Sizes 14, 16 and 18
Directions are given for Size 14.
Changes for Sizes 16 and 18 are in parentheses.
COATS & CLARK'S O.N.T. "SPEED-CRO-SHEEN" MERCERIZED COTTON, Art. C.44: 15 (17-19) balls of No. 12 Black and
J. & P. COATS "KNIT-CRO-SHEEN" METALLIC, Art. A.64: 8 (9-10) balls of No. M.51 Spice.
Clark's O.N.T. Plastic Knitting Pins, 1 pair No. 4 (3½ mm. size) and 1 pair No. 6 (4¼ mm. size);
CHADWICK'S RED HEART KNITTING WORSTED, 4 Ply, Art. E.232 (1 oz. "Tangle-Proof" Pull-Out Skeins): 26 (30-32) skeins of No. 12 Black.
Clark's O.N.T. Plastic Knitting Pins, 1 pair No. 6 (4¼ mm. size) and 1 pair No. 8 (5 mm. size).
9 buttons … 1 snap fastener.
NOTE: When working with "Speed-Cro-Sheen" and "Knit-Cro-Sheen" Metallic, use 2 balls of "Speed-Cro-Sheen" with 1 ball of "Knit-Cro-Sheen" Metallic together throughout. When working with Knitting Worsted, use yarn double throughout.
GAUGE: 4½ sts make 1 inch; 5 rows make 1 inch.
Sizes | 14 |
16 |
18 |
Bust |
34” |
36” |
38” |
Width across back at underarm |
17” |
18” |
19” |
Length from shoulder to lower edge (including band) |
17½” |
18” |
18½” |
BACK … Starting at lower edge with No. 6 knitting pins, 2 balls of "Speed-Cro-Sheen" and 1 ball of "Knit-Cro-Sheen" Metallic (or No. 8 knitting pins and double strand of Knitting Worsted), cast on 63 (69-73) sts. Work in ribbing of k 1, p 1 as follows: 1st row: K 1, * p 1, k 1. Repeat from * across. 2nd row: P 1, * k 1, p 1. Repeat from * across. Work in ribbing as established, increasing 1 st at both ends of every 6th row until there are on needle 75 (81-85) sts. Work without increasing until piece measures in all 8½ (9-9½) inches.
To Shape Armholes: Bind off 5 (5-6) sts at the beginning of next 2 rows. Dec 1 st at both ends of every other row until there remain 59 (61-63) sts. Work without decreasing until piece measures from first row of armhole shaping 7½ (8-8) inches.
To Shape Shoulders: Bind off 6 sts at the beginning of next 6 (6-4) rows. On Size 18 only, bind off 7 sts at the beginning of next 2 rows. Bind off the remaining 23 (25-25) sts.
LEFT FRONT … Starting at lower edge with No. 6 knitting pins, 2 balls of "Speed-Cro-Sheen" and 1 ball of "Knit-Cro-Sheen" Metallic (or No. 8 knitting pins and double strand of Knitting Worsted), cast on 33 (35-37) sts. Work in ribbing as for Back, increasing 1 st at the end of 6th row (side edge) and at same edge every 6th row thereafter until there are on needle 39 (41-43) sts. Work without increasing until piece measures in all 8½ (9-9½) inches, ending at side edge.
To Shape Armhole: Bind off 5 (5-6) sts at the beginning of next row. Dec 1 st at armhole edge every other row until there remain 31 (31-32) sts. Work without decreasing until piece measures 5½ inches from first row of armhole shaping, ending at front edge.
To Shape Neck: Bind off 9 sts at the beginning of next row. Dec 1 st at neck edge every other row until there remain 18 (18-19) sts. Work without decreasing until piece measures from first row of armhole shaping, ending at armhole edge 7½ (8-8) inches.
To Shape Shoulder: Bind off 6 sts at the beginning of next row and every other row 3 (3-2) times. On Size 18 only, work one more row. Bind off remaining sts.
RIGHT FRONT … Work exactly as for Left Front, reversing shapings.
SLEEVES … Starting at lower edge with No. 6 knitting pins, 2 balls of "Speed-Cro-Sheen" and 1 ball of "Knit-Cro-Sheen" Metallic (or No. 8 knitting pins and double strand of Knitting Worsted), cast on 45 (47-49) sts. Work in ribbing as for Back, increasing 1 st at both ends of every 8th row until there are on needle 57 (59-61) sts. Work without increasing until piece measures in all 12 (12½-13) inches.
To Shape Top: Bind off 5 (5-6) sts at the beginning of next 2 rows. Dec 1 st at both ends of every other row until there remain 29 (25-25) sts. Dec 1 st at both ends of every row until 21 sts remain. Bind off 3 sts at the beginning of next 4 rows. Bind off remaining 9 sts.
WAISTBAND … Sew up side seams. Starting at one narrow end with No. 4 knitting pins, 2 balls of "Speed-Cro-Sheen" and 1 ball of "Knit-Cro-Sheen" Metallic (or No. 6 knitting pins and double strand of Knitting Worsted), cast on 7 sts and work in ribbing as for Back until piece reaches all around bottom of Jacket. Bind off in ribbing. Sew neatly to bottom of Jacket.
LEFT FRONT BAND … Starting at lower edge with No. 4 knitting pins, 2 balls of "Speed-Cro-Sheen" and 1 ball of "Knit-Cro-Sheen" Metallic (or No. 6 knitting pins and double strand Knitting Worsted), cast on 7 sts and work in ribbing as for Back until piece is long enough (including Waistband) to reach to neck shaping. Bind off in ribbing. Sew neatly to front edge.
Position of Buttonholes: With pins mark the position of 7 buttons on Left Front, having the first pin mark in center of Waistband and the last pin mark ½ inch down from neck edge.
RIGHT FRONT BAND … Starting at point with No. 4 knitting pins, 2 balls of "Speed-Cro-Sheen" and 1 ball of "Knit-Cro-Sheen" Metallic (or No. 6 knitting pins and double strand of Knitting Worsted), cast on 3 sts. 1st row: K 1, p 1, k 1. Work in ribbing, increasing 1 st at both ends of next row and every row until there are 7 sts on needle. Now work to correspond with Left Front Band, making a buttonhole opposite each pin mark—to make a buttonhole, with right side of work facing k 1, p 1, k 1, bind off 1 st, k 1, p 1, k 1. On next row cast on 1 st to replace the bound-off st.
SLEEVE BAND (Make 2) … Starting at point, work as for Right Front Band until there are 7 sts on needle. Place a marker and work for 1 row, then make a buttonhole as for Right Front Band. Continue to work in ribbing until piece is long enough, measured from marker, to reach around lower edge of sleeve. Work 4 more rows. Bind off in ribbing.
COLLAR … Starting at inner edge with No. 4 knitting pins, 2 balls of "Speed-Cro-Sheen" and 1 ball of "Knit-Cro-Sheen" Metallic (or No. 6 knitting pins and double strand of Knitting Worsted), cast on 47 (49-51) sts. Work in ribbing as for Back, casting on 3 sts at the beginning of next 6 rows. There are on needle 65 (67-69) sts. Work in ribbing until piece measures 3 inches. Bind off loosely in ribbing.
Block to measurements. Sew shoulder and sleeve seams. Sew in sleeves. Sew right front band in place. Sew collar in place, leaving ½ inch free at each front edge. Sew sleeve bands in place. Sew on buttons to correspond with buttonholes on front band and sleeve bands. Sew snap fastener in place.