Long, ¾ length or Short Sleeves
Sizes 12 to 14 and 16 to 18
Original made of Columbia Minerva Knitting Worsted—Color: Scarlet
Columbia Minerva Knitting Worsted (4 ounce skein)
Size 12 to 14—4 skeins
Size 16 to 18 —5 skeins
Columbia Lustra Minerva Sparkletone (2 ounce skein)
Size 12 to 14—9 skeins
Size 16 to 18 —11 skeins
Knitting Needles: 1 Pair "Boye" Size 5—14 inch
Gauge: 2 Patterns to 1¼ inches; 10 Rows to 1 inch
SIZES: 12 to 14 (16 to 18)
BACK: Cast on 52 Sts. (60 Sts.)
Work in Pattern St. as follows:
Row 1—*K.1, Y.O., slip 1, repeat from * across, ending K.2.
Sts. on Needle: 77 Sts. (89 Sts.)
Row 2—K.1, *Y.O., slip 1, K.2 together, repeat from * across, ending K.1.
Repeat Row 2 for Pattern.
Work even until work measures 13½ inches (or desired length) from start to underarm.
Follow instructions for Long Sleeves, ¾ length or Short Sleeves, as desired.
For Long Sleeves: Cast on 3 Sts. at end of each of the next 8 rows (working Row 2 of Pattern across added Sts.), 6 Sts. at end of next 12 rows, then 15 Sts. at end of next 4 rows.
Sts. on Needle: 233 Sts. (245 Sts.).
Continue in Pattern St. and when sleeve edges measure 4" (4½").
To Shape Sleeves and Shoulders: Bind off 6 Sts. at beginning of each of the next 16 rows (18 rows).
9 Sts. at beginning of next 2 rows, then 12 Sts. at beginning of next 6 rows, 11 Sts. at beginning of next 2 rows, bind off remaining Sts. for back of neck.
For ¾ length Sleeves: Cast on 3 Sts. at end of next 8 rows (working Row 2 of Pattern across added Sts.), 6 Sts. at end of next 12 rows, then 9 Sts. at end of next 2 rows.
Sts. on Needle: 171 Sts. (203 Sts.).
Continue in Pattern and when sleeve edges measure 5¾" (6").
To Shape Sleeves and Shoulders: Bind off 6 Sts. at beginning of next 12 rows (14 rows).
12 Sts. at beginning of next 6 rows, then 11 Sts. at beginning of next 2 rows, bind off remaining Sts. for back of neck.
For Short Sleeves: Cast on 3 Sts. at end of each of the next 8 rows (working Row 2 of Pattern across added Sts.), then 6 Sts. at end of next 6 rows.
Sts. on Needle: 137 Sts. (149 Sts.)
Continue in Pattern and when sleeve edges measure 6¼" (6¾").
To Shape Sleeves and Shoulders: Bind off 6 Sts. at beginning of each of the next 4 rows (6 rows).
9 Sts. at beginning of next 2 rows, 12 Sts. at beginning of next 4 rows, then 11 Sts. at beginning of next 2 rows, bind off remaining Sts. for back of neck.
FRONTS: (Pattern St. is reversible—Make 2 the same) Cast on 20 Sts. (24 Sts.).
Work Row 1 of Pattern St. as on Back.
Sts. on Needle: 29 Sts. (35 Sts.).
Work in Row 2 of Pattern St. as on Back until work measures same as Back to underarm.
For Long Sleeves: Cast on 3 Sts. at side edge every other row 4 times, 6 Sts. 6 times, then 15 Sts. 2 times.
Sts. on Needle: 107 Sts. (113 Sts.).
When sleeve edge measures same as at Back.
To Shape Sleeve and Shoulder: Bind off 6 Sts. at sleeve edge every other row 8 times (9 times).
9 Sts. 1 time, 12 Sts. 3 times, then bind off remaining 14 Sts.
For ¾ length Sleeves: Cast on 3 Sts. at side edge every other row 4 times, 6 Sts. every other row 6 times, then 9 Sts. every other row 1 time.
When sleeve edge measures same as at Back.
To Shape Sleeve and Shoulder: Bind off 6 Sts. at sleeve edge every other row 6 times (7 times).
9 Sts. 1 time, 12 Sts. 3 times, then bind off remaining 14 Sts.
For Short Sleeves: Cast on 3 Sts. at side edge every other row 4 times, then 6 Sts. every other row 3 times.
Sts. on Needle: 59 Sts. (65 Sts.).
When sleeve edge measures same as at Back.
To Shape Sleeve and Shoulder: Bind off 6 Sts. at sleeve edge every other row 2 times (3 times).
9 Sts. 1 time, 12 Sts. 2 times, then bind off remaining 14 Sts.
Sew upper sleeve and shoulder seams.
LEFT FRONT BAND AND COLLAR: Cast on 78 Sts. (82 Sts.)
Work Row 1 of Pattern as on Back.
Sts. on Needle: 116 Sts. (122 Sts.).
Work Row 2 of Pattern St., increasing 1 St. at neck edge every 4th row until Band measures 3½ inches from start, bind off.
RIGHT FRONT BAND AND COLLAR: Work same as Left Front Band and Collar and when work measures 2¾ inches from start, work 7 Buttonholes as follows: Starting at lower edge, K.1, Y.O., slip 1, K.2 together, **Y.O. slip 1, K.2 together, P.S.S.O. (binding off 1 St.), *Y.O., slip 1, K.2 together, repeat from * 2 times more, repeat from ** 6 times more, work to end of row. Next row, to regain the original number of Sts., work a Y.O. over the bound-off St. of each Buttonhole. When Band measures 3½ inches from start, bind off.
Sew increased ends of Bands together to form point at center of Collar. Sew Bands to front edges and around neck edge.
CUFFS FOR LONG SLEEVES: Cast on 26 Sts. (30 Sts.).
Work Row 1 of Pattern St., 38 Sts. (44 Sts.).
Work Row 2 of Pattern St. until Cuff measures 1 inch from start, bind off.
CUFFS FOR ¾ LENGTH SLEEVES: Cast on 38 Sts. (40 Sts.).
Work Row 1 of Pattern St., 56 Sts. (59 Sts.).
Work Row 2 of Pattern St. until Cuff measures 1 inch from start, bind off.
CUFFS FOR SHORT SLEEVES: Cast on 40 Sts. (44 Sts.).
Work Row 1 of Pattern St., 59 Sts. (65 Sts.).
Work Row 2 of Pattern St. until Cuff measures 1 inch from start, bind off.
Sew Cuff's to sleeve edges, having opening at lower sleeve seam. Sew Cuff, sleeve and underarm seams.