Original made of Columbia Minerva Knitting Worsted—Color: White
Columbia Minerva Knitting Worsted (4 ounce skein) 8 Skeins
Material for Lining: 2 yards of 40 inch wide material
Knitting Needles: 1 Pair "Boye" Size 10—14 inch
Gauge: 5 Sts. to 1 inch; 6 Rows to 1 inch
PATTERN STITCH: (Multiple of 2 Sts.)
Row 1—*With yarn in back insert needle (as if to P.) in the first St., K. the second St. through the first St., slip the second St. off the needle, then K. in back of the first St. (crossing the 2 Sts.), repeat from * across in this manner.
Row 2—P.
Row 3—K.l, *insert needle in second St. and K. the third St. through the second St., slip the third St. off the needle, then K. the second St., repeat from * across in this manner, ending K.l.
Row 4—P.
Repeat these 4 rows for Pattern.
BACK: Starting at center of lower edge, cast on 36 Sts. Work in Pattern St., casting on 10 Sts. at the end of each of the next 12 rows (156 Sts. on needle). Work even for 1 inch, decrease 1 St. each side, then every ¾ inch 7 times more (140 Sts. on needle). When work measures 9½ inches from start (measured at center), place marker at center of work.
To Shape Armholes: Bind off 10 Sts. at beginning of each of the next 2 rows, then decrease 1 St. each side every other row 40 times (40 Sts. on needle).
When work measures 13½ inches from marker.
To Shape Back of Neck: Bind off 2 Sts.. work 6 Sts., slip these Sts. on St. Holder, bind off next 24 Sts. for back of neck, work across remaining 8 Sts. Bind off 2 Sts. at armhole edge every other row 4 times. Slip Sts. from St. Holder onto needle and bind off 2 Sts. at armhole edge every other row 3 times.
LEFT FRONT: Cast on 60 Sts. Work in Pattern St., shaping both sides at the same time as follows:
At Front Edge: Decrease 1 St. every inch 17 times.
At Side Edge: Cast on 6 Sts. at end of each P. row (from start) 6 times. Work 1 inch even, decrease 1 St., then every ¾ inch 7 times more.
When work measures 9½ inches from start (measured at center).
To Shape Armhole: Bind off 5 Sts. at side edge, then decrease 1 St. at same edge every other row 24 times, then bind off 2 Sts. at armhole edge every other row 9 times AT THE SAME TIME when work measures 18 inches from start (measured at center), bind off 2 Sts. at front edge every other row 12 times.
RIGHT FRONT: Work to correspond with Left Front, working increases and decreases at opposite sides.
LEFT FRONT FACING: Cast on 40 Sts., work in Pattern St., working inner edge (left side) even, decrease 1 St. at front edge every 2 inches 12 times AT THE SAME TIME when inner edge measures 23 inches from start, bind off 8 Sts. When work measures 26½ inches from start, bind off remaining Sts.
RIGHT FRONT FACING: Work to correspond with Left Front Facing, working decreases at opposite sides.
LEFT SLEEVE: Cast on 94 Sts. Work even in Pattern St. for 16 inches (6 inches for hem).
To Shape Cap of Sleeve: Bind off 5 Sts. at beginning of each of the next 2 rows. Work even for 2½ inches, then decrease 1 St. each side every other row 36 times (12 Sts. on needle). When work measures 31 inches from start, bind off 6 Sts. at beginning of each of the next 2 P. rows (at left edge).
RIGHT SLEEVE: Work same as Left Sleeve until 12 Sts. remain. When work measures 31 inches from start, bind off 6 Sts. at beginning of each Pattern row (at right edge) 2 times.
NECK FACING: Cast on 102 Sts. Work in Pattern St., binding off 2 Sts. at beginning of each of the next 24 rows. Bind off remaining 54 Sts.
If lining is desired, cut lining material to correspond with Fronts, Back and Sleeves of Coat. Make 1 inch pleat at back of neck and sew dart in each Front, starting at neck edge.
Sew Sleeves to Fronts and Back, leaving top edge (12 Sts.) free. Sew Sleeve and underarm seams. On wrong side of work, sew decreased and bound-off edges of Neck Facing to tops of Sleeves and neck edge of Fronts and Back. Sew short ends of Front Facings together. With right sides facing, sew Facings to front edges and across Neck Facing. Turn Facings under and sew in place. At lower front edges, turn back 7 inches of Facing and sew across lower edge. Turn under 1 inch at lower edge of Back for hem and sew. Turn under 6 inches of Sleeves for hem and sew. Sew lining in place.