Original made of Columbia Minerva Knitting Worsted—Color: White
Columbia Minerva Knitting Worsted (4 ounce skein) 4 Skeins
Columbia Lustra Minerva Sparkletone (2 ounce skein) 9 Skeins
Material for Lining: 1 yard of 40 inch wide material
Knitting Needles: 1 Pair "Boye" Size 10—14 inch
1 "Boye" Steel Crochet Hook Size 2
Gauge: 4½ Sts. to 1 inch; 6 Rows to 1 inch
PATTERN STITCH: (Multiple of 2 Sts. plus 1)
Row 1—K.1, *P.1, K.1, repeat from * across.
Row 2—P.1, *K.1, P.1, repeat from * across.
Row 3—Same as Row 2.
Row 4—Same as Row 1.
Repeat these 4 rows for Pattern.
BACK: Starting at lower edge, cast on 25 Sts. Work in Pattern St., casting on 6 Sts. at end of each of the next 4 rows. 4 Sts. at end of next 6 rows. 3 Sts. on next 8 rows, 2 Sts. on next 18 rows, then 1 St. on next 10 rows (143 Sts. on needle). Work even for 2 rows. *Decrease 1 St. each side on each of the next 2 rows, work 1 row even (4 Sts. decreased in 3 rows), repeat from * 16 times more (75 Sts. on needle).
When work measures 17 inches from start (measured at center).
To Shape Shoulders: Bind off 2 Sts. at beginning of each of the next 4 rows, 4 Sts. at beginning of next 6 rows, then 3 Sts. at beginning of next 4 rows (31 Sts. on needle). Work 3 rows even, bind off.
LEFT FRONT: Starting at lower edge, cast on 25 Sts. Work in Pattern St., casting on 6 Sts. at end of each of the next 4 rows, 4 Sts. at end of next 6 rows, 3 Sts. on next 12 rows, then 2 Sts. on next 10 rows (129 Sts. on needle). Place marker at one side for side edge. Shape both sides at the same time as follows:
At Side Edge: Increase 1 St. every other row 5 times.
At Front Edge: Work 2 rows even, then decrease 1 St. every row 8 times.
On remaining 126 Sts., work decreases each side as follows:
Row 1—Work even.
Rows 2 and 3—Decrease 1 St. each side.
Row 4—Decrease 1 St. at front edge only.
Rows 5 and 6—Decrease 1 St. each side.
Repeat Rows 1 to 6 (4 Sts. decreased at side edge and 5 Sts. decreased at front edge in 6 rows) 8 times more (45 Sts. on needle). Continue to decrease 5 Sts. in 6 rows at front edge AND AT THE SAME TIME at side edge shape Shoulder as follows: Bind off 2 Sts., then 4 Sts. at same edge every other row 3 times, 3 Sts. every other row 2 times, then decrease 1 St. every row until all Sts. are worked off.
RIGHT FRONT: Work same as Left Front.
On each Front turn back 7 inches at lower front edge and sew in place.
If lining is desired, cut lining material to correspond with Fronts and Back.
Sew Back to Fronts. Work Crocheted Edging around lower edge, turn-backs and across neck edge as follows: *Ch.2, skip 2 Sts., 1 slip St. in next St., repeat from * around. Sew lining in place.