YARN: 5-ounces of 2-ply Shetland Yarn.
NEEDLES: 1-pr. #3 Single Pointed.
NOTE: Sweater is made in one piece up to the underarm.
Starting at the bottom, cast on with the #3 needles, 152 sts. Work in garter stitch for 6 rows. Work in the following PATTERN: ROW 1: K 4 sts (border), k 2 sts together 4 times; * yarn over, k 1, 8 times; k 2 sts together, 8 times; repeat from * across to the last 12 sts; k 2 together, 4 times; k 4. ROW 2: K 4 sts, purl across to within the last 4 sts; k 4 sts. ROW 3: Knit all across row. ROW 4: K 4 sts, purl across to within the last 4 sts; k 4 sts. Work in the above pattern until the piece measures 6½ inches in all. (Measuring along the front edge). End with Row 2 being the last row. DECREASE ROW: K 8 sts; * k 2 sts tog, k 5; repeat from * 19 times more, k to end. (132 sts). Knit across next row. SEPARATIONS: K 36 sts and leave on the needle; place the next 60 sts for the back onto first st holder; the remaining 36 sts onto another st holder for the 2nd front.
FRONT: On the 1st 36 sts work in garter st (k every row) until the armhole measures 2¼ inches above the underarm. NECK SHAPING: At the front edge, bind off 10 sts once; work to armhole. Knit back. Decrease 1 stitch at the neck edge every other row 6 times. Then bind off all sts.
BACK: Place the 60 sts off the st holder onto the needle. Tie yarn in and knit every row for 3¼ inches above the underarm. Bind off all sts.
2nd FRONT: Place the 36 sts off the holder onto the needle and work to correspond to the first front.
SLEEVES: Cast on 42 sts for the cuff with the #3 needles and knit 6 rows. Next Row: Increase 1 stitch in every 3rd stitch across the row. (56 sts). Now work in the same pattern as the sweater keeping 4 sts at each side in garter st. Work until the piece measures 7 inches in all, ending with row 3. Knit 2 rows more. Bind off all sts. Make the other sleeve the same way.
FINISHING: Sew the shoulders together. Sew up the sleeve. Sew them into the armhole. NECK BAND: With the right side of the work facing you, using the #3 needles, pick up and knit 53 sts all around the neck edge. Knit 1 row. BEADING ROW: K 1, * yarn over, k 2 sts tog; repeat from * across row. Knit 2 rows. Bind off all sts.
BONNET: With the #3 needles cast on 86 sts and knit 9 rows. NEXT ROW: Increase 1 stitch in every 8th st. 10 times. (96 sts). Now work in the pattern until the piece measures 5 inches in all, ending with Row 2. DECREASE ROW: * Knit 6 sts, k 2 sts together, repeat from * 11 times more. Knit the next row.
From now on work in garter stitch. (Knit every row).
1st dec: * k 10 sts, k 2 tog; repeat from * across row end with k 2 tog. K 1 row. 2nd dec: * k 9 sts, k 2 tog; repeat from * across row end with k 2 tog. K 1 row. 3rd dec: * k 8 sts, k 2 tog; repeat from * across row end with k 2 tog. K 1 row. 4th dec: * k 7 sts, k 2 tog; repeat from * across row end with k 2 tog. K 1 row. 5th dec: * k 6 sts, k 2 tog; repeat from * across row end with k 2 tog. K 1 row. 6th dec: * k 5 sts, k 2 tog; repeat from * across row end with k 2 tog. K 1 row. 7th dec: * k 4 sts, k 2 tog; repeat from * across row end with k 2 tog. K 1 row. 8th dec: * k 3 sts, k 2 tog; repeat from * across row end with k 2 tog. K 1 row. 9th dec: * k 2 sts, k 2 tog; repeat from * across row end with k 2 tog. K 1 row. 10th dec: * k 1 st, k 2 tog; repeat from * across row end with k 2 tog. K 1 row. Last dec: K 2 sts together across row. Break yarn leaving 9 inches. Draw thru the remaining sts and fasten tight on the wrong side. Sew up the garter st and one inch after that. NECK BAND: With the right side of the work facing you, pick up and knit 51 sts around the neck. Knit 3 rows. BEADING ROW: K 1, * yarn over, knit 2 sts tog; repeat from * across row. Knit 4 rows. Bind off all sts.
BOOTIES: With the #3 needles cast on 43 sts and work in garter stitch for 8 rows. Next row, increase 1 st in every 8th stitch across row. Now work in the pattern for 2½ inches (6 patterns), ending with row 3. Purl 16 sts, * p 2 sts tog; p 2, repeat from * 3 times more, p 16 sts. BEADING ROW: K 1, * yarn over, k 2 sts tog., repeat from * across row, ending with yarn over, k 2 tog., k 1. PURL across the next row. (44 sts) INSTEP: K 16 sts, place onto a stitch holder; k 12 sts, leave on the needle; place the remaining 16 sts onto a 2nd st holder. On these 12 sts, knit 16 rows. Break yarn. Place the sts from the first st holder back onto a free needle, tie yarn in. Pick up and knit 9 sts along side of instep; k across the 12 sts; pick up and knit 9 sts along side of instep; k the 16 sts off the 2nd st holder. Knit 5 rows. 1st dec: K 2 tog; k 21; k 2 tog; k 12; k 2 tog; k 21; k 2 tog. K 3 rows even. 2nd dec: K 2 tog; k 19; k 2 tog; k 12; k 2 tog; k 19; k 2 tog. K 3 rows even. 3rd dec: K 2 tog; k 17; k 2 tog; k 12; k 2 tog; k 17; k 2 tog. K 2 rows even. Bind off all sts on the next row. Sew up the sole and the back of the bootie and trim with ribbon.