Size 14-16
Materials: Clark's O.N.T. Knitting and Crochet Cotton, 5 balls of color 68 Skipper Blue. Circular steel knitting needle No. 1. Milward's steel crochet hook No. 3.
Gauge: 8 sts equal 1 inch; 11 rnds equal 1 inch.
Beginning at lower edge, cast on 363 sts, join (being careful that sts on needle are not twisted).
1st rnd: * K 22, p 11, repeat from * 10 times (11 gores). Repeat this rnd for 15 inches. On next rnd decrease by knitting 1st 2 sts together on each box plait for one rnd. Work even for 2½ inches, then p 2 sts together at beginning of each purled section for one rnd. Work even for 2½ inches, k 2 sts together at end of each knitted section for one rnd. Work even for 2 inches, p 2 sts together at beginning of each purled section.
Continue alternating places of decrease as before, and make decreases every 2 inches for 3 more times. Then work 1½ inches even, decrease next rnd, work 1½ inches even and decrease in next rnd by knitting 2 sts together at beginning and end of each knitted section, thus decreasing 22 sts instead of 11. Work 1½ inches even and bind off. With crochet hook, work 1 rnd of s c on top, then ch 6, * skip 2 sts and tr in next, ch 2, repeat from * around. Work 1 rnd of s c over beading and fasten off. Run elastic through beading. Work 1 rnd of s c around bottom of skirt, keeping work flat. Join with sl st, ch 1, turn and work another rnd of s c. Fasten off.

Crosstown Blouse Pattern
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Skirt in Box Plait Effect Pattern
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Knitted Skirt Pattern
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