) sts). Work even until 3½ ins from start. Bind off in Seed St.
ASSEMBLING AND FINISHING: Seam shoulders, underarms and sleeves. Sew in sleeves. Turn back Seed St border at each front and tack to right side of coat. Sew cast-on edge of collar to neck edge, easing in neck. Sew hook and eye in place at neck edge.
Other great patterns from Hand-Knit Fashions, Book No. 116.
Crochet Patterns
Knitting Patterns
Happy Time Sweater
Town Time Sweater
Sport Time Sweater
Swing Time Jacket
Snug Time Helmet and Mittens
Sun-Up Time Sweater
Play Time Sweater
Wishing Time Sweater
Snow Time Parka
Senior and Junior Time Vests
High Time Jacket
Sleepy Time Baby Blanket