Size 4 Years
Materials: J. & P. Coats Knit-Cro-Sheen, 5 balls. Clark's O.N.T. Six Strand, 1 skein each of 2 contrasting colors for embroidery. Milward's Casein knitting pins, 1 pair No. 1 (2½ mm. size). 6 buttons ½ inch in diameter. 7 inches of narrow elastic.
Gauge: 10 sts make 1 inch; 12 rows make 1 inch.
Back. Starting at bottom, cast on 120 sts. 1st to 4th rows incl: * K 4, p 4, repeat from * across. 5th to 8th rows incl: * P 4, k 4, repeat from * across. These 8 rows constitute the pattern. Repeat these 8 rows until work measures 11 inches.
To Shape Armholes: Bind off 4 sts at beginning of each of next 2 rows. Then decrease 1 st at end of each row until 108 sts remain. Work straight until work measures 4 inches from 1st row of armhole shaping. On next row work across 1st 44 sts, bind off 20 sts (thus starting shaping for yoke to fit in later) and continue in pattern across remaining 44 sts. Work over these last 44 sts, binding off 4 sts on every other row at neck edge until 28 sts remain. To shape shoulder, bind off 4 sts at armhole edge every other row and at the same time decrease 1 st at neck edge every other row for 4 times. Continue in this manner until all sts are bound off. Break off. Attach thread at opposite side and work to correspond.
Back Yoke: Starting at neck edge, cast on 52 sts and work in pattern as for back, increasing 1 st at both ends of every row until there are 88 sts on needle. Bind off. Sew yoke to back with a ¼ inch seam on wrong side. To make an extension piece for buttons to be sewed on, attach thread at shoulder edge and with right side of work toward you pick up 36 sts across entire shoulder line and work straight for 1 inch. Bind off. Work opposite shoulder to correspond.
Front. Starting at bottom, cast on 120 sts and work as far back until work measures 2¾ inches from 1st row of armhole shaping. To shape neck (for yoke to fit in later), work in pattern across 1st 46 sts, bind off 16 sts, and continue in pattern across remaining 46 sts. Work over these 46 sts, binding off 6 sts at neck edge once, 4 sts every other row twice, and 3 sts every other row until 20 sts remain. On next row make a buttonhole 4 sts in from neck edge and one 5 sts in from armhole edge. (To make a buttonhole on one row bind off 3 sts; then on the next row cast on 3 sts to replace those bound off). Work straight for ½ inch. Bind off. Attach thread at opposite side and work to correspond.
Front Yoke: Cast on 86 sts and work in pattern, making a buttonhole at each end after the first ½ inch (To make buttonholes work over the first 6 sts for ½ inch. Break off. Attach thread to next st and work across entire row to within 6 sts from end of row, turn and work over these sts for ½ inch. Break off. Attach thread to 1st st of remaining 6 sts and work for ½ inch). Then work across entire row, thus closing buttonholes and continue in pattern until yoke is 1½ inches deep. Next row: * K 2, k 2 together. Repeat from * across (65 sts). Bind off.
Sleeves. Starting at bottom, cast on 84 sts and work in pattern, increasing 1 st at both ends of one row every inch until there are 92 sts on needle. To shape top of sleeve, bind off 4 sts at beginning of each row until 12 sts remain. Bind off. Sew up underarm seams. Sew up sleeve seams and sew sleeves in. Sew buttons on to correspond with buttonholes. Make a 1 inch hem around bottom of blouse and sleeves. Embroider 2 rows of cross stitch around both edges of yoke as in diagram, using both colors.
Right Back. Starting at bottom, cast on 96 sts and work in pattern as for blouse until work measures 4¾ inches.
To Shape Crotch: Bind off 3 sts at beginning of next row. Then decrease 1 st every other row at same edge until 80 sts remain. Then decrease 1 st at decreased edge every ½ inch until 76 sts remain. Work straight until work measures 11½ inches. To shape waistline, starting at side edge (edge with no decreases), bind off 4 sts and work in pattern across. Then bind off 6 sts at side edge every other row until all sts are bound off.
Left Back. Same as right back.
Right Front. Starting at bottom, cast on 80 sts and work in pattern as for back, increasing 1 st every inch on same edge, keeping opposite edge (side edge) straight until there are 84 sts on needle. Work straight until work measures 4½ inches.
To Shape Crotch: Bind off 3 sts at beginning of row at side with increases. Then decrease 1 st at same edge every other row until 52 sts remain, keeping side edge straight. Work straight until work measures 9¾ inches. Bind off.
Left Front. Same as right front.
Yoke. Starting at top edge, cast on 104 sts and work in pattern for 1½ inches. Then bind off 12 sts at beginning of each row until 8 sts remain. Bind off. Sew up center seams of front and sew yoke across top with a ¼ inch seam on wrong side. Make a ½ inch hem at waistline of back and draw a 6½ inch length elastic through. Sew up leg and side seams. Make a 1 inch hem around legs.

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Sister Frock Pattern
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Two Piece Suit Pattern
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Party Frock Pattern
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