Materials: Clark's O.N.T. Knitting and Crochet Cotton, 1 ball each of color 55A Dk. Navy and 25 Crystal Blue. Milward's Casein knitting pins, 1 pair No. 3 (3 mm. size).
Gauge: 6 sts equal 1 inch; 7 rows equal 1 inch. Entire suit is worked in 2 strands.
Back. Starting at waistband and working down towards crotch with 2 strands of Navy, cast on 54 sts. Work in ribbing of k 1, p 1, for 10 rows. Break and attach 2 strands of Crystal Blue. Work in stockinette for 1¾ inches (k 1 row, p 1 row) increasing 1 st in every 6th st (to increase work st in regular way but do not slip st off needle, then work another st through back of same st and slip off) of 1st row only (63 sts). Bind off 10 sts at beginning of each of next 2 rows, then bind off 5 sts at beginning of each of following 2 rows. Decrease 1 st at beginning and end of every k row for 10 times (13 sts left on needle). Work straight for 1½ inches. Increase 1 st at beginning and end of every k row for 10 times, then cast on 5 sts at end of each of next 2 rows, and cast on 10 sts at end of each of following 2 rows (63 sts). Work straight for 1¾ inches. On next k row, k every 6th and and 7th sts together for 8 times, k 7 (55 sts). P back and break off. Join Navy, k 1 row, then work 9 rows in ribbing. Bind off 10 sts at beginning of next 2 rows, working in ribbing. Break off Navy. Join Crystal Blue, and work 2 rows in stockinette (35 sts on needle).
Lace Pattern. 1st row: * K 2 together, thread over, repeat from *, ending with k 1. 2nd row: P across. 3rd row: K 1, * thread over, k 2 together. Repeat from * ending with k 2 together. 4th row: P across. These 4 rows constitute pattern. Work 5½ inches in pattern and ending with a 4th row of pattern. On next row, work in pattern for 13 sts, slip these 13 sts on stitch holder, bind off 9 sts (for front neck), work remaining 13 sts in pattern. Continue over these 13 sts in pattern omitting the first thread over of each k row, in order to decrease at neck edge, (the other edge being straight) until there are 2 sts left. Bind off. Work other side to correspond. From right side, with Navy, pick up and knit 71 sts around leg. Work 5 rows of ribbing, then bind off. Make 2 long straps in Navy by casting on 4 sts with 2 strands and working in garter st for about 20 inches. Make a short one for front in same manner, 9 inches long. Sew long straps to sides of lace top, cross them in the back and attach other ends to back about 1½ inches from center. Sew short strap to fit top of lace between the long straps. Put snap fastener where straps cross in back.
Goldilocks Dress Pattern
Masculine Tweed Sweater Pattern
Fairie Dress Pattern
Little Men Outfit Pattern
Flower Trimmed Coat and Beret Pattern
Child's Sunsuit Pattern
Child's Knitted Slip-On Pattern
Twinkletoes Dress Pattern
Butterfly Mesh Blouse Pattern
The Sub-Deb Suit Pattern
Sun Ray Scarf Pattern
Sun Ray Hat Pattern
Half Moon Bag Pattern
School Girl Dress Pattern
Party Days Dress Pattern
Buster Brown Sweater Pattern
Sailor Suit Dress Pattern
Tailored Collar and Cuff Set Pattern
Double Breasted Suit and Cap Pattern