Size 34-36
Materials: Clark's O.N.T. Knitting and Crochet Cotton, 16 balls of color 78 Turquoise. 1 pair of Milward's knitting pins No. 9 (5¼ mm. size). Milward's steel crochet hook No. 1. 1 buckle for belt and 8 large wood or composition buttons.
Gauge: 5 stitches equal 1 inch; 6 rows equal 1 inch.
Stitch: Stockinette stitch (knit 1 row, purl 1 row) is used throughout.
Back of Blouse: With thread double, cast on 82 sts. Work in stockinette for 1½ inches, then decrease 1 st at each end. (To decrease a stitch, knit 2 together. Always decrease the 2nd and 3rd stitches from the edge to make an even edge). Continue for 2 more inches and decrease 1 st at each end. Work for 1 inch and decrease as before. Work another inch and on the next row, k 10 sts, decrease 1 st, k 5 sts, decrease 1 st, k across to within 17 sts from end and decrease 1 st, k 5 sts, decrease 1 st, k 10. Work evenly for 1½ inches and increase 1 st at each end. (To increase, knit 1 st but do not slip st off the left needle, then knit another st through the back of the same st and slip off). Work for 1 inch and on next row, k 10 sts, increase 1 st, k 5 sts, increase 1 st, k across to within 15 sts, from end and increase 1 st, k 5 sts, increase 1 st, k 10. Work evenly for 1 inch, then increase 1 st at each end every inch for 5 times. Continue for ½ inch and increase 1 st at each end. Work ½ inch evenly. Piece should now measure 14 inches. Bind off 4 sts at beginning of each of next 2 rows to start shaping armhole. Work 1 row evenly, then decrease 1 st at each end for 1 row. Work 2½ inches evenly and bind off.
Right Front: Cast on 37 sts and work in stockinette, increasing 1 st at end of every purl row until there are 42 stitches on needle. This gives a curve to the front. Work underarm side the same as for the back, making the same decreases to shape waistline and the same increases to shape underarm seam. When piece measures 9½ inches make a buttonhole as follows: K 3 from front edge, bind off 4 sts, and on next row cast on 4 sts to replace the 4 sts bound off. * Continue for 3 inches and make another buttonhole. Repeat from * once more. (3 buttonholes).
Left Front: Made same as right front, omitting buttonholes. To make stockinette on right side, work the curve at the front on every knit row instead of every purl row.
Sleeves and Yoke: (Made in one piece). Work starts at wrist of right sleeve. Cast on 40 sts and work evenly for 7 rows. Then make a buttonhole at beginning of 8th row, same as for right front. From here on, increase 1 st every 4th row, alternating increases at beginning and end of rows to make an even number of increases on both sides. When piece measures 18½ inches, bind off 4 sts on same side as buttonhole, and 6 sts on the other side.
Then decrease 1 st at beginning of each of next 5 rows. Bind off 10 sts at beginning of each of next 2 rows. Then on side opposite the buttonhole, cast on 30 sts. Work straight for 6 rows (there should be 60 sts across). On next row, make a buttonhole at side where 30 sts were cast on. Work 6 more rows straight. Then bind off 10 sts at same side as 2nd buttonhole. Decrease 1 st on the same side as last buttonhole on each row for the next 22 rows until there are 28 st. Work straight for 6 rows. This completes a half of the piece. Finish other half to correspond, omitting the buttonhole on the yoke.
Belt: Cast on 8 sts and work straight for desired length, then decrease 1 st at each end until all sts are worked off. Make another piece of identical shape and to join the two together, slip stitch all around through the edges of both pieces.
Collar: Cast on 3 sts. Increase 1 st at beginning of every row until there are 16 sts on needle. Then work 88 rows straight and shape other point to correspond. Make another piece of same shape, and join the two together as done for the belt.
Cuffs: Cast on 3 sts, increase 1 st at beginning of every row until there are 10 sts on needle. Work straight 40 rows and shape other end to correspond. Make another piece, and join both together as for belt. This completes one cuff. Make another cuff in the same way.
Top Pocket: Cast on 12 sts. Increase 1 st at beginning of 2nd and 4th rows, then work 8 more rows straight. On the 13th row make a buttonhole 3 sts in from straight side (which is top of pocket). Shape other side to correspond.
Lower Pocket: Cast on 17 sts and work same as smaller pocket, with an increase at the beginning of the 2nd, 4th and 6th rows. Make the buttonhole on the 18th row. With the crochet hook, make a row of slip stitch around pockets to prevent curling. Sew top pocket to upper left front and lower pocket to lower right, as in illustration.
Sew sleeve seams, leaving 2 inches open at the wrist. Sew up underarm seams and join yoke to rest of jacket. Sew collar to yoke, leaving about 2 inches free on each side of yoke. Attach center of cuff to center of bottom of sleeve and sew on, leaving about 1½ inches free on each side of sleeve. The points of the cuffs are tacked at the sleeve seam above the opening at the wrist. Sew snap fasteners on to make cuffs fit snugly at wrist. Sew on buttons to correspond to buttonholes. Make a row of slip stitch around all edges and buttonholes, to finish off. Make ch st loops at side seams of waistline for belt. To keep the front edges from curling, apply a half inch width strip of grosgrain along both sides and around bottom of jacket.
Back of Skirt: With thread double, cast on 115 sts. Work in stockinette 3 inches and decrease 1 st at each end. * Work 2½ inches and decrease 1 st at each end. Repeat from * 10 more times. (91 sts on needle). On next row, k 25 sts, decrease 1 st, k across to within 26 sts from end of row, decrease 1 st and finish row. Work 5 more rows and on next row decrease 1 st at each end. Work 6 rows and on next row decrease 1 st at each end. On next row, k 22 sts, decrease 1 st, k across to within 23 sts from end of row, decrease 1 st and finish row. Work 5 more rows and then decrease 1 st at each end. On next row k 20 sts, decrease 1 st, k across to within 21 sts from end of row, decrease 1 st and finish row. Work 3 more rows, decrease 1 st at each end on next row. Then work 4 rows and decrease 1 st at each end on next row. Then k 17 sts, decrease 1 st, k across to within 18 sts from end of row, decrease 1 st and finish row. Finish with 2 more rows.
Front: Cast on 130 sts. ** Work in stockinette for 2 inches, then decrease 1 st at each end. * Work 1½ inches and decrease 1 st at each end. Repeat from * 3 more times. Repeat from ** once. (110 stitches on needle). Decrease every 1½ inches 8 times (94 stitches on needle). From here on, decrease every inch for 5 times. Work 4 rows and decrease, 4 more rows and decrease, and finish with 3 rows.
Sew skirt seams, leaving opening of 6 inches at right side. Pick up sts along opening and work 5 rows for placket. Sew skirt to belting and sew hooks on belting and snap fasteners on placket. Turn up hem for desired length.