Medium Size
Materials: Clark's O.N.T. Knitting and Crochet Cotton, 1 ball.
1 set of 5 double-pointed steel needles No. 14.
Gauge: 11 sts make 1 inch; 15 rnds make 1 inch.
Left Hand. Starting at wrist, cast on 70 sts on 3 needles, so that there are 23 sts on 1st needle, 24 sts on 2nd needle and 23 sts on 3rd needle. Join, being careful not to twist sts. 1st rnd: K around. 2nd rnd: * P 1, k 1, p 1, then make a cable (to make a cable, slip next 2 sts on to 5th needle, keeping the 5th needle at back of work k the next 2 sts, then k the 2 sts on 5th needle). Repeat from * around. 3rd rnd: * P 3, k 4. Repeat from * around. 4th rnd: * P 1, k 1, p 1, k 4. Repeat from * around. 5th rnd: Same as 2nd rnd. Repeat these 4 rnds until piece measures 2½ inches, ending with 1st rnd. Hereafter work in stockinette st (k each rnd) for 1 inch. Then work as follows: 1st rnd: K across first 16 sts of 1st needle, increase in next st, k 6. On 2nd needle, k 8, p 1, k 1, p 1, make a cable as before, p 1, k 1, p 1, k 6; then k across 3rd needle (71 sts in rnd). 2nd rnd: K across 1st needle; then, on 2nd needle, k 8, p 3, k 4, p 3, k 6; k across 3rd needle. 3rd rnd: K 16, increase in next st, k 1, increase in next st, k 5. On 2nd needle k 8, p 1, k 1, p 1, k 4, p 1, k 1, p 1, k 6; k across 3rd needle. 4th rnd: K across 1st needle; k 8, p 3, k 4, p 3, k 6; then k across remaining sts. 5th rnd: K 16, increase in next st, k 3, increase in next st, k 5, then continue across 2nd needle in pattern (the last 4 rnds of 2nd needle constitute the pattern for 2nd needle only), k across 3rd needle. 6th rnd: K around, working across 2nd needle in pattern. Hereafter work 5th and 6th rnds alternately, but having 2 additional sts between the increases in each increase rnd (thus increasing for thumb), until there are 34 sts on 1st needle.
Next rnd: K 18, increase in next st, k 11, increase in next st, k 7. On 2nd needle, work in pattern across; k across 3rd needle. Continue in pattern as before, making the usual increases on 1st needle every other rnd until there are 42 sts on 1st needle. On next rnd, work across 16 sts of 1st needle, then transfer next 21 sts onto a safety pin (to be worked later for thumb), cast on 4 sts and complete rnd. Hereafter work in pattern, decreasing 1 st on 1st needle every other rnd 3 times (22 sts on 1st needle). When 10 cable patterns are complete, work in rnds of stockinette st only, decreasing 3 sts on 3rd needle at equal distances apart (66 sts in rnd). Work around these 66 sts until glove, when tried on, reaches to the base of your fingers. Put glove on, and mark fingers by putting safety pin on palm and back of hand between each finger, having 17 sts for Forefinger, 17 sts for Middle Finger, 16 sts for Ring Finger and 16 sts for Little Finger. Place all sts (except sts for Forefinger) on stitch holder.
Forefinger: Place these 17 sts on 3 needles. Attach thread to sts on palm side and work around, casting on 4 sts where pin is (between Forefinger and Middle Finger, for stretch between fingers). Work in rnds straight until glove, when tried on, reaches inch from fingertip. Then, * k 3, k 2 together, repeat from * around. Work 1 rnd straight. Now, ** k 1, k 2 together, repeat from ** until 6 sts remain. Then k 2 together until all sts are worked off. Break off, leaving thread about 4 inches long to fasten on wrong side.
Middle Finger: Attach thread to sts of Middle Finger (on palm side), k across, then pick up 3 sts of Forefinger, k sts across back of hand, cast on 3 sts. Continue as for Forefinger.
Ring Finger: Work as for Middle Finger.
Little Finger: Work as for Forefinger.
Thumb: Transfer the 21 sts of Thumb onto 2 needles, pick up 4 sts (with 3rd needle) around opening of Thumb and continue to work as for fingers, decreasing on underside of Thumb, if necessary.
Right Hand: Work to correspond with Left Hand.
Bath Mat Pattern
Wash Cloths Pattern
Seat Cover Pattern
Women's Gloves Pattern
Men's Gloves Pattern
Polo Shirt Pattern
Knitting Bag Pattern
Baby Bib Pattern
Pot Holder Pattern
Bag Pattern
Belt Pattern, No. 2262
Beret Pattern
Handbag Pattern
Hair Band Pattern
Baby Sacque Pattern
Luncheon Set Pattern
Tie Backs Pattern, No. 944
Tie Backs Pattern, No. 945
Towel Edging Pattern, No. 8187
Collar Pattern, No. 2253
Belt Pattern, No. 2257
Knitting Bag Pattern
Coat Hanger Pattern
Tumbler Muff Pattern, No. 943
Stem Glass Muff Pattern, No. 942
Tumbler Muff Pattern, No. 947
Stem Glass Muff Pattern, No. 941
Towel Edging Pattern, No. 8189
Towel Edging Pattern, No. 8188
Towel Edging Pattern, No. 8190
Belt Pattern, No. 2252
Kerchief Pattern, No. 2238
Kerchief Pattern, No. 8192
Boutonniere Pattern, No. 435
Boutonniere Pattern, No. 439
Hot Plate Mat Pattern
Pot Holder Pattern
Collar Pattern, No. 2260
Handkerchief Edging Pattern, No. 8191
Handkerchief Edging Pattern, No. 8193
Handkerchief Edging Pattern, No. 8194
Chair Set Pattern
Boudoir Pillow Pattern
Tie Backs Pattern, No. 946