Original made of Columbia Minerva Mellosheen—Color: Winter White with Gold
Columbia Minerva Mellosheen (2 ounce skein) 3 Skeins
Knitting Needles: 1 Pair "Boye" Size 10—14 inch
Gauge: 1 Sts. to 1 inch; 6 Rows to 1 inch
PATTERN STITCH: (Multiple of 5 Sts.)
Row 1—(Right side of work) *P.2, K.3, repeat from * across row.
Row 2—(Loop row) **P.3, insert needle into next St. (as if to K.), *wrap yarn around needle (from back to front), then over and under forefinger of left hand, repeat from * once more, then wrap yarn around needle once more. Draw the 3 loops through the K. St. and slip the K. St. off needle, slip loops off finger, insert left-hand needle (as if to K.) through the 3 loops on needle and K. as 1 St., pull loops and strand of yarn taut. Work loops in next K. St., repeat from ** across row.
Row 3—*P.2, K.3, repeat from * across row.
Row 4—*P.3, K.2, repeat from * across row.
Repeat Rows 3 and 4 two times more.
Repeat these 8 Rows for Pattern.
Shrug is made in 2 pieces worked the same.
Cast on 170 Sts. Work in Pattern St., decreasing 1 St. each side on Row 3, then every other row 8 times more, then every row 4 times (144 Sts. on needle—3 complete Patterns from start).
Next row (Row 1 of Pattern) decrease 54 Sts. as follows: *(K.2 together) 3 times, (P.2 together) 2 times, repeat from * 9 times more, (K.2 together) 3 times, P.2 together, P.l, **K.3, P.2, repeat from ** 6 times more (90 Sts. on needle).
Continue in Pattern until there are 6 complete Patterns from start. Next row (Row 1 of Pattern) decrease 45 Sts. across row as follows: K.2 together, *(P.2 together) 2 times, (K.2 together) 3 times, repeat from * across row, ending (K.2 together) 2 times (45 Sts. on needle).
Work cuff by continuing in Pattern until there are 9 complete Patterns from start. Work Rows 1 to 3, then bind off.
Fold in half and sew seam.
Work another piece the same.
Place marker at center of each piece (at cast-on edge, opposite seam). Sew the 2 pieces together for 3½ inches at each side of markers.