Size: 10 to 12
No. 601 – Men's Argyle Socks
YARN: 3-ounces of 3-ply Sock Yarn (Tan); ½-ounce each of Brown and Green 3-ply Sock Yarn.
NEEDLES: 1-pr #2 single pointed
GAUGE: 8½ sts to an inch.
STARTING AT THE CUFF: With the tan yarn cast on 72 sts. Work in ribbing of k 2, p 2 for 3-inches. NEXT ROW: Knit 2, sts tog, k 32, k 2 sts together; place the remaining 36 sts onto a stitch holder, turn. * Slip 1 st, purl remainder of row, turn; K 2 tog; knit to within 2 sts of end, k 2 tog, turn. * Repeat between *’s until all sts are decreased. Break yarn. Place the sts from st holder back onto the needle. Tie tan yarn in at the beginning of a knit row. Decrease as first ½-diamond. Break yarn.
FIRST ½ DIAMOND AT SIDE: With the right side of the work facing you; tie green yarn in knot made by decrease; pick up a st in same place; pick up 1 st on corresponding row of tan, (always picking up the st through both loops between each knot made by decreases). Turn. * Slip 1 st, purl to end of row, turn. Knit 2, pick up a st as before on corresponding row of tan *. Repeat between *'s having 1 more stitch on each knit row until you have picked up 18 sts along side of tan diamond, ending with a purl row. Decreases: * Knit to within 2 sts of end, knit 2 tog, turn. Slip 1 st, purl to end of row *. Repeat between *'s until all sts are decreased. Break yarn.
CENTER FULL DIAMOND: With the brown, pick up 2 sts on right side of work in space between the two half tan diamonds, turn. Slip 1, p 1, insert needle from right side of work and pick up 1 st on edge of corresponding row of tan, turn. Slip 1, k 2, on the right side of work, pick up a st, turn. Continue to work in this manner picking up sts at end of each row until there are 36 sts on needle, turn, purl 1 row. Decreases: 1st row: Knit 2 sts together; knit to within last 2 sts, knit 2 together. 2nd row: Slip 1 st, purl to end of row. Repeat these last 2 rows until all sts are decreased. Break, yarn.
END ½ DIAMOND: With the green; with the wrong side of the work facing you, tie yarn at knot, pick up 1 st in same place, pick up a st in corresponding row of tan. * Turn; slip 1, knit to end of row. Turn; purl to end of row; pick up 1 st in tan diamond as before *. Repeat between *'s until 18 sts are picked up on side of tan diamond. Decreases: Knit 2 together; knit to end of row. Turn; purl to end of row. Repeat these last 2 rows until all sts are decreased. Break yarn.
FULL TAN DIAMOND: With the tan yarn; work a full diamond between green and brown point.
2nd FULL DIAMOND: With the tan yarn; work a diamond between brown and green point.
½ DIAMOND AT SIDE: Tie brown yarn where the green ½-diamond ended and work a ½-diamond as before.
FULL DIAMOND: Tie green yarn in space between two tan diamonds and work a full diamond.
LAST ½ DIAMOND: Tie brown yarn, where the green diamond ended and work a ½-diamond as before. With the tan yarn, pick up 2 sts in 2nd space between green and brown diamonds and continue to pick up sts at end of each row, (along green and brown diamonds); until all sts are picked up, (36 sts). Ending with a purl row. Break yarn. Place these sts onto a st holder. With the tan yarn; pick up 2 sts in space between green and brown point. Work as the tan diamond just made until there are 36 sts on the needle, end with a knit row. Turn; purl 18 sts, place these sts onto a st holder. Purl the remaining 18 sts for heel part. HEEL: K 1, slip 1, repeat across row. Turn; slip 1, purl to end of row. Repeat these last 2 rows until 32 rows are made, ending with a purl row.
SHAPING OF HEEL: K 3, slip 1, k 1, psso, k 1, turn; slip 1, p 4, turn; k 4, slip 1, k 1, psso, k 1, turn; slip 1, p 5, turn; k 5, slip 1, k 1, psso, k 1, turn; slip 1, p 6, turn; k 6, slip 1, k 1, psso, k 1, turn; slip 1, p 7, turn; k 7, slip 1, k 1, psso, k 1, turn; slip 1, p 8, turn; k 8, slip 1, k 1, psso, k 1, turn; slip 1, p 9, turn; k 9, slip 1, k 1, psso, k 1, (11 sts). With the same needle pick up and knit 16 sts along side of heel; knit the 18 sts off st holder and next 18 sts from 2nd st holder, (instep). Place all sts from needle onto a free st holder. Knit the last 18 sts from st holder and leave on the needle for heel part. Working on these sts as follows: 1st row: Purl across row. 2nd row: Slip 1, k 1, repeat across row. Repeat these last 2 rows until 31 rows have been made, ending with a knit row.
SHAPING OF HEEL: P 3, p 2 tog, p 1, turn; slip 1, k 4, turn; p 4, p 2 tog, p 1, turn; slip 1, k 5, turn; p 5, p 2 tog, p 1, turn; slip 1, k 6, turn; p 6, p 2 tog, p 1, turn; slip 1, k 7, turn; p 7, p 2 tog, p 1, turn; slip 1, k 8, turn; p 8, p 2 tog, p 1, turn; slip 1, k 9, turn; p 9, p 2 tog, p 1, (11 sts). With the same needle, pick up and purl 16 sts along side of heel; place a marker on the needle; purl center 36 sts from st holder; place a marker on the needle; purl the remaining 27 sts.
GUSSET DECREASES: 1st row: Knit to within 3 sts of first marker, k 2 tog, k 1; slip marker; k 36 sts; slip marker; k 1, slip 1, k 1, psso, knit to end of row. 2nd row: Purl across row, keeping markers in place. Repeat these last 2 rows until 68 sts remain on the needle. Now work even in stockinette stitch until the sock measures (size 10–8 inches); from back of heel; or 2-inches shorter than the size wanted, ending with a knit row. NEXT ROW: Purl 17 sts; place a marker on the needle; purl 34 sts; place a marker on the needle; purl the remaining 17 sts.
TOE DECREASES: 1st row: Knit to within 3 sts of first marker, k 2 tog, k 1; slip marker; k 1, slip 1, k 1, psso, knit to within 3 sts of 2nd marker; k 2 tog, k 1; slip marker; k 1, slip 1, k 1, psso, knit to end of row. 2nd row: Purl across row, keeping markers in place. Repeat these last 2 rows until 24 sts remain on the needle. Bind off and sew across toe, having decreases at side. Sew sole and back seam. Make the other sock the same way.
No. 602 – Men's Argyle Socks
YARN: 3-ounces of 3-ply Sock or Sport Yarn (Tan); ½-ounce each of Green and Brown. Small amount of yellow Sport Yarn
NEEDLES: 1-pr. #2 single pointed
GAUGE: 8½ sts to an inch
SOCKS: Follow instructions as for pattern #601.
DIAGONAL STRIPES: Using a worsted needle, thread with the yellow yarn. * Insert needle from wrong side to right side through center of stitch and draw yarn through. Insert needle from right to left through top of stitch drawing yarn under double strand of stitch (loosely). Then insert needle through center of stitch once more thus completely covering the original stitch. Repeat from * on a diagonal line as in illustration.

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