Size—4 yrs.
Materials: J. & P. Coats Knit-Cro-Sheen (4 balls) or Clark's O.N.T. Cronita (5 balls), White. J. & P. Coats Six Strand Floss, 2 balls of Color 76 China Blue and 1 ball of Color 38 Dk. Orange. (If balls are not available, buy 4 skeins of Blue and 2 skeins of Orange Six Strand Floss.) Milward's Casein knitting pins, 1 pair No. 2 (2¾ mm. size). 2 pearl buttons ¾ inch in diameter.
Gauge: 7 sts equal 1 inch. 10 rows equal 1 inch.
Back. With White, cast on 139 sts and knit in garter st for 8 rows. 1st row of pattern: * K 4, p 2, repeat from *, ending with k 1. 2nd row: P 1, * k 2, p 4, repeat from * across. 3rd row: Same as 1st row. 4th row: P across. 5th row: K across. 6th row: P across. 7th row: K 1, * p 2, k 4, repeat from *. 8th row: * P 4, k 2, repeat from *, ending with p 1. 9th row: Same as 7th row. 10th, 11th and 12th rows: Repeat 4th, 5th and 6th rows. Repeat these 12 rows until piece measures 13 inches from bottom, ending with a 4th row.
Yoke. Drop White, and with Blue Six Strand Floss, k 5, * k 2 together for a decrease, k 1, repeat from * 9 times more, then k 2 together for 35 times, then repeat between *'s for 10 times, and k 4 remaining sts (84 sts on needle). K next row. Break off Blue. Pick up White, k 1 row, p 1 row. Then work first 2 rows of pattern. K 1 row, p 1 row. Drop White and with Orange Six Strand k 2 rows. Break off Orange, and with White work 4 rows in stockinette. Then work 17 rows in pattern.
Armhole. Bind off 5 sts at beginning of each of next 2 rows. Continue to work in pattern, decreasing 1 st at beginning of each of next 4 rows (70 sts on needle). Work even in pattern until piece measures 5 inches from armhole. Bind off 5 sts at beginning of each of next 6 rows, bind off 7 sts at beginning of each of next 2 rows, then bind off remaining 26 sts.
Front. Work to armhole same as for back, completing the 2 rows where 5 sts are bound off.
Left Front. * Drop White thread, attach Blue Six Strand, decrease 1 st at beginning of row and k plain until there are 19 Blue sts on needle. Drop Blue. Attach a separate 2-yd. length of White, continue in pattern to within 20 sts from end. Drop White. Attach another piece of Blue Six Strand (about 1¼ yds.) and k to end, making 1 decrease at end of row. Next Row: Continuing with Blue, k the 19 Blue sts, break off any extra thread and fasten securely. Pick up the White separate thread and work the White sts in pattern, taking care to twist the threads where Blue and White sts meet in order to prevent a hole. Pick up Blue and k 19. Break off and fasten Blue. Pick up White at armhole and work the first and last 19 sts in stockinette and the center sts in pattern for 4 rows. Repeat from * once, using Orange instead of Blue. Then drop White and with Blue Six Strand, k 19. Drop Blue and with another separate length of White work 19 sts in pattern. Front Opening. Turn, k 4, work in pattern 15 sts. Break White, and fasten. Pick up Blue and k 19. Break Blue and fasten. Pick up White and work in pattern 34 sts, k 4, turn. Continue to work in pattern all sts excepting the center front 4 sts which are worked in garter st, until there are 11 ridges in center band. Bind off 8 sts at neck edge, then decrease 1 st at neck edge every 2nd row for 4 times. Then decrease 5 sts every 2nd row at shoulder edge, at the same time continuing the 1 decrease every 2nd row at neck edge, for 3 times. Bind off remaining sts.
Right Front. Work same as Left Front, casting on 4 sts at center opening and working these 4 sts in garter st and making buttonholes at 2nd and 9th ridges (to make a buttonhole, k 2 edge sts of center band, bind off 2 sts, pattern across. On next row cast on 2 sts where 2 were bound off). Sew down the 4 cast-on sts at center band to form placket.
Sleeves. With White, cast on 56 sts. K in garter st for 4 rows. Work in pattern for 10 rows. Drop White and with Blue Six Strand, k 2 rows. Break off and fasten Blue. Pick up White, and work 4 rows in stockinette. With Orange Six Strand, k 2 rows. Break off and fasten Orange. Pick up White again and work 4 rows in stockinette. Attach Blue again and k 2 rows. Break off and fasten Blue. Pick up White again and k 1 row. For underarm shaping, bind off 5 sts at beginning of each of next 2 rows. P next row. Then start pattern, decreasing 1 st at both ends of this and every 4th row for 9 times. Then decrease 1 st at both ends of every row for 3 times. Bind off. Make other sleeve to correspond.
Collar. With White, cast on 130 sts. K 4 rows in garter st. Then start pattern with first and last 5 sts in garter st. Work 15 rows in pattern. Next row: K 8, * k 2 together, k 6, repeat from * 13 more times, k 2 together, k 8. Purl next row as usual and bind off.
Smocking Effect. With Blue Six Strand and a tapestry needle, make 9 cross sts under the first Blue stripe of left front, taking in 2 sts and 2 rows for each. Make 2 more rows of 9 cross sts, with 1 row free between each row. Then make 1 row of 7 crosses (omitting 1 at each end), 1 row of 5, 1 row of 3, and finish with 1 cross st in center. Do same on right front.
Sew up side and shoulder seams. Sew sleeve seams and sew in sleeves. Sew collar on around neck edge, leaving free the center band top edges.
Sew 2 buttons on front band to correspond with buttonholes.
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