MATERIALS: Chadwick's Red Heart Baby Wool, 4 balls (1 oz. balls) of any color for set.
Clark's O.N.T. or J. &. P. Coats Six Strand Embroidery Floss, 1 skein of Pink and 1 skein of Blue.
Milward's Phantom Knitting Pins, 1 pair No. 2 (2¾ mm. size).
Milward's Steel Crochet Hook No. 7.
2 ribbon rosettes and 2½ yds. ribbon, 1 inch wide.
2 buttons for shoes.
Gauge: 17 sts make 2 inches; 11 rows make 1 inch.
CAP No. 5062-A
Cast on 110 sts and (k 1 row, p 1 row) twice. 5th row: K 1, * O, k 2 tog. Repeat from * across, ending with k 1. P 1 row, k 1 row alternately for ¾ inch. Then k 1 row, p 1 row alternately (thus reversing stockinette st), until piece measures 5½ inches in all, ending with k row. Bind off 38 sts at beginning of next 2 rows. Next row: K 2, p 30, k 2. Following row: P 2, k 30, p 2. Repeat these 2 rows alternately until piece measures length of bound-off sts. Bind off. Press through damp cloth. Sew bound-off sts on each side to long sides of center piece. Fold cast-on edge back across row of O's and sew. Turn back 1¼ inches of front edge and sew sides. Work a row of s c around bottom of cap. Ch 5, turn. * Skip 1 s c, tr in next s c, ch 1. Repeat from * across. Fasten off. Run ribbon through spaces, and sew rosette at both sides. Cut off 1 yd. of ribbon and sew on for ties.
SACQUE No. 5062-B
Starting at neck edge, cast on 46 sts. 1st row: K 1, inc. in next st (Left Front), p 2 (seam sts), inc. in next 2 sts (sleeve), p 2 (seam sts), inc. in next st, k 28, inc. in next st (Back), p 2 (seam sts), inc. in next 2 sts (sleeve), p 2 (seam sts), inc. in next st, k 1 (Right Front—8 sts increased). 2nd row: P 3, k 2, p 4, k 2, p 32, k 2, p 4, k 2, p 3. 3rd row: Inc. in 1st 2 sts (to start neck shaping), k 1, p 2, inc. in next st, k 1, inc. in next st, k 1, p 2, inc. in next st, k 29, inc. in next st, k 1, p 2, inc. in next st, k 1, inc. in next st, k 1, p 2, inc. in next st, k 1, inc. in next st—(10 more sts increased). 4th row: P 5, k 2, p 6, k 2, p 34, k 2, p 6, k 2, p 5. 5th row: Inc. in 1st st, k 2, inc. in next st, k 1, p 2, inc. in next st, k 3, inc. in next st, k 1, p 2, inc. in next st, k 31, inc. in next st, k 1, p 2, inc. in next st, k 3, inc. in next st, k 1, p 2, inc. in next st, k 3, inc. in next st. 6th row: P 7, k 2, p 8, k 2, p 36, k 2, p 8, k 2, p 7. 7th row: Inc. in 1st st, k 4, inc. in next st, k 1, p 2, inc. in next st, k 5, inc. in next st, k 1, p 2, inc. in next st, k 33, inc. in next st, k 1, p 2, inc. in next st, k 5, inc. in next st, k 1, p 2, inc. in next st, k 5, inc. in next st. 8th row: P 9, k 2, p 10, k 2, p 38, k 2, p 10, k 2, p 9, cast on 12 sts. 9th row: K 19, inc. in next st, k 1, p 2, inc. in next st, k 7, inc. in next st, k 1, p 2, inc. in next st, k 35, inc. in next st, k 1, p 2, inc. in next st, k 7, inc. in next st, k 1, p 2, inc. in next st, k 8, cast on 12 sts. 10th row: P 22, k 2, p 12, k 2, p 40, k 2, p 12, k 2, p 22. Keeping outer edge straight, inc. 8 sts on each k row until there are 284 sts on needle, ending with a p row.
SLEEVES … K across 100 sts; turn and p across 56 sts. Work over these 56 sts only for 6½ inches, ending with a p row. Next row: K 1, * O, k 2 tog. Repeat from * across, ending with k 1. Then (p 1 row, k 1 row) twice and bind off. Fold lower edge to wrong side across the row of O's and sew in place. Attach yarn to sts on left needle and k next 140 sts; turn and p across 56 sts. Complete as for other sleeve.
Attach yarn to Left Front and k across 44 sts, turn. P across all sts on needle (172 sts). Now work in stockinette st, increasing 1 st at each underarm every 6th row twice, and every 10th row twice (180 sts). Work straight until underarm measures 7 inches, ending with a p row. Finish as for sleeve.
NECK BAND … With right side toward you, pick up 76 sts around neck edge and (p 1 row, k 1 row) twice, p 1 row. Finish as for sleeve.
FRONT BANDS … Pick up 84 sts across Right Front and finish as for neck band. Finish Left Front same way. Sew up sleeve seams. Sew ribbons at neck edge for ties.
SHOES No. 5062-C
SOLE … Cast on 10 sts and work in garter st (k each row), increasing 1 st at both ends of every 8th row twice (14 sts). Work straight until piece measures 3½ inches. Dec. 1 st at both ends of each row until 8 sts remain (toe). Bind off.
UPPER … Cast on 14 sts and (k 1 row, p 1 row) twice. 5th row: K 1, * O, k 2 tog. Repeat from * across, ending with k 1. Work in stockinette st (p 1 row, k 1 row) for 1¾ inches. Bind off. Fold cast-on sts back on wrong side, across row of O's, and sew.
SIDES … Cast on 78 sts and p across. Work ¾ inch in stockinette st. Bind off. Press pieces through damp cloth. Sew up heel seam. Place lower edge of upper against sole and sew neatly. Place top of upper in position and sew. Work a row of s c around top of upper.
STRAP … Cast on 6 sts and work ¼ inch in k 1, p 1 ribbing. Next row: K 1, p 1, bind off 2 sts, k 1, p 1. Work in ribbing, casting on 2 sts to replace those bound off, until piece measures 6 inches. Bind off. Sew center of strap to center back seam at top. Sew on button.
EMBROIDERY … Split thread and use 4 strands. Embroider sacque as in illustration, using Blue for outline and lazy daisy stitches, and Pink for French knots. (Neck edges are embroidered to correspond, having design point downward.) Embroider several flower groups on turn-back of cap. Work a short straight Pink stitch at tip of each loop. Embroider shoes with a circle of Blue French knots, 1 Pink French knot for center.
Knitted Creeper Pattern
Sleeveless Sweater Pattern
Sacque Pattern
Suspender Suit Pattern
Sun Suit Pattern
Knitted Baby Pants Pattern
Toy Elephant Pattern
Cap and Sacque Set Pattern
Cap, Sacque and Shoes Set Pattern
Kimono Pattern
Shawl Pattern
Mitten and Shoe Set Pattern
Cardigan Pattern
Mittens and Bootees Set Pattern
Crocheted Pants Pattern
Blanket Pattern
Bottle Cover Pattern
Bunting Pattern
Cap, Sacque and Bootees Pattern
Carriage Cover Pattern
Wrap Around Pattern
Crocheted Creeper Pattern