YARN: 10 ounces of 4-ply Knitting Worsted ½ ounce Contrasting color.
NEEDLES: 1 pair No. 4 and 1 pair No. 6 Single Pointed.
CROCHET HOOK: Steel No. 1.
SWEATER-BACK: Using the #6 needles cast on 66 sts and work in the following pattern: Row 1: P 1, * k 1, p 2, repeat from * across row ending with k 1, p 1. (right side of work). Row 2: K 1, * p 1, k 2, repeat from * across row, ending with p 1, k 1. Repeat these 2 rows for the pattern. Work in the pattern until the piece measures 6½ inches in all. Underarm: Bind off 2 sts at the beginning of the next 2 rows (once at each side). Decrease 1 st at each side of the work every other row 3 times. Now work even until the armhole measures 3½ inches above the underarm bind off. Bind off all sts very loosely.
RIGHT FRONT: Using the #6 needles, cast on 36 sts and work in the pattern until the piece measures the same length as the back up to the underarm. Underarm: With the wrong side of the work facing you, bind off 2 sts at the beginning of the row once. Decrease 1 st at the underarm edge every other row 3 times. Work even till the armhole measures 2¾ inches above the underarm. Neck shaping: (With the right side of the work facing you) bind off 9 sts once; decrease 1 st at the neck edge every other row 4 times. When the armhole measures the same as the back bind off all sts loosely.
LEFT FRONT: Work to correspond to the right one—bind off at the opposite sides.
SLEEVES: Using the #4 needles cast on 40 sts and work in ribbing of k 1, p 1 for 1½ inches, increasing to 48 sts on last row of ribbing. Now change to the #6 needles and work in the pattern until the sleeve measures 7½ inches in all. Bind off loosely. Make the other sleeve the same way.
COLLAR: Using the #6 needles cast on 69 sts and work in ribbing of k 1, p 1, for 2½ inches. Bind off very loosely, knitting the knit sts, purling the purl sts.
FINISHING: Sew the shoulders, side seams. Sew sleeves into armhole matching the underarm seams. Crocheted edge: Using the #1 hook, tie yarn at the neck edge on the left front, working from the right side of the work, make 1 s c into each row (or keep work flat) down to lower corner, 2 s c into corner st, s c across bottom of sweater keeping work flat; 2 s c in corner st, work up right front to correspond to the left one. Ch 1, turn. 2nd row: 1 s c in first st, * chain 2, skip 1 st, 1 s c in next 5 sts; repeat from * down right front; 1 s c in each st across bottom and up left front to neck edge. Break yarn. Sew collar onto neck edge.
HOOD: Using the #4 needles cast on 69 sts and work in ribbing of k 1, p 1 for an inch, (neck edge). Change to the #6 needles and work in the pattern until the piece measures 7 inches in all. Bind off loosely. Fold in two and sew across along the bound off edge. Front turn back: Tie yarn just above the ribbing at one side of front with the right side of the work facing you. Using the #4 needles pick up and knit 1 st in each row across front down to within the ribbing at other side. Work in ribbing of k 1, p 1 for 1½ inches. Bind off loosely, knitting the knit and purling the purl sts. Turn back and sew down along side edge.
MITTENS: Using the #4 needles cast on 30 sts and work in ribbing of k 1, p 1 for 5 rows. Beading row: P 1, * yarn over, knit 2 sts together; repeat from * across row, ending with k 2 tog, p 1. Work 5 rows more of ribbing. Now change to the #6 needles and work in the pattern until the piece measures 2½ inches above the ribbing, ending with row 1 of pattern. Next row: K 1, p 1, * k 2 tog, p 1, repeat from * across row, ending with p 1, k 1. Next row: Work back as the sts are. Last row: Knit 2 sts together across row. Break yarn leaving 10 inches. Thread a darning needle and draw thru the remaining sts. Fasten tightly on wrong side of work. Sew sides together. Make the other mitten the same way. Ties: Using the #1 hook and contrasting color make a chain of 15 inches. Thread thru beading row and tie.
SMOCKING: Using a tapestry needle and contrasting color; st firmly gathering first rib and 3rd rib as in illustration, finish off on wrong side. ** Do this on the front of sweater only, bonnet and on one side of the mittens. ** Continue smocking this way every 12th row.