YARN: 6-ounces of Tan 3-ply Fingering; ½-ounce each of Yellow & Red 3-ply Fingering
NEEDLES: 1-pr #3 single pointed
GAUGE: 8 sts to an inch
SCARF: Using the tan yarn, cast on 80 sts. Purl 1 row, knit 1 row, for 5 rows. NEXT KNIT ROW: Knit 38 sts, knit 2 sts together. Place the remaining sts (40) onto a stitch holder. On the sts that are on the needle, turn. Purl across row. Decrease row: Knit across to within last 2 sts, knit 2 together, turn. Slip first st, purl remainder of row. Repeat these last 2 rows until all sts are decreased. Break yarn. Place the sts from st holder back onto the needle; tie tan yarn in at the beginning of a knit row. 1st decrease row: Knit 2 sts together, knit to end of row, turn. Purl across row. Repeat these last 2 rows until all sts are decreased. Break yarn.
CENTER DIAMOND: Using the yellow; pick up 2 sts on the right side of the work in space between decreases, turn. Slip 1 st, p 1, insert needle from right side of work, (always picking up sts through both loops between each knot made by decreases); pick up 1 st on edge of tan, turn. Slip 1 st, k 2, pick up a st on corresponding row of tan, turn. Continue in this manner picking up a stitch at end of each row, until there are 20 sts on the needle; turn. Purl across next row. Diamond decreases: * knit 2 sts together; knit to within last 2 sts, knit 2 together. Purl across next row. * Repeat between *'s until all sts are decreased. Break yarn.
2ND DIAMOND: Using the red; pick up 2 sts between tan point and yellow diamond and work a diamond as before.
3RD DIAMOND: Using the yellow, work another diamond between tan point and red diamond.
4TH DIAMOND: Using the red; pick up sts between tan and yellow point and work a full diamond. Work these diamonds on other side of scarf.
BACKGROUND: Using the tan, with the right side of work facing you, tie yarn at first decrease on first red diamond. Work as before, picking up a stitch at the end of each knit row until you have 10 sts picked up. Place these sts onto a stitch holder. Center: Tie tan yarn in space between red diamonds and work as before picking up sts at the end of both knit and purl rows until 60 sts have been picked up, place these onto a stitch holder. Tie yarn at the first decrease of red diamond at end of work, with the wrong side of the work facing you, pick up 2 sts, turn; slip 1, knit to end of row. Next row: Purl across row, pick up 1 st at end of purl row, (on corresponding row of red diamond). Repeat these last 2 rows until 10 sts have been picked up. Purl all sts off st holder onto this same needle. Now work in stockinette stitch until the scarf measures 39 inches, or 9 inches shorter than the length wanted. NEXT KNIT ROW: Knit 8 sts, knit 2 sts together; place the remaining sts onto a stitch holder. * Turn; slip first st, purl to end of row. Knit to within last 2 sts, knit 2 together. Repeat from * until all sts are decreased. Take the center 60 sts from st holder and place onto a needle. Tie tan yarn at the beginning of a knit row. 1st row: Knit first 2 sts together; knit across to within last 2 sts, knit 2 sts together. 2nd row: Slip first st, purl to end of row. Repeat these last 2 rows until all sts are decreased. Place last 10 sts from st holder onto the needle. Tie yarn at the beginning of a knit row. Next row: Knit 2 sts together, knit to end of row. Turn. Purl across row. Repeat these last 2 rows until all sts are decreased.
1ST DIAMOND: Using the red; pick up 2 sts in space between first tan points. Work a full diamond as at other end.
2ND DIAMOND: Using the yellow; pick up 2 sts in space between red diamond and tan point. Work a full diamond.
3RD DIAMOND: Using the red; pick up 2 sts in space between yellow diamond and tan point. Work a full diamond. Now make these 3 diamonds at other side of scarf.
LAST YELLOW DIAMOND: Using the yellow; pick up 2 sts in space between red diamonds. Work a full diamond.
BACKGROUND: With the right side of the work facing you, tie tan yarn at first decrease of red diamond at beginning of work; pick up a st at the end of each row, (keeping the outside edge even), work in same manner as before until 40 sts have been picked up along the diamonds. Place these sts onto a st holder. Tie tan yarn at first decrease of red diamond, with the wrong side of the work facing you. Work to correspond to other side, picking up a stitch at the end of a purl row, keeping the outside edge even. When 40 sts have been picked up along diamonds, purl the 40 sts off first st holder, (80 sts on the needle). Now work 5 rows in stockinette stitch. Bind off. Make 2 rows of s c all around scarf.
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